Add New Client

Add New Client

To add a new client to the Quik! Client Database, click the Add New Client button.

The Client Information screen will appear where you can enter in all the client data, navigate to other client records and add new records.

Once you've entered a client record, you can add additional records from within the client information screen by clicking the "+" symbol at the bottom of the page. Or you can click the Save button and start a new record by clicking the Add New Client button again.

Client Information

The Client Information screen is where you put in the basic information about the client – name, identity information and notes (notes do not appear on forms).

Home Address

The home address is the primary address used on forms unless a form specifically asks for the Mailing address. Enter the home address information on the Home Address screen.

Mailing Address

The Mailing Address screen contains the address that will only display on forms when the form asks for the mailing address. If the form says "Home/Mailing Address," the home address will be used.

Employer Info

The Employer Info screen contains information about the client's employer.


Some client suitability information can be populated on forms. The values that can be used, depending on the form design and layout, are captured in the Suitability screen.

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