Find Client Records

Find Client Records

There are multiple ways to find client records in the Quik! Client Database. From the main screen you can perform a keyword search, sort columns or open the Client Information screen and choose a specific client in the drop-down list (see section titled, "Navigate To Client Records").

Keyword Search

To search on a specific keyword (such as last name, first name, social security number, etc) type in a keyword in the Keyword text box and click the Search button. You can clear your search by clicking the Reset button.

Your search results will display in the grid and will only show the matching records.

Sort Columns

By default the Client Database screen is sorted on the Client ID, which may not reflect the order you would like. To sort records, click the heading for the column you want to sort. The first time you click the heading it will sort that column in ascending order (e.g. 1, 2, 3, A, B, C, etc). Click the column heading a second time to sort in descending order (e.g. C, B, A, 3, 2, 1, etc).

To export data from the Quik! Database, click on "Export Quik! Client Database" on the Tools menu.

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