How to Configure Recipient Settings
Typically when users fill out a form that will be sent to DocuSign, they must click on the Sign button, which will launch the E-Sign Pop-Up. In this window, users can configure several recipient settings for the DocuSign envelope before clicking the Send button, which will create the envelope at DocuSign and begin the signing process.
Customers may want to hide the E-Sign Pop-Up from users by configuring all recipient settings beforehand. This way, when users click the Sign button, the form(s) will be sent to DocuSign without any extra work performed by the user. This page details how to manage this approach for your DocuSign integration.
Step 1: Configure Recipient Settings
Typically, customers prefer to configure recipient settings before skipping the E-Sign Pop-Up to ensure that the form is sent to desired recipients, with desired settings. However, recipient settings may also be configured beforehand while still showing the E-Sign Pop-Up to users, in case customers would like to "prefill" the pop-up with desired information rather than skip it altogether.
Recipient Types
Recipients are classified as either Signers (recipients with at least one signature field on the form package) or ExtraRecipients (recipients that do not have a signature field on the form package and are always sent a carbon copy of the envelope).
Property Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
ExtraRecipients | List of ExtraRecipient | null | Includes a list of extra recipients that are added to the form package. These recipients are always Carbon Copies (Send Copy at Docusign) |
Signer | List of Signer | null | Includes a list of recipients that have at least one signature field on the form package. |
Customers can configure settings for each recipient with the following properties.
Signer Properties
Property Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
AccessCode | AccessCode | null | Sets the recipient's Access Code |
IdentityCheck | ESignRequireIDCheckName | null | Sets the recipient's Auth type |
Instance | int | 0 | Sets the instance of the role (if using Form Group Instances) |
Order | int | 0 | Sets the recipient's Order |
PhoneNumber | int | 0 | Sets the recipient's PhoneNumber |
SendType | DocusignSendType | null | Sets the recipient's SendType |
Role | string | "" | Required. This is the role to be associated in the form. E.g "1own" for Owner 1. |
ExcludedDocuments | list | null | The form ID(s) of any form you wish to exclude the extra recipient from receiving. See Configuring Document Visibility for other dependencies. |
Note that Name and Email columns cannot be prefilled with these properties. These fields are prefilled in the e-sign pop-up based on the values entered (or prefilled) in the respective fields on the form itself. In instances when a form does not include fields for the name or email of a signing role (just a signature field), an email and name value can still be prefilled in the E-Sign Pop-up via AddFieldToForm or LoadXML with the structure of <instance><role>.H.Email and <instance><role>.FullName, respectively.
ExtraRecipient Properties
Property Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
AccessCode | AccessCode | null | Sets the extra recipient's Access Code |
string | "" | Sets the extra recipient's Email | |
IdentityCheck | ESignRequireIDCheckName | null | Sets the extra recipient's Auth type |
Instance | int | 0 | Sets the extra recipient's Instance |
Name | string | "" | Sets the extra recipient's Name |
Order | int | 0 | Sets the extra recipient's Order |
PhoneNumber | int | 0 | Sets the extra recipient's PhoneNumber |
RecipientNumber | int | 1 | Indicates the number of the Recipient, Always starting from 1 |
ExcludedDocuments | list | null | The form ID(s) of any form you wish to exclude the extra recipient from receiving. See Configuring Document Visibility for other dependencies. |
Customers can also configure settings for the access code for each recipient
AccessCode Properties
Property Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
Code | string | "" | Sets the AccesCode value. E.g: "AC123" |
Required | bool | false | Makes the AccessCode input in the esign popup required for this recipient |
ReadOnly | bool | false | Makes the AccessCode input in the esign popup read-only for this recipient |
Note: To display the AccessCode column, the property SignShowAccessCode must be set to true within the Esign configuration.
Sample Code
Configure Facebook as the Auth Type for Owner 1, and Google as the Auth Type for all other signers
ESignTypeDocusign docusign = new ESignTypeDocusign();
docusign.SignRequireIDCheckName = ESignTypeDocusign.ESignRequireIDCheckName.Google;
docusign.Recipients == new DocusignRecipients { Signers = new List<Signer> { new Signer {
.Instance = 0,
.Role = "1own",
.SendType = DocusignSendType.EmailToSign,
.IdentityCheck = ESignTypeDocusign.ESignRequireIDCheckName.Facebook
} } }
Remember the ESignRequireIDCheckName hides the identity check column, but in backgound it will be like the image below
Setting Owner 1's AccessCode and making it ReadOnly
"SignEnvironmentID":2, // Enter the corresponding DocuSign Environment ID
"SignShowAccessCode": true,
"Instance": 0,
"Order": 1,
"Role": "1own",
"AccessCode": // Note: The property "SignShowAccessCode" must be set to true up above
"Code": "CodeExample",
ESignTypeDocusign docusign = new ESignTypeDocusign();
docusign.SignRequireIDCheckName = ESignTypeDocusign.ESignRequireIDCheckName.Google;
docusign.Recipients == new DocusignRecipients { Signers = new List<Signer> { new Signer {
.Instance = 0,
.Role = "1own",
.AccessCode = new AccessCode {
.Code = "CodeExample",
.ReadOnly = true
} } }
Prefilling an Extra Recipient
Limit Send Type and Auth Type items in the E-Sign Pop-Up
Sample Code for recipient prefill in JSON format (REST)
Sample use of ExtraRecipients for setting additional recipients, with optional properties to exclude them from receiving specific form(s) in JSON format (REST)
In the below example, the 1own signer receives both forms 1 and 12 to sign, while the extra recipient is only sent form 1 as a non-signing carbon copy viewer in DocuSign
Sample JSON
Sample Code for setting AuthTypes of NoIDCheck, IDCheck, SMS, and Phone in JSON format (REST)
Note: The SocialAll AuthType will show all social related auth types (Google, Facebook, etc.) if provided. Another way to enable social auth methods is by providing each one separately.
Sample Code of DocuSign configuration in XML format (SOAP) setting available AuthType and SendType options
2. Skip the E-Sign Pop-Up
Details on this step can be found here.
Alternative Default Recipient Settings by Quik!
A default recipient can also be “hard-coded” into the Quik! system to apply the recipient to every form package created. This feature, which is manually set by the Quik! team, ensures that every package you create is routed to this default recipient last. The ideal use case is for having a notification be sent to an internal inbox that is monitored for completed e-sign transactions.
To set up this feature, Quik! needs you to request this setup with one or more Recipient Names and Recipient Email Addresses. Quik! will then add the record(s) to the e-sign signers for your customer account and add the application setting to turn on default recipients.
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