How to Configure Send On Behalf Of (SOBO)

Quik! allows customers to send forms to DocuSign on behalf of another person. See sample code below on how to configure this.

"ESignType": { "Type":"Docusign", "HTMLButtonSignName": "Docusign!", "SignSubject": "Sign Subject test", "SignEnvironmentID": 2, // Add the environment ID (demo|NA1|NA1|etc) "SignCallBackURL": "", // Add your domain here "SOBOFlag": true, "AuthUserID":"Auth User", // Add the CustomerUserID for authenticatation "SenderUserID": "0303456" // Add the CustomerUserID that will act as Sender if SOBO is enabled }


Dim docusign As New ESignTypeDocusign() docusign.HTMLButtonSignName = "Docusign!" docusign.SignSubject = "Sign Subject test" docusign.SignEnvironmentID = 2 'Add the environment ID (demo|NA1|NA2|etc) docusign.SignCallBackURL = "" 'Add your domain here docusign.SOBOFlag = True docusign.AuthUserID = "Auth User" 'Add the CustomerUserID for authentication docusign.SenderUserID = "0303456" 'Add the CustomerUserID that will act as Sender if SOBO is enabled Dim objQFE As QuikFormsEngine.QuikFormsEngine objQFE = New QuikFormsEngine.QuikFormsEngine objQFE.SetESignType(docusign)


ESignTypeDocusign docusign = New ESignTypeDocusign { HTMLButtonSignName = "Docusign!", SignSubject = "Sign Subject test", SignEnvironmentID = 2, // Add the environment ID (demo|NA1|NA1|etc) SignCallBackURL = "", // Add your domain here SOBOFlag = True, AuthUserID = "Auth User", // Add the CustomerUserID for authenticatation SenderUserID = "0303456" // Add the CustomerUserID that will act as Sender if SOBO is enabled }; QuikFormsEngine.QuikFormsEngine objQFE = new QuikFormsEngine.QuikFormsEngine(); objQFE.SetESignType(docusign);

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