Configuring Editable Fields

By default, when sending a form to be e-signed in DocuSign, signers cannot make any changes to data entered in fields. However, Quik! enables customers to allow fields to be editable by signers in various ways.

DocuSign UX

In DocuSign, all editable fields for a signer are indicated as editable with a gray box around text fields, and red circles around checkboxes. Required fields are indicated by red boxes around text fields.

Set All Fields as Editable

Set this property to TRUE to make all fields on a form fillable in DocuSign (default value is FALSE). This property is the master property and must be set to TRUE for any other related properties to work. By default, envelope recipients will only be able to view and edit data on their specific fields (e.g 1own.FName field will be viewable and editable by Owner 1 recipient only).

Set Some Fields as Editable

This enum property configures the fields that will be pushed to DocuSign. The possible values are described below:






Default Value. All form fields are fillable in DocuSign


Only empty fields are fillable in DocuSign 


 Only fields specified in the FillableFields object will be made fillable


Use this object to provide a list of field names and properties to set as fillable in DocuSign. Use this list when FillableFieldType has a value of FieldList, then specify the fields that will be pushed to DocuSign as editable. Customers can also use this list to apply other attributes to a specific field (e.g. Required, ReadOnly, etc.). The FillableField object has the following properties:

Property Name




Property Name







The name of the field to make fillable (or add an attribute to) in DocuSign. If using a field that belongs to an instanced form, or Form Group Instance, the FieldName must include the proper suffix at the end.

1own.FName (regular field name)
1own.FName-1 (field belongs to the second repeated form of the bundle)
1own.FName-1000 (field belongs to the first form of the second group instance of the bundle)




Set the field as required in DocuSign. This is an Enumerator with the following values:

NotSet = -1 NotRequired = 0 Required = 1




Set the field as read-only in DocuSign. This is an Enumerator with the following values:

NotSet = -1 NoRestrictions = 0 Read_Only = 1




Provides the role of the envelope recipient that will interact with this field. The naming convention to be used is: {{role instance}}{{role short name}}. For example: 1own for Owner 1, 2ben for Beneficiary 2, 3rep for Rep 3.

Customers should use this property when they wish to override the role assignation done by a sharing type. For example, if you want a all fields to be editable by the last recipient (say Rep 1), except 1acc.RegType that must be editable by Owner 1, then the configuration should be (pseudo-code):

FillableFieldSharing = LastRecipient
FillableFields = [ {“FieldName“ : “1acc.RegType”, “Role”: “1own”} ]

Important Note: When assigning a "Role" in the "FillableFields" section, ensure that this role is included in the Docusign envelope. If a role is specified but not included in the envelope, data associated with that role may be missing.




For making fields editable for a role when form instances are being used (i.e. when generating multiple instances of a form ID) and only when a Role override is provided (see above). Default value is 0 (no instance), and increases by 1 for every form instances (second instance has a value of 1, third instance has a value of 2, etc.).

For example, say a customer is generating 2 copies of form ID 38002. When the customer wants to assign fieldname 1acc.RegType-1 (Account RegType that is present in the second instance of form id 38002)  to the Owner 1 recipient of the second instance of the form, then this property value should be 1 (and the Role value as seen above should be 1own.)

Set Who can Edit Fields

This enum property configures different models of sharing fields among the envelope recipients. The possible values are described below:






Default Value. A given recipient will only be able to interact with their own fields.


Fields are only editable for the first recipient


Fields are only editable for the last recipient


Fields are shared with all recipients regardless of role

Other Notes on Configuring Editable Fields

  • Due to DocuSign limitations, all checkbox fields are optional in DocuSign by default--this cannot be changed. Text fields and radio buttons can be set as Required or Optional using the settings listed above.

  • Due to DocuSign limitations, any given field cannot be editable by, say, 2 out of 4 recipients. The only options for setting who can edit fields is found in the enum values of the FillableFieldSharing property.

  • Clicking the Next button in DocuSign navigates the user to the next required field on the form.

  • Keep in mind that many commonly used checkbox fields on forms are generic (i.e. do not belong to a defined role such as 1own). In these cases, using the default value of Signers for FillableFieldSharing will result in no signers being able to edit these fields in DocuSign. The ShareAll value must be used in order to allow signers to make changes to generic fields in DocuSign.

REST Sample Code

Set all fields as editable

{ "HostFormOnQuik": true, "QuikFormID": "12", "ESignType": { "Type":"docusign", "AuthUserID":"{{your AuthUserID}", "SignCallBackURL":"{{your SignCallBackURL}", "SignEnvironmentID":2 , "EnableESignEdits": true } }

Push the 1acc.RegType field to Owner 1 and all other fields to the Last Recipient

Set fields 1own.FName, 1own.LName, and 1own.SSN as editable and required

Set fields 1own.FName, 1own.LName, and 1own.SSN as editable (as Admin in Drafts) and read-only

Set 1own.FName, 1own.LName, and 1own.SSN as Required and only editable by Owner 1

Make ALL fields editable except those set as “ReadOnly” in the “FillableFields” section

In the following example, Owner 1’s First Name, Last Name, and SSN are set as “ReadOnly” within Docusign, but all other fields are editable.

Form Instances - Allow only John to edit the SSN field in one form group instance, and allow only Jane to edit the SSN field in another Form Group Instance


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