Configuring Custom E-signature Functionality with ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript

Configuring Custom E-signature Functionality with ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript


ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript is a property that allows customers to implement custom JavaScript after a successful e-sign transaction. This property works with both DocuSign and SIGNiX integrations. When on, this property runs after a user clicks the Send button in the E-Sign Pop-up. Example use-cases could include adding a custom alert message for users after a successful e-sign transaction has begun, or automatically closing the E-Sign Pop-Up after a successful transaction.

This property is similar to another Quik! property SignSendJavaScript, but there is an important distinction between the two. SignSendJavaScript completely overrides the default functionality of the Send button, while ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript only takes place after the default functionality of the Send button completes (i.e. after an e-sign transaction successfully begins). It is not recommended to use both of these properties in the same implementation.


If a customer is using the Callback model for DocuSign, the ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript will be run only on a successful callback response. If there is an error with the callback response, the customer needs to resolve it before this property will run.

If a customer is using Pass Thru or Self Service implementation models, this property runs after the browser alert that says the transaction is successful. 


This property runs after a successful transaction with SIGNiX.

Sample Code

To use this property, simply enter your JavaScript string as the value for ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript.

Sample Code - SIGNiX

Create a JS alert with ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript in REST
"ESignType": {
"Type": "Signix",
"SignEnvironmentID": "8",
"ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript": "function()

{alert('Done signing!');}
"HostFormOnQuik": true,
"QuikFormID": "1"

Sample Code - DocuSign

Create a JS alert with ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript in REST
"ESignType": {
"Type": "Docusign",
"SignEnvironmentID": "2",
"SignCallbackURL": "http://google.com",
"ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript": "function()

{alert('Done signing!');}
"HostFormOnQuik": true,
"QuikFormID": "1"

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