How to Configure the Docusign Sign Order
How to Configure the Docusign Sign Order
When sending a form to recipients for E-Signature with Docusign, you may configure the order in which each recipient receives the form in the "Order" column in the E-Signature pop-up.
See below for a few notes about the Order column:
- Quik! allows users to assign the same number to multiple recipients. This means that Docusign will email the form to those recipients at the same time.
- Quik! allows users to enter whatever numbers they would like in each row- the order is simply based on larger and smaller numbers relative to each other. The larger the number, the later in the "line" that recipient will receive the form.
- Quik! allows customers to lock down the order for all users by configuring the SignOrderLock property as TRUE. This sets the order as read-only on the screen so users can't make changes.
- Duplicate emails are allowed for multiple roles as long as the Name is different for each role (identical Names and Emails are not allowed for multiple roles). If the same email address is used for multiple roles, then separate Docusign emails will be sent to that address following the specified order.
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