Getting Started
New enterprise API customers are required to first contact Quik! before signing up for an account. The steps below detail the process of how enterprise customers join Quik!, and outline exactly what you can expect from the Quik! sales and onboard teams.
- Idea Meeting - When a company first expresses interest in trying Quik! APIs, the Quik! sales team will schedule a meeting to discuss customer needs and goals, provide background on Quik!, and demonstrate Quik! products in real-time. We will also discuss pricing options, business requirements, and potential contract terms. Ultimately, we want to partner with our customers to help them achieve as much efficiency as possible in their business processes, and this is the first step towards helping customers scope an implementation that will be widely adopted throughout their organization.
- Sandbox Account Creation - Upon customer request, Quik! will provide a 'Sandbox' account to begin testing. This is a complete production Quik! account that customers can use for every level of their implementation–testing, demos, onboarding, and production use. Unique Quik! credentials are created and sent to the prospective customer, as well as a link to the Quik! Sandbox. The files contained within the sandbox help a prospective customer to try all of the features of the Quik! Forms Engine at no cost. Most importantly, this zip files includes the latest version of the Quik! Forms Engine DLL, and the complete C# source code to a sample forms website. This website leverages many of the features of the Quik! Forms Engine, and acts as a helpful starting point for exploring everything that Quik! has to offer, at a programmatic level.
- Technical Deep Dive - Once the customer is ready, Quik! will schedule a technical deep dive call with the customer's development team. Here we will get "into the weeds" on Quik! architecture, field definiton, and API specifications. More details on this call found here.
- Testing - Prospective customers can learn about the properties, methods, and features of the Quik! Forms Engine through working with the sample website and consulting this API Guide. Customers may test the Quik! Forms Engine for as long as they need, and will not be charged for usage during this time. Quik! does require customers to inform the Quik! onboarding team on what their go-live date will be as soon as it is confirmed.
- Contract & Implementation - When a prospective customer is ready to integrate the Quik! Forms Engine within their workflow, a contract is signed and implementation begins. Development and testing can take place while a contract is being finalized. Quik! takes pride in supporting customers with as much of the onboarding process as is necessary to go live as fast as possible. The customer keeps the same credentials that were assigned when the Sandbox account was created, and can begin configuring the Quik! Forms Engine to suit their particular business and technology needs.
Beginning Your Implementation
To use Quik!'s APIs (known collectively as the Quik! Forms Engine), customers need the following:
- A valid Quik! customer account with master account credentials, including:
- Customer ID
- Master Username
- Master Password
It's always best that we set up your credentials for you. Enterprise customers should not use the Quik! sign up page to create an enterprise API account. If you're a customer of one of our partners then typically the partner will contact us to set up your account or will set up your account automatically via our partner APIs. Although we allow you to set up as many different user and license accounts as you need, Quik! APIs generally only work with the master credentials. We recommend never giving out your master credentials to users.
- Quik! API endpoint URLs and parameters (found in this documentation)
- Your own software project that consumes and calls Quik! APIs
Please read this documentation to understand each API's purpose and how to consume them. For support with your customer account please contact your Quik! representative or the Quik! Support team (