Upgrading from a Previous Version
This section details the requirements for upgrading to the latest version of the Quik! Forms Engine. Follow the directions outlined in the pages below to ensure you're calling the latest Web Services and integrating the latest code changes.
SOAP Web Services
Updating your implementation of the Quik! Forms Engine to a new version is as simple as updating the URLs for all web service endpoints (be sure to use version 5500 when calling the latest version of SOAP APIs). The latest versions of all SOAP URL endpoints can be found in the SOAP Web Services section of the Quik! API Guide.
REST Web Services
Quik! Forms Engine REST web services do not require updating between versions. For all REST service endpoints, visit the REST APIs section of the Quik! API Guide. Note that while the majority of endpoints exist in REST and SOAP, Quik! is still in the process of migrating all SOAP endpoints to REST. The vast majority of customers that use version 5.5 of the Quik! Forms Engine call our REST services for their implementation.
Quik! Forms Engine DLL
Follow the steps below to upgrade to the latest version of the Quik! Forms Engine DLL.
Download the latest version of the DLL in the Quik! Forms Engine Sandbox link on the downloads page of this documentation
Update the reference to the DLL in your development environment
Required Code Changes
Changes to E-Signature Integration
Several new properties and configurations described in this section. These updates include:
Ability to allow signers to edit fields in DocuSign
Ability to create envelopes in Draft mode for further editing before sending
Ability to enforce several other DocuSign settings (authentication types, Send on Behalf Of, In-person signing, etc.)
Several new properties and configurations described in this section
Other Code Configurations
Below are other major configurations required for upgrading to version 5.5 (5500).
A new way to configure forms groups instances
Applying Background color (and other attributes) via LoadXML
Configuring the Alt Data Button Feature
A new way of configuring the HTML buttons
Configuring the Attachment Panel
View our Release Notes for details on all other changes released in version 5.5
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK