New Feature List (5.2 to current)

New Feature List (5.2 to current)

The chart below highlights features that are currently available on the latest version of the Quik! Forms Engine (version 5.5) but are not available on version 5.2.

The last update to version 5.2 was released in November 2014. Version 5.5 is still regularly updated with product releases that occur approx. once per month.



Ability to allow signers to edit fields in DocuSign and/or set fields as required in DocuSign

Ability to create envelopes in Draft mode for further editing before sending in DocuSign

Ability to enforce Authentication types (LexisNexis ID check, SMS text code, etc.) for signers in DocuSign

Ability to prefill several other recipient fields in DocuSign pop-up

Ability to use the “Send on Behalf Of” option in DocuSign

Ability to use “In-Person Signing” option in DocuSign

Ability to pre-configure signer settings and skip showing the e-sign popup for DocuSign

Ability to add custom JavaScript to form viewer once DocuSign envelope is created

Ability for users to add extra recipients at end of signing ceremony to receive copy of envelope

Ability to set signature fields as optional in DocuSign

Ability to assign multiple signers the same order number so they receive invitations to e-sign forms in DocuSign simultaneously

Additional DocuSign configuration options (SignMultipleDocs, SignOrderLock, SignHideEmptySigners, MessageBoxLock)

Ability to e-sign forms with SIGNiX

Ability to e-sign forms with Native E-Sign

Ability to include the Email button in the form viewer

Additional field attributes available to configure on any form field (background color, include attachments, maximum field length, required by reference field, required by reference field values)

Use of calculated field pop-ups

Ability to override calculated fields

Ability to use Form Group Instances to include multiple copies of the same form in a bundle

Ability to include Custom Alternate Data Buttons

Ability to include drop-down boxes in fields

Long text strings auto-shrink when entered in text boxes

Ability to specify the data type of submitted form data (JSON, URL Encoded, legacy) with Submit button


For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK