Wizard-Based Form Selection
Business Challenge
Your company offers a large library of forms to your customers, and your engineers have developed a wizard for users to select which forms they need to fill out. You would like your users to answer a series of questions, and output a customized package of forms based on their answers. The questions might be formatted as drop-down items, radio buttons, check boxes, or text fields.
The Quik! Solution
The basic functionality of the Quik! Forms Engine is to search, select, and generate forms. Because our technology is API-based, this functionality can be ported into virtually any interface or process, including through the use of an online wizard. As long as answers to the wizard's questions are assigned to an associated Form ID and/or client role on the form, the necessary forms can be called from our database instantaneously, prefilled, and assembled into a package for the user. The forms can be blank or pre-filled, and once generated, completed by the user for further processing.
Applicable Customers
The most common industries where Quik! can solve this challenge include:
- Financial Services
- Government
- Health Care
- Lending
- Insurance Carriers
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK