Maintenance and Admin Forms

Maintenance and Admin Forms

Business Challenge

Forms are pervasive throughout businesses and can be found in many departments:

  • Sales (new account opening, customer on-boarding, etc.)
  • Customer Service (change of address, change of beneficiary, asset transfers, etc.)
  • Human Resources (hiring, benefits, etc.)
  • Maintenance (equipment service, asset audits, etc.)
  • Operations (data entry, forms processing, etc)

The Quik! Solution

Any form can be automated by Quik! including non-revenue producing forms. Whether the form is used daily or rarely, it's easy to add the form into the Quik! library and make it available for automation. Quik! can be used to make administrative forms more easily available via intranets like Sharepoint or part of autoresponder emails, or they can be fully automated so a user can fill them out and submit them for processing. The form can be interactive in a web browser or output as a report in PDF.

Applicable Customers

The most common industries where Quik! can solve this challenge include:

  • Financial Services
  • Government
  • Health Care
  • Lending 
  • Insurance Carriers

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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK