Parent Field List
Parent Field List
The Quik! Field Name below is paired with a role number and a Base field to create a complete field name (e.g. "1own.Gender" for the primary owner's gender).
QuikFieldName | FieldShortName | FieldDescription | SystemName | DataSetType | MaxEntities | DateActive |
acc | Account Information | Account Information | AccountInformation | Acct | 25 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
agent | Agent | Authorized Agent | Agent | Rep | 6 | 3/21/15 12:00 AM |
altclient | AltDataButtonClient | Client record to fill in the Alternate Data Buttons | AltDataButtonClient | Client | 20 | 8/16/13 12:00 AM |
ann | Annuitant | Annuitant | Annuitant | Client | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
app | Applicant | Applicant (when not the owner or insured) | Applicant | Client | 50 | 7/18/06 12:00 AM |
asn | Assignee | Person who is being assigned to a policy or contract | Assignee | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
authind | Authorized Individual | Authorized Individual, Employer or Plan Sponsor who is authorized to manage the account | AuthorizedIndividual | Client | 50 | 10/1/12 12:00 AM |
ben | Beneficiary | Beneficiary | Beneficiary | Client | 20 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
bnk | Bank Account Information | Bank Account Information (depositor) | BankAccount | FundSource | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
bnkown | Bank Owner | Bank Owner | BankOwner | Client | 10 | 10/3/23 11:14 AM |
bown | Beneficial Owner | Beneficial owner of account, contract or policy | BeneficialOwner | Client | 6 | 12/1/17 10:24 AM |
bown1 | Individual Beneficial Owner 1 | Individual beneficial owner 1 of account, contract or policy | BeneficialOwner1 | Client | 6 | 3/15/18 1:21 PM |
bown2 | Individual Beneficial Owner 2 | Individual beneficial owner 2 of account, contract or policy | BeneficialOwner2 | Client | 6 | 3/15/18 1:21 PM |
bown3 | Individual Beneficial Owner 3 | Individual beneficial owner 3 of account, contract or policy | BeneficialOwner3 | Client | 6 | 3/15/18 1:21 PM |
bown4 | Individual Beneficial Owner 4 | Individual beneficial owner 4 of account, contract or policy | BeneficialOwner4 | Client | 6 | 3/15/18 1:21 PM |
bown5 | Individual Beneficial Owner 5 | Individual beneficial owner 5 of account, contract or policy | BeneficialOwner5 | Client | 6 | 3/15/18 1:21 PM |
bown6 | Individual Beneficial Owner 6 | Individual beneficial owner 6 of account, contract or policy | BeneficialOwner6 | Client | 6 | 3/15/18 1:21 PM |
cann | Contingent Annuitant | Contingent Annuitant | ContingentAnnuitant | Client | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
cben | Contingent Beneficiary | Contingent Beneficiary | ContingentBeneficiary | Client | 20 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
ccharben | Contingent Charitable Beneficiary | Contingent Charitable Beneficiary | ContingentCharitableBeneficiary | Client | 10 | 8/9/23 2:56 PM |
charben | Charitable Beneficiary | Charitable Beneficiary | CharitableBeneficiary | Client | 10 | 8/9/23 2:56 PM |
contact | Contact | Contact person | Contact | Client | 10 | 5/8/15 3:12 PM |
cown | Contingent Owner | Contingent owner of account, contract or policy (not the insured) (client, account owner, primary owner, account holder,owner, customer, entity, individual, contract owner, shareholder, policy owner) | ContingentOwner | Client | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
csuc | Contingent Successor | Contingent Successor | ContingentSuccessor | Client | 10 | 8/9/23 2:56 PM |
ctrl | Control Person | Person in control of account | ControlPerson | Client | 6 | 4/26/18 3:01 PM |
ctte | Contingent Trustee | Contingent Trustee | ContingentTrustee | Client | 20 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
cus | Custodian | Custodian (has the fiduciary responsibility for a minor child) | Custodian | Client | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
cusbank | Custodian Bank | Custodian bank responsible for safeguarding financial assets | CustodianBank | Rep | 6 | 7/10/15 12:00 AM |
dben | Death Beneficiary | Death Beneficiary | DeathBeneficiary | Client | 10 | 8/9/23 2:56 PM |
dec | Deceased | Deceased | Deceased | Client | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
dep | Dependent | Dependent (not necessarily a minor) | Dependent | Client | 10 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
donor | Donor | Person who is acting as a donor | Donor | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
ent | Entity | Entity as the owner of an account ONLY when explicitly defined separately from OWNER - see Owner definition first! | Entity | Client | 10 | 2/6/07 12:00 AM |
entagent | Entity Agent | Entity Agent | EntityAgent | Client | 10 | 9/7/23 2:10 PM |
entben | Entity Beneficiary | Entity Beneficiary | EntityBeneficiary | Client | 10 | 8/14/23 2:05 PM |
exec | Executor | Executor | Executor | Client | 10 | 9/7/23 2:10 PM |
fid | Fiduciary | Fiduciary is the person with financial responsibility for the account | Fiduciary | Client | 6 | 7/24/17 11:30 AM |
fnd | Fund Source for funding application | Fund Source for funding application | FundSource | FundSource | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
gprnt | Grandparent | Grandparent to someone identified on the form, when specifically called for (not a replacement for Owner or Custodian) | GrandParent | Client | 10 | 8/2/06 12:00 AM |
grant | Grantor | Person who is granting something to another | Grantor | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
guar | Guarantor | Person who guarantees an account or obligation | Guarantor | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
guard | Guardian | Guardian or responsible individual | Guardian | Client | 6 | 10/13/16 10:32 AM |
ind | Individual | Individual | Individual | Client | 10 | 8/9/23 2:56 PM |
ins | Insured | Insured | Insured | Client | 50 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
int | Interested Party | Interested Party | InterestedParty | Client | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
legent | Legal Entity | Legal Entity | Legal Entity | Client | 10 | 8/9/23 2:56 PM |
lpcharben | Legacy Plan Charitable Beneficiary | Legacy Plan Charitable Beneficiary | LegacyPlanCharitableBeneficiary | Client | 10 | 8/9/23 2:56 PM |
macc | Master Account Information | Master Account Information | MasterAccountInformation | Acct | 10 | 9/29/13 1:30 PM |
med | Medical Examiner | Medical Examiner when qualifying a client for insurance | MedicalExaminer | Client | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
min | Minor | Minor (for custodial accounts) | Minor | Client | 20 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
NonQFD | NonQFD | Field is not part of the Quik! Field Definition and is a completely custom field. | NonQFD | NonQFD | 0 | 12/5/19 3:39 PM |
ntry | Notary Public | Notary Public who witnesses signatures | Notary | Client | 10 | 10/1/12 12:00 AM |
oacc | Account Held At Other Financial Institution | Account Held At Other Financial Institution | AccountHeldOtherInstitution | Acct | 10 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
oben | Original Beneficiary | Original Beneficiary | OriginalBeneficiary | Client | 10 | 7/29/19 12:59 PM |
osj | OSJ | OSJ | OSJ | Rep | 2 | 10/19/13 12:00 AM |
own | Owner | Owner of account, contract or policy (not the insured) (client, account owner, primary owner, account holder,owner, customer, individual, contract owner, shareholder, policy owner, applicant) | Owner | Client | 50 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
pacc | Prior Account Information | Prior Account Information | PriorAccountInformation | Acct | 10 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
pann | Prior Annuitant | Prior Annuitant | PriorAnnuitant | Client | 6 | 5/13/06 12:00 AM |
par | Participant | Participant | Participant | Client | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
pauthind | Prior Authorized Individual | The prior or existing Authorized Individual, Employer or Plan Sponsor who is authorized to manage the account | PriorAuthorizedIndividual | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
pay | Payee | Person who is being paid | Payee | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
pben | Prior Beneficiary | Prior Beneficiary | PriorBeneficiary | Client | 6 | 5/13/06 12:00 AM |
pco | Product Company | Product Company | ProductCompany | Company | 10 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
pcus | Prior Custodian | Prior Custodian (has the fiduciary responsibility for a minor child) | PriorCustodian | Client | 6 | 5/13/06 12:00 AM |
pguard | Prior Guardian | Prior Guardian or responsible individual | PriorGuardian | Client | 6 | 6/17/19 4:06 PM |
phy | Physician | Client's physician | Physician | Client | 6 | 10/24/05 12:00 AM |
pins | Prior Insured | Prior Insured | PriorInsured | Client | 6 | 5/13/06 12:00 AM |
planadm | Plan Administrator | Plan Administrator for benefit plans | PlanAdministrator | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
plantte | Plan Trustee | Plan Trustee | PlanTrustee | Client | 6 | 8/6/14 3:53 PM |
poa | Power of Attorney | Power of Attorney | PowerOfAttorney | Client | 10 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
pown | Prior Owner | Prior Owner | PriorOwner | Client | 6 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
ppco | Prior Product Company | Prior Product Company | PriorProductCompany | Company | 1 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
pplantte | Prior Plan Trustee | Prior Plan Trustee | PriorPlanTrustee | Client | 6 | 8/6/14 3:53 PM |
pprd | Prior Product Item | Prior Product Item | PriorProductItem | ProductItem | 40 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
prd | Product Item | Product Item | ProductItem | ProductItem | 40 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
prddvd | Dividend Product Item | Product Item purchased with dividends and interest | DividendProductItem | ProductItem | 10 | 10/24/05 12:00 AM |
prep | Prior Rep | Prior Rep (representative, advisor, adviser, agent) | PriorRep | Rep | 6 | 5/7/06 12:00 AM |
pres | Corporate President | A corporation's designated President who is authorized to act in the role of president for the corporation | President | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
princ | Principal | Principal | Principal | Rep | 2 | 10/19/13 12:00 AM |
prnt | Parent | Parent to someone identified on the form, when specifically called for (not a replacement for Owner or Custodian) | Parent | Client | 10 | 8/2/06 12:00 AM |
ptte | Prior Trustee | Prior Trustee | PriorTrustee | Client | 6 | 5/13/06 12:00 AM |
qdbc | QDBC Data Source | Original data source for the record (if any) | QDBCDataSource | QDBCSource | 1 | 8/7/11 4:00 PM |
Quik | Quik Form System Field | Quik Form System Field | QuikFormSystemField | QuikFormInfo | 1 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
rcpt | Receipt Signer | Person who signed as in receipt of the document | ReceiptSigner | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
rep | Rep | Rep (representative, advisor, adviser, agent) | Rep | Rep | 20 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
ria | RIA | Registered Investment Advisor | RIA | Rep | 6 | 3/21/15 12:00 AM |
rule | Business Rule | Internal rule that determines how forms are filled in or selected or other decision | Rule | Rule | 1 | 10/29/10 12:00 PM |
sec | Corporate Secretary | A corporation's designated Secretary who is authorized to act in the role of secretary for the corporation | Secretary | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
sig | Signatory | Additional signatories for a document when no other persons on the form fit the signing role and recipients who are not signing but receiving a copy (role number 11 and above) | Signatory | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
spou | Spouse | Spouse to the account owner, when specifically called for (not a replacement for Owner 2) | Spouse | Client | 10 | 8/2/06 12:00 AM |
stakeholder | Stakeholder | Account stakeholder who has an interest in the account (can include authorized individuals) | Stakeholder | Client | 10 | 9/18/18 1:56 PM |
suc | Successor | Successor | Successor | Client | 10 | 8/9/23 2:56 PM |
tpa | TPA | Third-party administrator or TAMP (turnkey asset management program) | TPA | Rep | 6 | 7/10/15 12:00 AM |
trust | Trust | Trust as an entity with the person name represents the trust executor or owner | Trust | Client | 10 | 4/28/08 12:00 AM |
tte | Trustee | Trustee | Trustee | Client | 20 | 7/19/05 12:00 AM |
User | User Defined Fields | User Defined Fields | UserDefinedField | UserDefined | 1 | 7/17/05 12:00 AM |
ustaxpayer | US Taxpayer | US Taxpayer who signed document when different than the owner | USTaxpayer | Client | 6 | 9/29/12 12:00 AM |
wit | Witness | Witness of client signature or actions | Witness | Client | 6 | 10/24/05 12:00 AM |
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