Parent Field List

Parent Field List

The Quik! Field Name below is paired with a role number and a Base field to create a complete field name (e.g. "1own.Gender" for the primary owner's gender).








accAccount InformationAccount InformationAccountInformationAcct257/17/05 12:00 AM
agentAgentAuthorized AgentAgentRep63/21/15 12:00 AM
altclientAltDataButtonClientClient record to fill in the Alternate Data ButtonsAltDataButtonClientClient208/16/13 12:00 AM
annAnnuitantAnnuitant AnnuitantClient67/17/05 12:00 AM
appApplicantApplicant (when not the owner or insured)ApplicantClient507/18/06 12:00 AM
asnAssigneePerson who is being assigned to a policy or contractAssigneeClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
authindAuthorized IndividualAuthorized Individual, Employer or Plan Sponsor who is authorized to manage the accountAuthorizedIndividualClient5010/1/12 12:00 AM
benBeneficiaryBeneficiary BeneficiaryClient207/19/05 12:00 AM
bnkBank Account InformationBank Account Information (depositor)BankAccountFundSource67/17/05 12:00 AM
bnkownBank OwnerBank OwnerBankOwnerClient1010/3/23 11:14 AM
bownBeneficial OwnerBeneficial owner of account, contract or policyBeneficialOwnerClient612/1/17 10:24 AM
bown1Individual Beneficial Owner 1Individual beneficial owner 1 of account, contract or policyBeneficialOwner1Client63/15/18 1:21 PM
bown2Individual Beneficial Owner 2Individual beneficial owner 2 of account, contract or policyBeneficialOwner2Client63/15/18 1:21 PM
bown3Individual Beneficial Owner 3Individual beneficial owner 3 of account, contract or policyBeneficialOwner3Client63/15/18 1:21 PM
bown4Individual Beneficial Owner 4Individual beneficial owner 4 of account, contract or policyBeneficialOwner4Client63/15/18 1:21 PM
bown5Individual Beneficial Owner 5Individual beneficial owner 5 of account, contract or policyBeneficialOwner5Client63/15/18 1:21 PM
bown6Individual Beneficial Owner 6Individual beneficial owner 6 of account, contract or policyBeneficialOwner6Client63/15/18 1:21 PM
cannContingent AnnuitantContingent Annuitant ContingentAnnuitantClient67/17/05 12:00 AM
cbenContingent BeneficiaryContingent Beneficiary ContingentBeneficiaryClient207/19/05 12:00 AM
ccharbenContingent Charitable BeneficiaryContingent Charitable BeneficiaryContingentCharitableBeneficiaryClient108/9/23 2:56 PM
charbenCharitable BeneficiaryCharitable BeneficiaryCharitableBeneficiaryClient108/9/23 2:56 PM
contactContactContact personContactClient105/8/15 3:12 PM
cownContingent OwnerContingent owner of account, contract or policy (not the insured) (client, account owner, primary owner, account holder,owner, customer, entity, individual, contract owner, shareholder, policy owner)ContingentOwnerClient67/17/05 12:00 AM
csucContingent SuccessorContingent SuccessorContingentSuccessorClient108/9/23 2:56 PM
ctrlControl PersonPerson in control of accountControlPersonClient64/26/18 3:01 PM
ctteContingent TrusteeContingent Trustee ContingentTrusteeClient207/19/05 12:00 AM
cusCustodianCustodian (has the fiduciary responsibility for a minor child)CustodianClient67/17/05 12:00 AM
cusbankCustodian BankCustodian bank responsible for safeguarding financial assetsCustodianBankRep67/10/15 12:00 AM
dbenDeath BeneficiaryDeath BeneficiaryDeathBeneficiaryClient108/9/23 2:56 PM
decDeceasedDeceasedDeceasedClient67/17/05 12:00 AM
depDependentDependent (not necessarily a minor)DependentClient107/19/05 12:00 AM
donorDonorPerson who is acting as a donorDonorClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
entEntityEntity as the owner of an account ONLY when explicitly defined separately from OWNER - see Owner definition first!EntityClient102/6/07 12:00 AM
entagentEntity AgentEntity AgentEntityAgentClient109/7/23 2:10 PM
entbenEntity BeneficiaryEntity BeneficiaryEntityBeneficiaryClient108/14/23 2:05 PM
execExecutorExecutorExecutorClient109/7/23 2:10 PM
fidFiduciaryFiduciary is the person with financial responsibility for the accountFiduciaryClient67/24/17 11:30 AM
fndFund Source for funding applicationFund Source for funding applicationFundSourceFundSource67/17/05 12:00 AM
gprntGrandparentGrandparent to someone identified on the form, when specifically called for (not a replacement for Owner or Custodian)GrandParentClient108/2/06 12:00 AM
grantGrantorPerson who is granting something to anotherGrantorClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
guarGuarantorPerson who guarantees an account or obligationGuarantorClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
guardGuardianGuardian or responsible individualGuardianClient610/13/16 10:32 AM
indIndividualIndividualIndividualClient108/9/23 2:56 PM
insInsuredInsuredInsuredClient507/19/05 12:00 AM
intInterested PartyInterested Party InterestedPartyClient67/17/05 12:00 AM
legentLegal EntityLegal EntityLegal EntityClient108/9/23 2:56 PM
lpcharbenLegacy Plan Charitable BeneficiaryLegacy Plan Charitable BeneficiaryLegacyPlanCharitableBeneficiaryClient108/9/23 2:56 PM
maccMaster Account InformationMaster Account InformationMasterAccountInformationAcct109/29/13 1:30 PM
medMedical ExaminerMedical Examiner when qualifying a client for insuranceMedicalExaminerClient67/17/05 12:00 AM
minMinorMinor (for custodial accounts)MinorClient207/19/05 12:00 AM
NonQFDNonQFDField is not part of the Quik! Field Definition and is a completely custom field.NonQFDNonQFD012/5/19 3:39 PM
ntryNotary PublicNotary Public who witnesses signaturesNotaryClient1010/1/12 12:00 AM
oaccAccount Held At Other Financial InstitutionAccount Held At Other Financial InstitutionAccountHeldOtherInstitutionAcct107/17/05 12:00 AM
obenOriginal BeneficiaryOriginal Beneficiary OriginalBeneficiaryClient107/29/19 12:59 PM
osjOSJOSJOSJRep210/19/13 12:00 AM
ownOwnerOwner of account, contract or policy (not the insured) (client, account owner, primary owner, account holder,owner, customer, individual, contract owner, shareholder, policy owner, applicant)OwnerClient507/17/05 12:00 AM
paccPrior Account InformationPrior Account InformationPriorAccountInformationAcct107/17/05 12:00 AM
pannPrior AnnuitantPrior AnnuitantPriorAnnuitantClient65/13/06 12:00 AM
parParticipantParticipantParticipantClient67/17/05 12:00 AM
pauthindPrior Authorized IndividualThe prior or existing Authorized Individual, Employer or Plan Sponsor who is authorized to manage the accountPriorAuthorizedIndividualClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
payPayeePerson who is being paidPayeeClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
pbenPrior BeneficiaryPrior BeneficiaryPriorBeneficiaryClient65/13/06 12:00 AM
pcoProduct Company Product Company ProductCompanyCompany107/17/05 12:00 AM
pcusPrior CustodianPrior Custodian (has the fiduciary responsibility for a minor child)PriorCustodianClient65/13/06 12:00 AM
pguardPrior GuardianPrior Guardian or responsible individualPriorGuardianClient66/17/19 4:06 PM
phyPhysicianClient's physicianPhysicianClient610/24/05 12:00 AM
pinsPrior InsuredPrior InsuredPriorInsuredClient65/13/06 12:00 AM
planadmPlan AdministratorPlan Administrator for benefit plansPlanAdministratorClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
planttePlan TrusteePlan TrusteePlanTrusteeClient68/6/14 3:53 PM
poaPower of AttorneyPower of Attorney PowerOfAttorneyClient107/19/05 12:00 AM
pownPrior OwnerPrior OwnerPriorOwnerClient67/17/05 12:00 AM
ppcoPrior Product Company Prior Product Company PriorProductCompanyCompany17/17/05 12:00 AM
pplanttePrior Plan TrusteePrior Plan TrusteePriorPlanTrusteeClient68/6/14 3:53 PM
pprdPrior Product ItemPrior Product ItemPriorProductItemProductItem407/19/05 12:00 AM
prdProduct ItemProduct ItemProductItemProductItem407/19/05 12:00 AM
prddvdDividend Product ItemProduct Item purchased with dividends and interestDividendProductItemProductItem1010/24/05 12:00 AM
prepPrior RepPrior Rep (representative, advisor, adviser, agent)PriorRepRep65/7/06 12:00 AM
presCorporate PresidentA corporation's designated President who is authorized to act in the role of president for the corporationPresidentClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
princPrincipalPrincipalPrincipalRep210/19/13 12:00 AM
prntParentParent to someone identified on the form, when specifically called for (not a replacement for Owner or Custodian)ParentClient108/2/06 12:00 AM
pttePrior TrusteePrior TrusteePriorTrusteeClient65/13/06 12:00 AM
qdbcQDBC Data SourceOriginal data source for the record (if any)QDBCDataSourceQDBCSource18/7/11 4:00 PM
QuikQuik Form System FieldQuik Form System FieldQuikFormSystemFieldQuikFormInfo17/17/05 12:00 AM
rcptReceipt SignerPerson who signed as in receipt of the documentReceiptSignerClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
repRepRep (representative, advisor, adviser, agent)RepRep207/19/05 12:00 AM
riaRIARegistered Investment AdvisorRIARep63/21/15 12:00 AM
ruleBusiness RuleInternal rule that determines how forms are filled in or selected or other decisionRuleRule110/29/10 12:00 PM
secCorporate SecretaryA corporation's designated Secretary who is authorized to act in the role of secretary for the corporationSecretaryClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
sigSignatoryAdditional signatories for a document when no other persons on the form fit the signing role and recipients who are not signing but receiving a copy (role number 11 and above)SignatoryClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
spouSpouseSpouse to the account owner, when specifically called for (not a replacement for Owner 2)SpouseClient108/2/06 12:00 AM
stakeholderStakeholderAccount stakeholder who has an interest in the account (can include authorized individuals)StakeholderClient109/18/18 1:56 PM
sucSuccessorSuccessorSuccessorClient108/9/23 2:56 PM
tpaTPAThird-party administrator or TAMP (turnkey asset management program)TPARep67/10/15 12:00 AM
trustTrustTrust as an entity with the person name represents the trust executor or ownerTrustClient104/28/08 12:00 AM
tteTrusteeTrustee TrusteeClient207/19/05 12:00 AM
UserUser Defined FieldsUser Defined FieldsUserDefinedFieldUserDefined17/17/05 12:00 AM
ustaxpayerUS TaxpayerUS Taxpayer who signed document when different than the ownerUSTaxpayerClient69/29/12 12:00 AM
witWitnessWitness of client signature or actionsWitnessClient610/24/05 12:00 AM

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