Required Steps
To use Quik! Transaction Manager (once installed) you must do the following:
- Add your advisor data
- Find one or more forms to generate
Add Advisor Data
You can add advisor data from several different places on the desktop software. Run The Setup Wizard") you will be prompted to add a new advisor record.
To set up advisors from within the desktop version, click the Advisor Profile icon in the Configure Quik! Section of the Home page. You can also access advisor information by clicking the "Manage Advisors" link on the Collapsible menu or the "Manage Advisor Profile" on the Tools menu.
Set Up A New Advisor
Using the Desktop Version
From within the Advisor Information screen click the plus "+" sign at the bottom of the screen to set up a new advisor (see image below).
The Manage Advisors web page will open and you will manage advisors online from there.
Using The Online Version
Click the Manage Advisors link and follow the prompts. For more details, please see "Set Up a New Advisor" in the Advanced Features section.
Find Forms To Generate
To generate forms first search for the forms you want to use. All form searches are performed in real-time against the Quik! web server, ensuring that you receive the most accurate list of forms at all times without having to perform any updating or synchronizations. After finding forms, add them to the Selected Forms list to generate. The search features are fully explained later in the section titled, "Step 1: Select Forms" and again in the section titled, "Accessing Forms".
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
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