Run The Setup Wizard

Run The Setup Wizard

To help you set up Quik! more easily run the Setup Wizard from within the Quik! Transaction Manager website. To log into the Quik! website for the first time go to www.quikforms.com and log in. After logging in you'll be taken to the Quik! Customer Central website where you should see a link for Quik! Transaction Manager.
Click this link to be taken to the Quik! Transaction Manager website.

From within Quik! Transaction Manager website click the link to "Run The Setup Wizard". The setup wizard will walk you through the steps to configure Quik! Transaction Manager for use.

Follow the steps in the Setup Wizard, which are detailed below.

Step 1 – Set Up Advisor Record

The first step in configuring Quik! Transaction Manager is to set up your advisor information. Quik! Transaction Manager is licensed per advisor and most users will only have a single license. However, if you have several licenses then you will need to set up the advisor record for each advisor separately (though you can create new advisors from a copy of another advisor's record). For the full explanation of the advisor record please see the section titled, "Managing Advisor Data".

Step 2 – Download and Install Software (DESKTOP USERS ONLY)

If you haven't done so already and use a local client data source or CRM, the next step is to download and install the Quik! software. The install process was fully explained in the first section of this reference guide, titled "How To Install Quik! Transaction Manager". The installation process is very straight-forward and can be completed by simply following the prompts.

Step 3 – Start Quik! Transaction Manager Software

Starting Quik! Transaction Manager for the first time means launching the software. To begin using Quik! look for the Quik! Transaction Manager icon on your desktop which looks like this:

Alternatively you can start Quik! from the START menu by choosing Programs and looking for a new folder called Quik! Transaction Manager. Within the Quik! Transaction Manager folder should be an icon for Quik! Transaction Manager that looks just like the one on your desktop (above image).
When you run Quik! Transaction Manager you will be prompted to enter a username and password. Enter the same username and password you set up for your user account in the Quik! Customer Central or Quik! Transaction Manager website.

Step 4 – Connect Quik! To Your Database

Once you've logged in to Quik!, the next step is to set up a connection to your database. This step is technically not required if all you want to do is generate forms with your advisor data. However, most users will want to access their client data in some manner. To set up your Client data source, click the "Setup Client Data" icon on the Home page of the Quik! software.

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