Get Started
To start using Quik! Transaction Manager Online click either the Form Search or Form Groups buttons.
Form Search
On the search screen enter your search criteria and click the Search button to see the results.
After clicking the Search button the results will appear below.
To generate forms click the Add button next to each form record that you want to include in your bundle. The forms you've selected will appear below in the Selected Forms section. After selecting forms you can either do another search to continue adding forms or click the NEXT button to continue.
Form Groups
The Form Groups button will display the form groupings that you previously made in order to group common forms together.
To see the forms in a group, select the group and the available forms will appear in the list below. You can also select multiple groups at once by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on a group name.
To select a form to generate click the Add button next to each form or click the Add All Forms button to add all the forms in your group.
Your selected forms appear at the bottom of the screen where you can reorder them and/or remove them from your selection. Click the Next button to continue.
Select Clients
On the client selection screen you will need to select your data source and enter your password to retrieve your client records. Choose your existing data source connection from the drop-down and enter your password. If you do not have a data source connection set up yet, click the Add link and follow the prompts to set one up. Or you can skip this step if you don't have a client data source.
NOTE: Your client data is ONLY displayed and NOT stored by Quik!.
After entering your password and clicking Get Client List your clients will appear in the left-hand list box. Choose a client and then click the Add button next to the role you want to fill on the form. Only the roles that are available on the forms you selected are displayed.
Alternate Clients
When filling out a form sometimes you need alternate client records and/or their data (e.g. address). To make alternate data available to your form without putting a client into a role on the form, add the client to the Alternate Clients role and the data for that client will be sent to the form and available in the "+" (plus) sign next to a client data block on the form.
In the example below, the + sign next to the Name ("Tim Duncan") was clicked and it shows all the data sent to the form, including Jane Smith who was added as Alternate Client 1.
Generate Forms
The final step to generating forms is to select the advisor, advisor number and/or insurance number and confirm your form choices. You can remove forms at this point by clicking the red X next to the form record and change the order by clicking the up and down arrows next to each form record.
When ready, click the Generate Forms button to display your forms prefilled and bundled together.
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
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