Connect to Your Client Data
Managing your client data sources is done by clicking the Set up Client Data icon in the Configure Quik! section of the Home page. You can also click the "Setup Client Data" link on the Collapsible menu
This will bring up the Advisor Data Source Connections screen where you can choose to add a new client data source or manage existing connections.
From the Advisor Data Source Connections screen, click the "Add New Data Source" link.
The Data Source Connection Details screen will appear and prompt you to name your data source connection and choose an Accessibility setting. Name your connection something logical that users will recognize (e.g. "Don's ACT! Database", "Advisors Assistant", etc).
Advanced Security Features
The Accessibility feature of Quik!'s database connection is a security feature that enables larger offices with multiple advisors and staff to share data and exclude users from data sources. The default selection is "Public" which means all the Quik! Transaction Manager users on your customer account will be able to see your data source connection. If you want a data source to only be visible to you, then set it to "Private".
The third Accessibility option is, "Advisor Specific". This security setting is used when you want to limit which users can see which databases based on which advisors they work for. For example, let's say you have a customer account for your regional branch office with 8 other advisors who have 4 assistants, some of whom work for multiple advisors. If you want to limit which assistants can see which advisor's data, you would set the accessibility level to "Advisor Specific" and choose the advisors that your new data source applies to.
NOTE: Regardless of the Accessibility level, the data source will only be available to users when the user's PC can actually access the data source (i.e. the PC is logged onto the same network as the data source).
Click "Add" to bring up the next step.
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