How to Skip the E-Sign Pop-Up ("Prepare to Sign" window)
Once recipient settings have been set, customers can configure their implementation to skip the E-Sign Pop-Up with a single property called SkipESignPopup. When this property is set to True, the only time users will see the E-Sign Pop-Up is when certain information required for the envelope has not been either prefilled or entered on the form. In this case, the E-Sign Pop-Up will be displayed to the user with all information set as ReadOnly except for fields where required information is missing. The user must enter this missing information in the E-Sign Pop-Up, and click Send to begin the signing process.
Otherwise, when all required information has either been configured beforehand or entered onto the form itself, the E-Sign Pop-Up will never be displayed to users. See sample code on how to enable this property below.
Note: Only the relevant properties are shown in the code sample below.
"ESignType": {
"Type": "Docusign",
"SkipESignPopup": "true"
NOTE: The below methods are considered legacy. At this time, they are deprecated and no longer in use. This guide is here for documentation purposes only.
Quik! Forms Engine .dll
var objQFE = new QuikFormsEngine.QuikFormsEngine();
/*some QFE configuration*/
var docusign = new ESignTypeDocusign();
docusign.SkipESignPopup = true;
/*other docusign configuration*/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<AuthenticationHeader xmlns="">
<Execute xmlns="">
<ESignType xsi:type="ESignTypeDocusign">
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