Adding Duplicate Forms To A Package

Adding Duplicate Forms To A Package


There are times that you need to use the same form multiple times within a bundle. For example, if you're opening an account and transferring several accounts over to the new account then you'll need multiple transfer forms. This can be done by adding the FormID into the list of Forms multiple times, and in the order you want the extra copies to appear. When doing this, Quik! will rename the fields in the duplicate forms so the data can be unique to that form. This means there is a special naming convention on these fields that you must follow in order to prefill the form and/or process the data.

NOTE: If you want to create a form package with multiple sets of forms, like for a household, see Configuring Form Group Instances which expands on this article.

Field Names with Form Copies

When a copy of a form is added to your FormID List and the form is generated, Quik! will automatically rename the fields with a field extension of "-#" where the "#" represents the copy of the form. So if you have a form ID in your form package twice, the first version has the normal field names and the second instance of the form will have each field name appended with a "-1" (e.g. 1acc.AcctNum becomes 1acc.AcctNum-1 in the first copy of the form). If you had additional copies of the same form, then the extension increases by 1, so the second copy of the form is "-2", the third copy is "-3" and so on. 

In other words, to prefill fields in your form copies you simply append a "-1" or "-2", etc. to the Quik! Field Name. 


  • Let's say you're creating a form package with FormIDs 1 and 2 but you need a copy of FormID 2, your Form ID List would be "1,2,2".  
    • “1own.FName” is the normal field name which appears in the first instance of the form.
    • “1own.FName-1” is the field name with the "-1" field extension to represent the first copy (or second instance) of a form.

These field name extensions result in unique field names on every form in a bundle, so that different people can be prefilled in desired sections of a form without their information "flowing" to the same section on other copies or forms.

Using Form Copies in REST

When building Form Group instances with a JSON for REST (or with an XML for SOAP web services), a dash ( - ) is used to separate form group instances. See below for sample code:

  "HostFormOnQuik": true,
  "FormFields": [
      "FieldName": "1own.FName",
      "FieldValue": "Stephen"
      "FieldName": "1own.FName-1",
      "FieldValue": "Draymond"
  "QuikFormID": "1,2,2"

Quik! recommends that customers copy and paste the above JSON into the HTMLSettings parameter of the Execute endpoint on Swagger, then open the returned HTML link to see how the first name fields prefill on the forms to aid with understanding how to prefill form group instances. Note: Use FormIDs that are available in your account.

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Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK