Lookup Values (For Checkboxes)

Lookup Values (For Checkboxes)

All checkbox fields on Quik! have a field name and field value. The pre-defined lookup value that is set is the checkbox's "Export" value. This value defines the data that is output from the checkbox when a user submits the form data electronically. This value is also used to check the checkbox when pre-filling the form (i.e. set the value of the field according to the lookup value to pre-check the appropriate checkbox on the form).

In general, the following rules can be followed when reviewing checkbox values. Numbers are always used unless it is a Yes/No field.



Export Value = 0

A value of "0" will always mean "OTHER" and can reflect an undefined value.

Yes/No Checkboxes

A checkbox representing a YES or NO will have an export value of "YES" or "NO"

Checkboxes that do not have lookup values

If a checkbox appears on a form, and the checkbox is undefined (Not a Quik! defined field), then the export value will reflect the instance of the checkbox as it appears on the form, from top to bottom, left to right. In other words, the first checkbox will have an export value of "1", the second checkbox will have an export value of "2", then "3", sequentially until all the checkboxes are checked.

True/False Checkboxes

A checkbox representing TRUE or FALSE, will have an export value of "1" or "2".

For fields with multiple checkboxes and users can only select 1 option at a time

Each checkbox will have the same field name, and a different field value.

For fields with multiple checkboxes and users can select multiple options at a time

Each checkbox will have a different field name, and all will have a value of 1.

Important: When prefilling checkboxes with data, it is imperative that customers remove the "QuikRadio<Form ID #>" prefix from the FieldName value. For example, when attempting to prefill the “QuikRadio38002.1acc.RegType" field, the FieldName value supplied to the form should be “1acc.RegType".

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