Calculated Values

Calculated Values

Understanding Calculated Fields

Within the Quik! Field Definition, several fields exist to make it easier to fill forms and satisfy form fields that combine multiple pieces of information (e.g. when a form asks for an owner name, the calculated field called "FullName" is used, which is comprised of the owner's first name, middle name and last name). Calculated fields add a level of complexity when trying to pre-fill and/or process submitted form data.

  • When prefilling data into fields, calculated fields cannot be prefilled (e.g. set value), but the resulting value can be retrieved (e.g. get value). In other words, fields should be mapped individually as any other field would be. Simply let the calculated fields function "do its job" to combine each field when the form is generated by a user.
  • When processing data that is submitted from a form, the data may be coming from either a calculated field (e.g. FullName) or from a non-calculated field (e.g. First Name, Last Name), and in some cases from both fields at the same time. It is best to look at both the non-calculated fields and the calculated fields for values.

Quik! Calculated Fields Types

Quik! supports both name-based and address-based calculated fields. Both types of fields are structured with roles and "sub-fields" consisting of level 2 and/or level 3 base fields. 

Name-Based Calculated Fields

All name-based calculated fields consist of contact roles (i.e. owner, osj, etc.), as well as one level of "sub-fields". Name-based calculated fields can include a contact's first name, middle name, last name, and suffix.

All name-based calculated fields are listed below. Note that this table does not include the role part of a calculated field.

Calculated Field


Sub-fields and format (including punctuation)


The full name of a given contact role

FName MName LName, Suffix


The full name of a given contact role, displayed in reverse (last name listed first)

LName, FName MName Suffix

Address-Based Calculated Fields

Address-based calculated fields are slightly more complex as they consist of a role as well as two levels of "sub-fields". Level 2 base fields are types of addresses (office, home, etc.). Level 3 base fields are the address data themselves (street, city, etc.). 

All address-based calculated fields are listed below. Note that this table does not include either the role or level 2 base field parts of a calculated field. The total number of possible Calculated Fields would be equal to these 5 listed, times the total number of relevant level 2 base fields, times the total number of relevant roles (i.e. client roles).

Calculated Field
Sub-fields and format (including punctuation)
CityStateCity & State combined togetherCity, State
CityStateZipCity State & Zip code combined togetherCity, State Zip
Addr123Address (all lines)Addr1, Addr2, Addr3
Addr1234Address (all lines plus suite)Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4
FullAddrAll address lines combined togetherAddr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, City, State Zip

Enabling or Disabling The Calculated Fields Concatenation Feature

By default, this feature is enabled in all versions of the Quik! Forms Engine v5.3 and above for both name-based and address-based calculated fields. However, its property can be modified based on your need, on a field-by-field basis.

This can be done by setting the property FieldCalcOverride to False or True. (False is the default state).

Please see the FormField Parameters in the AddFieldToForm Method page for more details.

Enabling or Disabling The Calculated Fields Popup Feature

By default, this feature is enabled in all versions of the Quik! Forms Engine v5.3 and above. However, its property can be modified based on your need.

This can be done by setting the property ShowCalculatedFieldsPopup to False or True. (True is the default state).

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