Base Field List

Base Field List

The Quik! Field Name below is the same base field name regardless of the parent field assigned to it.

529PlanType529 Plan Type529 Plan SelectionACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = CollegeAmerica (American Funds)
ABANumABA Routing NumberRouting path the money will follow to get to or from the fund source (i.e. the ABA routing number)FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringABA0001234
AccreditedInvestorAccreditedInvestorYou are an accredited investor, as defined in Rule 501(a) of the Securities Act of 1933.CLIENTSuitability12/20/23 1:17 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
AcctApprovalAccount Approved By PrincipalAccount Approved By PrincipalACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AcctCategoryAccount CategoryThe category of account being openedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringBUS
AcctCloseDateAccount Close DateAccount Close DateACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLDate5/4/2019
AcctCloseDateAccount Closing Date OR date trust or account was closedDate account was closed, converted or transferredACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLDate12/12/2004
AcctControlPersonAccount Control PersonAre you a control person on this account?CLIENTAccount9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLStringYes
AcctDeliveryInstrAccount Delivery Instructions (DVP / RVP)Account Delivery Instructions (DVP / RVP) (Delivery vs. Payment / Receipt vs. Payment)ACCTAccount6/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringTransfer
AcctDescAccount DescriptionAccount DescriptionACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLString1234ABC
AcctDescStatementsAccount Description StatementsAccount Description For StatementsACCTClient Personal Info10/10/22 11:46 AMNULLStringDescription
AcctEntityOwnerAccount Entity OwnerAre you an entity owner on this account?CLIENTAccount9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLStringYes
AcctGroupingNumsAccount Grouping NumbersAccount Grouping NumbersACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
AcctInfoAdditional Account InfoAdditional account infoFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringAdditional info
AcctInstructionsAccount InstructionsAccount InstructionsACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AcctMnemonic1Account Mnemonic 1Account Mnemonic 1ACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLString1234ABC
AcctMnemonic2Account Mnemonic 2Account Mnemonic 2ACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLString1234ABC
AcctNumAccount NumberAccount NumberACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString12345
AcctNumAccount Number or Contract Number associated to productAccount Number or Contract Number associated to productPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringABC123456
AcctNumAccount NumberA unique number identifying the account from which the payment originates or to which payments should be deposited.FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString55555-44444
AcctNumBaseAccount Number BaseThis is the base part of the account number when used with the Account Number Prefix (see Account Number for the full value)ACCTAccount4/5/08 12:00 AMNULLString456789
AcctNumOwnersNumber of account owners or joint tenantsNumber of account owners or joint tenantsACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric2
AcctNumPrefixAccount Number PrefixThis is the prefix part of the account number when used with the Account Number Base (see Account Number for the full value)ACCTAccount4/5/08 12:00 AMNULLString123
AcctObj1Account Objective (Primary)Primary account objectiveACCTAccount4/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringGrowth
AcctObj2Account Objective (Secondary)Secondary account objectiveACCTAccount4/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringIncome
AcctOpenDateAccount Opening Date OR Trust Establishment DateDate account was opened or trust was establishedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
AcctOpenMethodAccount Opening Date OR Trust Establishment MethodMethod of how account was openedACCTAccount4/8/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Phone
AcctOpenMethodOtherAccount Opening Date OR Trust Establishment Method OtherOther method of how account was openedACCTAccount4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLNumericQuik! Software
AcctPurposePurpose of Account or InsuranceThe reason this account is being opened or policy is being purchased, i.e. personal, business, mortgage, profit sharing, fund IRA, retirement planning, educational, income replacement, savings, spouse insurance, guarantee insurability, key-person, cover debt, Section 303, deferred, brokerage, account update, advisory, new registrationACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 - New Registration
AcctPurposeBusCashAccount Purpose - Cash ManagementPurpose of Account - Business Cash Management and TreasuryACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeBusFundingAccount Purpose - Business FundingPurpose of Account - Business FundingACCTAccount5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeBusOperationAccount Purpose - Operations ManagementPurpose of Account - Business Operating Revenue and Expense ProcessingACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeBusPayrollAccount Purpose - Payroll ManagementPurpose of Account - Business Payroll ProcessingACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeDistTrustAssetsAccount Purpose - Trust Asset DistributionPurpose of Account - Distribution of Trust AssetsACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeGeneralInvAccount Purpose - General InvestmentsPurpose of Account - General InvestingACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvBusRevenueAccount Purpose - Business Revenue ManagementPurpose of Account - Investing of Business RevenueACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvCollegeAccount Purpose - College InvestmentsPurpose of Account - Investing for CollegeACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvEstatePlanningAccount Purpose - Estate PlanningPurpose of Account - Investing for Estate PlanningACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvPooledAssetsAccount Purpose - Pooled Assets ManagementPurpose of Account - Investment of Pooled AssetsACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvRetirementAccount Purpose - RetirementPurpose of Account - Investing for RetirementACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvTaxBenefitsAccount Purpose - Tax Benefit ManagementPurpose of Account - Investing for Tax BenefitsACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvTaxPlanningAccount Purpose - Tax PlanningPurpose of Account - Investing for Tax PlanningACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvTrustAssetsAccount Purpose - Trust Asset ManagementPurpose of Account - Investing of Trust AssetsACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeOtherAccount Purpose - OtherPurpose of Account - Other Purpose DescriptionACCTAccount4/28/22 10:36 AMNULLString1
AcctPurposePaymentTrustExpensesAccount Purpose - Pay Trust ExpensesPurpose of Account - Payment of Trust ExpensesACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposePaymentTteCompAccount Purpose - Pay TrusteesPurpose of Account - Payment of Trustee CompensationACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctRoleClient Role on AccountClient role on accountCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFree flow text
AcctRoleOtherOther Field For Client Role on AccountOther field to indicate the client role on account if OTHER is chosenCLIENTClient Personal Info7/20/07 12:00 AMNULLStringBeneficiary
AcctSrcOfFundsAccount Source of FundsSource of funds for the accountACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 - Income from Earnings
AcctSrcOfFundsOtherOther Account Source of FundsOther source of funds for the accountACCTAccount8/2/06 12:00 AMNULLStringTransfer
AcctStateState account is set up inAccount stateACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringCA
AcctStatementsAccount StatementsIndicates the preference of how account statements are sentACCTAccount6/15/16 1:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AcctTransferTypeAccount Transfer TypeAccount Transfer TypeACCTAccount5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AcctTypeType of AccountType of account (cash, margin, option, etc)ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
AcctTypeType of AccountType of account associated to productPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringB1
AcctTypeAccount TypeType of account used to describe the bank information (i.e., primary bank account, cash management account, existing carrier account, etc.)FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Checking Account
AcctTypeOtherOther Type of AccountOther type of account (cash, margin, option, etc)ACCTAccount11/12/06 12:00 AMNULLStringOther
ACHTransferAmtACH Transfer AmountOne-time ACH Transfer amount from your checking or savings at another financial institutionACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric45000
ACHTransTypeACH Transaction TypeACH Transaction TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AddAdditionalAcctReportAdd Additional Account ReportAdd Additional Account ReportACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AdditionalAcctNumAdditional Account NumberAdditional Account NumberACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
AdditionalAcctTypeAdditional Account TypeAdditional Account TypeACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AdditionalMasterAcctNumAdditional Master Account NumberAdditional Master Account Number for Additional AccountACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
AdditionalParticipantTypeAdditional Participant TypeAdditional Participant TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AddlOwnersAdditional OwnersIndicates if the account has additional ownersACCTAccount10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
AddManagerAcctNumAddM anager Account NumberAddM anager Account NumberACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
AddMarginAdd MarginAdd MarginACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AddtlPrivilegesAdditional PrivilegesAdditional PrivilegesACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AddTrustedContactAdd Trusted ContactCheckbox to indicate that a trusted contact should be added to the account recordCLIENTClient Personal Info1/11/18 8:29 PMNULLStringYES
AddTrustedContactAdd Trusted ContactCheckbox to indicate that a trusted contact should be added to the account recordACCTClient Personal Info1/11/18 8:29 PMNULLStringYES
AdvisorControlledFundAdvisor Controlled FundAdvisor Controlled FundCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AdvisoryAcctAccount Advisory FlagIndicates if account is an advisory accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AgeAgeAgeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric45
AgeBasedTracksAMAggPercAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Aggressive PercentageAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksAMModAggPercAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Aggressive PercentageAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksAMModConPercAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Conservative PercentageAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Conservative PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksAMModPercAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate  PercentageAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate  PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksIndexAggPercAge Based Tracks Index Aggressive PercentageAge Based Tracks Index Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksIndexModAggPercAge Based Tracks Index Moderate Aggressive PercentageAge Based Tracks Index Moderate Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksIndexModConPercAge Based Tracks Index Moderate Conservative PercentageAge Based Tracks Index Moderate Conservative PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksIndexModPercAge Based Tracks Index Moderate  PercentageAge Based Tracks Index Moderate  PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeRequirementAge RequirementAge RequirementACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
AgreementEffectiveDateAgreement Effective DateAgreement Effective DateACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLDate2/12/2019
AKAAlternate Full NameAlias or AKA (also known as)CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/14 4:02 PMNULLStringJohn Doe
AllocationFormulaAllocation FormulaAllocation FormulaACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AllowanceNumNumber of AllowancesNumber of AllowancesCLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLString2
AMLRequiredAML RequiredIndicates if anti-money laundering forms are neededRULERule10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLBooleanTRUE'
AmtProduct Allocation AmountAmount to apply to productPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric10000
AmtAmountNumeric Currency AmountFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString100
AmtAlphaAlpha Currency AmountAlpha Currency AmountFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString23
AmtPercAllocation Amount as PercentageThe percentage of the amount to be applied to the fundPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.5
AnnualIncreaseAnnual IncreaseOption to setup annual increases of ContributionsACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AnnuitizeDateAnnuitization DateDate upon which the annuitization of contract begins.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
AnnuityCashSurrenderAmtAnnuity Cash Surrender AmountAnnuity Cash Surrender AmountPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric1234
AnnuitySecurityNameAnnuity Security NameName of Annuity SecurityPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLStringTest Security
AnnuitySharesNumAnnuity Shares NumberNumber of Annuity SharesPRODUCTITEMProduct5/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString12345ABCDE
AnnuitySurrenderTypeAnnuity Surrender TypeAnnuity Surrender TypePRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AnnuityTransferShareTypeAnnuity Transfer Share TypeTransfer Type for Annuity SharesPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AppointInvAdvAppoint Investment AdvisorAppoint Investment Advisor to fulfill responsibilities on the accountACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AppointInvAdvInfoAppoint Investment Advisor To Receive InfoAppoint Investment Advisor to be sent informational communicationsACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AppTypeCodeApplication Type CodeIndicates the type of application, i.e.: app-less, app-later, and paper app.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNOR
AssetAtBDAltInvestIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Alternative InvestmentsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Alternative InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDAnnuityIs asset being held at other broker dealer for AnnuityIs asset being held at other broker dealer for AnnuityCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDBondIs asset being held at other broker dealer for BondIs asset being held at other broker dealer for BondCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDCashIs asset being held at other broker dealer for CashIs asset being held at other broker dealer for CashCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDCDsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Certificate of DepositIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Certificate of DepositCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDCommoditiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for CommoditiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for CommoditiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDEmpPlanIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Employer PlansIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Employer PlansCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDETFIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Exchange Traded FundsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Exchange Traded FundsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDFixedIncomeIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Fixed IncomeIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Fixed IncomeCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDForeignCurrencyIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign CurrencyIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign CurrencyCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDForeignSecuritiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign SecuritiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign SecuritiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDFutureIs asset being held at other broker dealer for FuturesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for FuturesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDInsuranceIs asset being held at other broker dealer for InsuranceIs asset being held at other broker dealer for InsuranceCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDLLPIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Limited Liability PartnershipIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Limited Liability PartnershipCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDManagedAcctIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Managed AccountsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Managed AccountsCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDMarginIs asset being held at other broker dealer for MarginIs asset being held at other broker dealer for MarginCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDMetalsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for MetalsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for MetalsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDMutualFundIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Mutual FundsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Mutual FundsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDOptionIs asset being held at other broker dealer for OptionsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for OptionsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDOtherIs asset being held at other broker dealer for OtherIs asset being held at other broker dealer for OtherCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDRealEstateIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Real EstateIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Real EstateCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDREITsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for REITsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for REITsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDSavingsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for SavingsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for SavingsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDShortTermIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Short Term InvestmentsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Short Term InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDStockIs asset being held at other broker dealer for StockIs asset being held at other broker dealer for StockCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDUITIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Unit Investment TrustsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Unit Investment TrustsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDVariableAnnuityIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable AnnuitiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDVariableContractIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable ContractIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable ContractCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDVULIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable LifeIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable LifeCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetBasedPricingNameAsset Based Pricing NameAsset Based Pricing NameACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
AssetDescriptionAsset DescriptionAsset DescriptionPRODUCTITEMAccount5/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumericTest Asset
AssetInvestmentOtherOther Investment AssetName of other investmentCLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther1Other Investment Asset 1Name of other investment - instance 1CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther2Other Investment Asset 2Name of other investment - instance 2CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther3Other Investment Asset 3Name of other investment - instance 3CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther4Other Investment Asset 4Name of other investment - instance 4CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther5Other Investment Asset 5Name of other investment - instance 5CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther6Other Investment Asset 6Name of other investment - instance 6CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetValueAltInvestAsset Value of Alternative InvestmentsAsset Value of Alternative InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueAnnuityAsset Value of AnnuityAsset Value of AnnuityCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueBondAsset Value of BondAsset Value of BondCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueCashAsset Value of CashAsset Value of CashCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueCDsAsset Value of Certificate of DepositAsset Value of Certificate of DepositCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueCommoditiesAsset Value of CommoditiesAsset Value of CommoditiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueEmpPlanAsset Value of Employer PlansAsset Value of Employer PlansCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLString10
AssetValueETFAsset Value of Exchange Traded FundsAsset Value of Exchange Traded FundsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueFixedIncomeAsset Value of Fixed IncomeAsset Value of Fixed IncomeCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueForeignCurrencyAsset Value of Foreign CurrencyAsset Value of Foreign CurrencyCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueForeignSecuritiesAsset Value of Foreign SecuritiesAsset Value of Foreign SecuritiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueFutureAsset Value of FuturesAsset Value of FuturesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueInsuranceAsset Value of InsuranceAsset Value of InsuranceCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueLLPAsset Value of Limited Liability PartnershipAsset Value of Limited Liability PartnershipCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueManagedAcctAsset Value of Managed AccountsAsset Value of Managed AccountsCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLString10000
AssetValueMarginAsset Value of MarginAsset Value of MarginCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueMetalsAsset Value of MetalsAsset Value of MetalsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueMutualFundAsset Value of Mutual FundsAsset Value of Mutual FundsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueOptionAsset Value of OptionsAsset Value of OptionsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueOtherAsset Value of OtherAsset Value of OtherCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueOther1Asset Value of Other 1Asset Value of Other - Instance 1CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther2Asset Value of Other 2Asset Value of Other - Instance 2CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther3Asset Value of Other 3Asset Value of Other - Instance 3CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther4Asset Value of Other 4Asset Value of Other - Instance 4CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther5Asset Value of Other 5Asset Value of Other - Instance 5CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther6Asset Value of Other 6Asset Value of Other - Instance 6CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueRealEstateAsset Value of Real EstateAsset Value of Real EstateCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueREITsAsset Value of REITsAsset Value of REITsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueSavingsAsset Value of SavingsAsset Value of SavingsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueShortTermAsset Value of Short Term InvestmentsAsset Value of Short Term InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueStockAsset Value of StockAsset Value of StockCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueUITAsset Value of Unit Investment TrustsAsset Value of Unit Investment TrustsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueVariableAnnuityAsset Value of Variable AnnuitiesAsset Value of Variable AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueVariableContractAsset Value of Variable ContractAsset Value of Variable ContractCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueVULAsset Value of Variable LifeAsset Value of Variable LifeCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AttachmentAttachment FieldA placeholder field for attachment icons to be placed where no fields existQUIKFORMINFOQuik9/14/15 12:00 AMNULLNumericNothing
AttnProduct Company AttentionProduct Company AttentionCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringATTN: Broker-Dealer Services
AuthElectiveDeferralsAuthorization Elective DeferralsAuthorization of Elective DeferralsACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AuthModeAuthorization ModeModes of authentication (i.e., Internet, Telephone, etc.)ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringALL
AuthModeAuthorization ModeMode of authorization (i.e. Internet, telephone, etc.)REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringALL
AuthorizationLevelAuthorization LevelAuthorization LevelACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AuthPartyTypeAuthorized Party TypeType of authorized partyCLIENTEmployer/Education4/8/18 8:50 AMNULLBoolean1 = Trustee
AuthSignOnBehalfAuthorized Sign On BehalfAuthorized to sign on behalf of the transaction ownerCLIENTAccount10/10/22 11:46 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AuthTypeAuthorization TypeType code that indicates features authorized by the entity.i.e., All, Transfers, Withdrawals, Name/Address Changes, DCA, Asset Allocation, etc.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringAA
AuthTypeAuthorization TypeIndicates features authorized by the entity. Type code that qualifies the Authorization indicator.REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringALL
BankCashTransAmtBank Cash Transfer AmountBank Cash Transfer AmountPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric1234
BankTransferTypeBank Transfer TypeBank or Credit Union Transfer TypePRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BarcodeQuik! Barcode FieldBarcode FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik7/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
Barcode3901Quik! Barcode FieldBarcode 39 FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik11/29/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
Barcode3902Quik! Barcode FieldBarcode 39 FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik11/29/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
Barcode3903Quik! Barcode FieldBarcode 39 FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik11/29/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
Barcode3904Quik! Barcode FieldBarcode 39 FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik11/29/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr1Broker Dealer Address Line 1Address Line 1REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr123Broker Dealer Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr1234Broker Dealer Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr2Broker Dealer Address Line 2Address Line 2REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr3Broker Dealer Address Line 3Address Line 3REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr4Broker Dealer Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.AddrTypeBroker Dealer Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.AddrUnitTypeBroker Dealer Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.AttnBroker Dealer Attention LineAttention address lineREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CityBroker Dealer Address CityAddress CityREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CityStateBroker Dealer City StateCity State combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CityStateZipBroker Dealer City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CountryBroker Dealer CountryCountryREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CountyBroker Dealer CountyCounty or ProvinceREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.EmailBroker Dealer Email AddressEmail AddressREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.EndDateBroker Dealer End DateDate ended residencyREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.FaxBroker Dealer FaxFaxREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.FaxCombBroker Dealer Fax CombFax Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.ForeignRouteBroker Dealer Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.FullAddrBroker Dealer Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.MobileBroker Dealer MobileMobileREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Mobile0Broker Dealer Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Mobile1Broker Dealer Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Mobile2Broker Dealer Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Mobile3Broker Dealer Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.MobileCombBroker Dealer Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.OtherBroker Dealer OtherOther phoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PagerBroker Dealer PagerPagerREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PhoneBroker Dealer PhonePhoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone0Broker Dealer Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone0CombBroker Dealer Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone1Broker Dealer Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone1CombBroker Dealer Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone2Broker Dealer Phone PrefixPhone PrefixREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone2CombBroker Dealer Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone3Broker Dealer Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone3CombBroker Dealer Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PhoneCombBroker Dealer Phone CombPhone Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PhoneExtBroker Dealer Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PhoneNumFormatBroker Dealer Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PrimaryAddressBroker Dealer Primary AddressPrimary AddressREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PrimaryEmailBroker Dealer Primary EmailPrimary EmailREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PrimaryPhoneBroker Dealer Primary PhonePrimary PhoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.StartDateBroker Dealer Start DateDate started residencyREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.StateBroker Dealer Address StateAddress StateREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.SuiteBroker Dealer SuiteAddress SuiteREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.URLBroker Dealer URLWebsite address or URLREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.ZipBroker Dealer Address ZipAddress ZipREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.ZipCombBroker Dealer Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BDAcctNumBroker Dealer Account NumberBroker Dealer Account NumberACCTAccount8/11/16 12:00 AMNULLString998023-A124
BDCompanyBroker Dealer Company NameBroker Dealer Company NameREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman Financial Services
BDEmployeeEmployee of Broker/DealerEmployee of Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BDGovAgencyGovt Agency Regulating CompanyName of government agency that regulates the companyCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringSEC
BDNumBroker Dealer NumberBroker Dealer NumberREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString12345
BDOtherAcctNumAccount Number Held At Client Broker/DealerAccount Number Held At Client Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability8/12/05 12:00 AMNULLStringA-12345
BDOtherAcctRegAccount Registration Held At Client Broker/DealerAccount Registration Held At Client Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability8/12/05 12:00 AMNULLStringA-12345
BDOtherEmployeeEmployee of Another Broker/DealerEmployee of Another Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BDOtherNameName of Client Broker/DealerName of broker/dealer client is employed byCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFirst Bank
BDOtherRelatedRelated to Employee of Another Broker/DealerClient is related to employee of another broker/dealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BDOtherRelatedBDNameOther Broker/Dealer Name Of Related EmployeeName of other broker/dealer where related employee worksCLIENTSuitability10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman Financial Services
BDOtherRelatedDescOther BrokerDealer Relationship DescriptionOther description of client relationship to employee of Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability10/13/06 12:00 AMNULLStringEmployee is contractor
BDOtherRelatedNameName of BD Employee at Other Broker/DealerName of BD employee at other broker/dealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJohn Smith
BDRelatedRelated To Employee of Broker/DealerRelated To Employee of Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BDRelatedDescBrokerDealer Relationship DescriptionDescription of client relationship to employee of Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability10/13/06 12:00 AMNULLStringEmployee is contractor
BDRelatedNameName of BD Employee Related ToName of BD Employee Related ToCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJohn Smith
BDRepNumBroker Dealer Rep NumberRepresentative number assigned by a broker/dealerREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLString2345678
BenClassPersonBeneficiary Class PersonIs the Beneficiary a class of person (e.g., grandchildren of Settlor)?  CLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BenClassPersonDescBeneficiary Class Person DescriptionIf the Beneficiary is a class of person or unborn individual, please describe class of personCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringGrandchild
BeneAmtClient Beneficiary AmountAmount that beneficiary receives from client accountCLIENTBeneficiary Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric100000
BeneDesigTypeBeneficiary Designation TypeDesignates whether there are changes to the existing beneficiaries or if all new beneficiaries are being listedACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Designation of Beneficiary
BenePercClient Beneficiary PercentPercentage that beneficiary receives from client accountCLIENTBeneficiary Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.5
BenePerStirpesClient Beneficiary Per StirpesIndicates that if beneficiary predeceases the account owner the beneficiary's share of the account will pass through to the beneficiaries heirsCLIENTBeneficiary Info10/12/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanTRUE
BeneRelationClient Beneficiary RelationshipRelationship of the beneficiary to the clientCLIENTBeneficiary Info9/25/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Spouse 2 = Non-Spouse
BeneTypeBeneficiary TypeThe type of beneficiary (primary, contingent)CLIENTBeneficiary Info10/1/13 2:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = Primary
BenLegalPersonEntityTypeBeneficiary Legal Person Entity TypeIf the Beneficiary is a legal person that is an entity, please describe type of entityCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringFoundation
BenLivingNaturalPersonBeneficiary Living Natural PersonIs the Beneficiary a living natural person?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BenReceivingDistributionsBeneficiary Receiving DistributionsThe Beneficiary(ies) is receiving current distributions from the TrustCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BenVestedInterestBeneficiary Vested InterestThe Beneficiary(ies) of the Trust has vested and/or irrevocable beneficial interestCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BondPremiumAmortBond Premium AmortizationBond Election - Bond Premium Amortization (tax free bonds must be amortized) - IRS Default, AlternativeACCTInvestment Profile11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BP.Addr1Birth Place Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr123Birth Place Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr1234Birth Place Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr2Birth Place Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr3Birth Place Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr4Birth Place Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.AddrTypeBirth Place Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.AddrUnitTypeBirth Place Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.AttnBirth Place Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CityBirth Place Address CityAddress CityCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CityStateBirth Place City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CityStateZipBirth Place City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CountryBirth Place CountryCountryCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CountyBirth Place CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.EmailBirth Place Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.EndDateBirth Place End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.FaxBirth Place FaxFaxCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.FaxCombBirth Place Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.ForeignRouteBirth Place Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.FullAddrBirth Place Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.MobileBirth Place MobileMobileCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Mobile0Birth Place Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Mobile1Birth Place Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Mobile2Birth Place Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Mobile3Birth Place Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.MobileCombBirth Place Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.OtherBirth Place OtherOther phoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PagerBirth Place PagerPagerCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PhoneBirth Place PhonePhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone0Birth Place Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone0CombBirth Place Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone1Birth Place Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone1CombBirth Place Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone2Birth Place Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone2CombBirth Place Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone3Birth Place Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone3CombBirth Place Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PhoneCombBirth Place Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PhoneExtBirth Place Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PhoneNumFormatBirth Place Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PrimaryAddressBirth Place Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PrimaryEmailBirth Place Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PrimaryPhoneBirth Place Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.StartDateBirth Place Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.StateBirth Place Address StateAddress StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.SuiteBirth Place SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.URLBirth Place URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.ZipBirth Place Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.ZipCombBirth Place Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr1Branch Address Line 1Address Line 1REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr1Branch Address Address Line 1Address Line 1FUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr123Branch Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr123Branch Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr1234Branch Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr1234Branch Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr2Branch Address Line 2Address Line 2REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr2Branch Address Address Line 2Address Line 2FUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr3Branch Address Line 3Address Line 3REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr3Branch Address Address Line 3Address Line 3FUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr4Branch Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr4Branch Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)FUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AddrTypeBranch Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AddrTypeBranch Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AddrUnitTypeBranch Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AddrUnitTypeBranch Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AttnBranch Attention LineAttention address lineREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AttnBranch Address Attention LineAttention address lineFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityBranch Address CityAddress CityREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityBranch Address Address CityAddress CityFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityStateBranch City StateCity State combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityStateBranch Address City StateCity State combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityStateZipBranch City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityStateZipBranch Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CountryBranch CountryCountryREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CountryBranch Address CountryCountryFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CountyBranch CountyCounty or ProvinceREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CountyBranch Address CountyCounty or ProvinceFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.EmailBranch Email AddressEmail AddressREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.EmailBranch Address Email AddressEmail AddressFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.EndDateBranch End DateDate ended residencyREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.EndDateBranch Address End DateDate ended residencyFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.FaxBranch FaxFaxREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.FaxBranch Address FaxFaxFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.FaxCombBranch Fax CombFax Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.FaxCombBranch Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.ForeignRouteBranch Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.ForeignRouteBranch Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.FullAddrBranch Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.FullAddrBranch Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.MobileBranch MobileMobileREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.MobileBranch Address MobileMobileFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Mobile0Branch Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Mobile0Branch Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Mobile1Branch Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Mobile1Branch Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Mobile2Branch Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Mobile2Branch Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Mobile3Branch Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Mobile3Branch Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.MobileCombBranch Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.MobileCombBranch Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.OtherBranch OtherOther phoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.OtherBranch Address OtherOther phoneFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PagerBranch PagerPagerREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PagerBranch Address PagerPagerFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PhoneBranch PhonePhoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PhoneBranch Address PhonePhoneFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone0Branch Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone0Branch Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone0CombBranch Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone0CombBranch Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone1Branch Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone1Branch Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone1CombBranch Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone1CombBranch Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone2Branch Phone PrefixPhone PrefixREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone2Branch Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone2CombBranch Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone2CombBranch Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone3Branch Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone3Branch Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone3CombBranch Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Phone3CombBranch Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PhoneCombBranch Phone CombPhone Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PhoneCombBranch Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PhoneExtBranch Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PhoneExtBranch Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PhoneNumFormatBranch Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PhoneNumFormatBranch Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PrimaryAddressBranch Primary AddressPrimary AddressREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PrimaryAddressBranch Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PrimaryEmailBranch Primary EmailPrimary EmailREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PrimaryEmailBranch Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PrimaryPhoneBranch Primary PhonePrimary PhoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.PrimaryPhoneBranch Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.StartDateBranch Start DateDate started residencyREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.StartDateBranch Address Start DateDate started residencyFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.StateBranch Address StateAddress StateREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.StateBranch Address Address StateAddress StateFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.SuiteBranch SuiteAddress SuiteREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.SuiteBranch Address SuiteAddress SuiteFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.URLBranch URLWebsite address or URLREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.URLBranch Address URLWebsite address or URLFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.ZipBranch Address ZipAddress ZipREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.ZipBranch Address Address ZipAddress ZipFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.ZipCombBranch Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.ZipCombBranch Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BranchNameBranch NameBranch Name for fund sourceFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/28/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJefferson Branch
BrCompanyBranch Company NameBranch Company NameREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman Financial Services
BrCompanyBranch NameThe branch name associated with the fund sourceFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJefferson Branch
BreakpointLetterBreakpointLetterCheckbox indicates if the breakpoint letter is attached to the applicationACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
BrNumBranch Office NumberBranch Office NumberREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString12345
BrokerageTypeBrokerage TypeBrokerage TypeACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
btnNavResetNav Reset ButtonNav Reset ButtonQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLEmptyNULL
btnPrintNav Print ButtonNav Print ButtonQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLEmptyNULL
btnQFDESubmitNav QFDE Submit ButtonNav QFDE Submit ButtonQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLEmptyNULL
btnQFRSaveNav QFR Save ButtonNav QFR Save ButtonQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLEmptyNULL
btnQFRSaveAsNav QFR Save As ButtonNav QFR Save As ButtonQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLEmptyNULL
btnResetForm Level Reset ButtonForm Level Reset ButtonQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLEmptyNULL
btnSignNav E-Sign ButtonNav E-Sign ButtonQUIKFORMINFOQuik1/13/11 1:00 PMNULLEmptyNULL
BusinessTrustBusiness TrustThis is a Business TrustCLIENTClient Personal Info8/17/23 3:58 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BusLineCommercialBusiness Line CommercialCommercial Line of BusinessCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Description
BusLineFinancialInstitutionBus Line Financial InstitutionFinancial Institution Line of BusinessCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Description
BusScopeOtherBusiness Scope OtherCompany's Scope of Business Type OtherCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Description
BusScopeTypeBusiness Scope TypeCompany's Scope of Business TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
CalculateDistributeRMDCalculate Distribute RMDPlease calculate and distribute the RMDACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
CallAMPMBest Time of Day To Call CustomerBest time of day to callACCTAccount10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringAM
CallHourBest Hour To Call CustomerBest time or hour of day to callACCTAccount10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLString0.25
CallMinuteBest Minute To Call CustomerBest minute of hour to callACCTAccount10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLString30
CallNumBest Number To Call CustomerBest number to contact customerACCTAccount10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringHome
CapitalGainOptionsTypeCapital Gain Options TypeCapital Gain Options TypePRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
CaseNumCase NumberCase Number for account formsACCTAccount8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString12345
CashAvailable.AmtHighCash Available High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
CashAvailable.AmtLowCash Available Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
CashAvailable.DescCash Available DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
CashAvailable.RangeCash Available Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
CashAvailable.RangeOtherCash Available Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
CashAvailable.TimeframeCash Available TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
CashAvailable.TypeCash Available Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
CashFeaturesProgramCash Features ProgramCashFeaturesProgramACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
CategoryForm CategoryForm CategoryQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringAdmin
CDMaturityDateCertificate of Deposit Maturity DateCertificate of Deposit Maturity DatePRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLDate12/12/2004
CDSCContingent Deferred Sales CommissionCheckbox indicates if a CDSC applies to the sale of the productPRODUCTITEMProduct9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
CDSCOtherFeeContingent Deferred Sales Commission Other FeeThe amount of any other fees associated to a CDSCPRODUCTITEMProduct9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric150
CDSCRedemptionFeeContingent Deferred Sales Commission Redemption FeeThe amount of a fee associated to a CDSCPRODUCTITEMProduct9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric150
CheckAmtCheck AmountCheck AmountACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
CheckingActivityChecking Account ActivityAnticipated activity on checking account (writing checks, ATM withdrawals)ACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
CheckingOrderOrder Checks for AccountOrder checks for the accountACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean1 = Checks, 2 = Checks with Visa
CheckingPreferencesChecking PreferencesChecking PreferencesACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
CheckNumCheck NumberNumber of check associated with fund sourceFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString1234
CheckVisaCheck VisaCheck VisaACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
CitizenshipCitizenship CountryCitizenship CountryCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUSA
CitizenshipCertificationCitizenship CertificationField used for citizenship certification for non-US person or certified foreign status (use of US W-8BEN form)CLIENTClient Personal Info12/1/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
CitizenshipStatusCitizenship StatusStatus of CitizenshipCLIENTClient Personal Info1/11/21 12:49 PMNULLStringCurrent
CitizenshipTypeCitizenship TypeCitizenship TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = US Citizen, 2 = Resident Alien, 3 = Non-Resident Alien, 0 = Other
ClearingFirmAccount Clearing FirmClearing Firm for the accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringPershing
ClearingFirmAcctNumClearing Firm Account NumberClearing Firm Account NumberACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringXYZ123-123
ClearingFirmTypeClearing Firm TypeIndicates type of clearing firm account is usingACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 - Direct
ClientIDClient IDClient ID is a unique record identifier for the clientCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringABC123
ClientRankClient RankRank of client by advisorCLIENTClient Personal Info8/23/11 11:00 AMNULLStringA
CompanyProduct Company NameProduct Company NameCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringMutual Funds Inc
CompanyFinancial Institution Company NameThe company name associated with the fund sourceFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFirst Bank
CompanyIDProduct Company Tax IDThe ID used to identify the product companyCOMPANYPriorProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringABC123456789
CompanyIDTypeProduct Company ID TypeThe type of ID used to identify the product company (e.g. NSCC number, Dunns number, TIN, etc.)COMPANYPriorProdCo6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Tax ID
ComplianceTestCompliance TestInidicates the type of compliance testRULERule10/31/10 12:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = CVAT
ConfirmNumConfirmation NumberConfirmation Number related to product acquisitionPRODUCTITEMProduct10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringCNF23243
ConsentOnlyFirstConsent Only FirstIndicates whether consent forms should be done first and by themselves.RULERule10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLBooleanTRUE'
ConsultAddInfoConsult Additional InfoAdditional InformationCLIENTClient Personal Info9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLStringYes
ConsultBrokerConsult BrokerI consult with my brokerCLIENTClient Personal Info9/20/18 1:56 PMNULLBooleanYes
ConsultFamilyConsult FamilyI consult with my family/friendsCLIENTClient Personal Info9/20/18 1:56 PMNULLBooleanYes
ConsultSelfConsult SelfI make my own decisionsCLIENTClient Personal Info9/20/18 1:56 PMNULLBooleanYes
ContributionFormulaContribution FormulaContribution FormulaACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
COPurposeCharitable Organization PurposeCharitable Organization PurposeCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
CorpBeneOwnerBeneficial Owner Corporate EntityName of beneficial owner for disregarded entity or corporationACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLStringSam Trustman
CorporateReorgCouponsCorporate Reorganizations CouponsCorporate Reorganizations CouponsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
CorporateReorgInfoCopiesCorporate Reorganizations Informational CopiesCorporate Reorganizations Informational CopiesACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
CostBasisAmtCost Basis AmountThe amount of money that is part of the cost basis for the existing contract-non-taxable on a 1035 exchange.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric100000
CostBasisTypeCost Basis TypeA code that indicates whether the existing contract is subject to a specific tax law, i.e., pre- or post-TEFRA, pre- or post-TAMRA, RothACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString6060
CoveredByERISACovered By ERISACovered By ERISAACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
CurrencyTypeCurrency TypeCurrency TypeFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = US Dollars
CurrencyTypeOtherCurrency Type OtherCurrency Type OtherFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringBitcoin
CUSIPProduct CUSIPProduct CUSIPPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringABC123456
CustIDQuik! Customer IDQuik! Customer IDQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString1234
CustodialLegalStateCustodial Account Legal StateThe state in which the custodial account is under lawACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLStringDelaware
CustodianAcctNumCustodian Account NumberCustodian Account NumberACCTAccount9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString123-12323
CustodianAgeTermAge Custodian TerminatesAge custodian is designated to terminateACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLString50
CustUserIDQuik! Customer's User IDQuik! Customer's User IDQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringA12345
CustUserPasswordQuik! Customer User's PasswordQuik! Customer User's PasswordQUIKFORMINFOQuik7/12/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA12345
CustUserUsernameQuik! Customer User's UsernameQuik! Customer's User's UsernameQUIKFORMINFOQuik7/12/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA12345
DataSourceData SourceSource of the data record.QDBCSOURCEQDBCDataSource8/9/11 4:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = BlankLocalDB
DateOfTrustDate Of TrustDate Of TrustCLIENTClient Personal Info4/26/08 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
DateRetiredDate RetiredDate client retiredCLIENTClient Personal Info10/12/16 12:15 PMNULLDate12/30/2014
DateRetiredDDDay RetiredDay client retiredCLIENTClient Personal Info10/12/16 12:15 PMNULLString30
DateRetiredMMMonth RetiredMonth client retiredCLIENTClient Personal Info10/12/16 12:15 PMNULLString12
DateRetiredYYYear RetiredYear client retiredCLIENTClient Personal Info10/12/16 12:15 PMNULLString2014
DateToRetireDate expected to retireDate client expects to retireCLIENTClient Personal Info10/12/16 12:15 PMNULLDate6/29/2021
DateToRetireDDDay expected to retireDay client expects to retireCLIENTClient Personal Info10/12/16 12:15 PMNULLString29
DateToRetireMMMonth expected to retireMonth client expects to retireCLIENTClient Personal Info10/12/16 12:15 PMNULLString6
DateToRetireYYYear expected to retireYear client expects to retireCLIENTClient Personal Info10/12/16 12:15 PMNULLString2021
DeathBeneAmtDeath Benefit AmountThe amount to be paid in the form of a death benefit to a survivor.ACCTAccount10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLNumeric12000
DeathBeneOptionDeath Benefit Option TypeIndicates the type of death benefit option (DBO) (e.g. level or increasing)ACCTAccount10/31/10 12:00 PMNULLBoolean0=Other, 1=Level, 2=Increasing
DeceasedDeceasedIndicates if contact is deceased or notCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLBooleanTRUE
DeferralDateDeferral DateDeferral DateACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLDate2/12/2019
DependentsAgeAge of DependentsAge of DependentsCLIENTSuitability9/23/05 12:00 AMNULLString12, 9, 7
DependentsNumNumber of DependentsNumber of DependentsCLIENTSuitability6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLString1
DependentTypeType of DependentType of dependentCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLBoolean1 = Spouse, 2 = Child, etc
DesignateAddtionalAcctNumDesignate Additional Account NumberDesignate Additional Account NumberACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
DiscretionaryAcctDiscretionary Account FlagIndicates if discretionary privileges given to someone on the accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
DiscretionaryAcctPersonPerson who has discretion over accountPerson who has discretion over accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTom Trustman
DiscretionaryAcctRelationDiscretionary Account Person RelationshipRelationship to person who has discretion over accountACCTAccount10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLStringFather
DiscretionaryDocsDiscretionary DocumentationDocumentation giving discretion on accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringAttached
DispMethodTax Log Disposition MethodTax log disposition method for general account holdingsACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = Average Cost
DispMethodEquityTax Log Disposition Method EquitiesTax log disposition method for stocks and equitiesACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = Average Cost
DispMethodMFTax Log Disposition Method Mutual FundsTax log disposition method for mutual fundsACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = Average Cost
DispMethodOtherTax Log Disposition Method OtherTax log disposition method for other securitiesACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = Average Cost
DisregardedEntDisregarded EntityDisregarded Entity Name for an Limited Liability CompanyACCTClient Personal Info10/10/22 11:46 AMNULLStringJohnson Corporation
DividendOptionsTypeDividend Options TypeDividend Options TypePRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
DL.ArrivalCityDrivers License Arrival CityArrival CityCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.ArrivalDateDrivers License Arrival DateDate of ArrivalCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.ArrivalStateDrivers License Arrival StateArrival StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.DepartDateDrivers License Depart DateDate of DepartureCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.ExactFNameDrivers License Exact First NameExact First Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.ExactFullNameDrivers License Exact FullnameExact Fullname on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.ExactLNameDrivers License Exact Last NameExact Last Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.ExactMNameDrivers License Exact Middle NameExact Middle Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDDrivers License Document NumberIdentification Document NumberCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDCopiedDrivers License Photocopy ObtainedFlag to indicate if a copy of the identification document was obtainedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDCountryDrivers License Issuing CountryIdentification Document CountryCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDExpireDrivers License Expiration DateIdentification Document Expiration DateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDIssueDateDrivers License Issuance DateIdentification Document Issuance DateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDIssuerDrivers License ID IssuerEntity issuing the ID or document (Issuing Post Name)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDStateDrivers License Issuing StateIdentification Document StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDStatusDrivers License ID StatusID Status (including immigration or non-immigration status)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDTypeDrivers License TypeIdentification Document TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDTypeOtherDrivers License ID Type OtherUsed to identify the ID document type in a text boxCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDVerifiedDrivers License VerifiedIdentification Document VerifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDVerifiedNotesDrivers License Verification NotesIdentification Document VerifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDVerifyContactDrivers License ID Verification Contact NameName of contact who verified IDCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDVerifyDateDrivers License Verification DateDate ID was verifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DL.IDVerifyMethodDrivers License ID Verification MethodID verification methodCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DOBDate of BirthDate of BirthCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
DOBDate of BirthDate of BirthREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
DOBDate of BirthDate of BirthFUNDSOURCEClient Personal Info5/19/20 9:31 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
DOBTypeDate of Birth TypeIndicates if DOB contains a Trust DateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = DOB, 1 = Trust Date, 2 = Other
DODDate of DeathDate of DeathCLIENTClient Personal Info7/10/13 10:30 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
DTCNumDTC NumberDepository Trust Company (DTC) NumberREPRep Profile5/12/23 2:15 PMNULLString12345ABCDE
DupConfirmsDuplicate Confirmations FlagIndicates if duplicate confirmations are requested for the accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
DupStatementsDuplicate Statements FlagIndicates if duplicate statements are requested for the accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
DutiesDutiesOccupational duties, role or responsibilitiesCLIENTEmployer/Education6/15/06 12:00 AMNULLStringAnalyzes financial statements
DVD.AcctNameDividends and Interest Account NameName of account or fund to distribute funds toACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.AmtDividends and Interest AmountPayment amountACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.DistTypeDividends and Interest Distribution TypePeriodic Distribution TypeACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.EndPmtDateDividends and Interest End Payment DateDate of final payment or when periodic payments endACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.FirstPmtDateDividends and Interest First Payment DateDate of first paymentACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.FreqDividends and Interest Payment FrequencyFrequency to perform paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.InstrDividends and Interest Payment InstructionsInstructions for paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.MethodDividends and Interest Payment MethodMethod to distribute paymentACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.MethodAcctNumDividends and Interest Account NumberAccount number to distribute payments to/fromACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.MethodAddrDividends and Interest Name and AddressName and address to distribute paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Addr1Dividends and Interest Address Address Line 1Address Line 1ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Addr123Dividends and Interest Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Addr1234Dividends and Interest Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Addr2Dividends and Interest Address Address Line 2Address Line 2ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Addr3Dividends and Interest Address Address Line 3Address Line 3ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Addr4Dividends and Interest Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.AddrTypeDividends and Interest Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.AddrUnitTypeDividends and Interest Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.AttnDividends and Interest Address Attention LineAttention address lineACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.CityDividends and Interest Address Address CityAddress CityACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.CityStateDividends and Interest Address City StateCity State combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.CityStateZipDividends and Interest Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.CountryDividends and Interest Address CountryCountryACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.CountyDividends and Interest Address CountyCounty or ProvinceACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.EmailDividends and Interest Address Email AddressEmail AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.EndDateDividends and Interest Address End DateDate ended residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.FaxDividends and Interest Address FaxFaxACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.FaxCombDividends and Interest Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.ForeignRouteDividends and Interest Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.FullAddrDividends and Interest Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.MobileDividends and Interest Address MobileMobileACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Mobile0Dividends and Interest Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Mobile1Dividends and Interest Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Mobile2Dividends and Interest Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Mobile3Dividends and Interest Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.MobileCombDividends and Interest Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.OtherDividends and Interest Address OtherOther phoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.PagerDividends and Interest Address PagerPagerACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.PhoneDividends and Interest Address PhonePhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Phone0Dividends and Interest Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Phone0CombDividends and Interest Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Phone1Dividends and Interest Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Phone1CombDividends and Interest Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Phone2Dividends and Interest Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Phone2CombDividends and Interest Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Phone3Dividends and Interest Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.Phone3CombDividends and Interest Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.PhoneCombDividends and Interest Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.PhoneExtDividends and Interest Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.PhoneNumFormatDividends and Interest Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.PrimaryAddressDividends and Interest Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.PrimaryEmailDividends and Interest Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.PrimaryPhoneDividends and Interest Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.StartDateDividends and Interest Address Start DateDate started residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.StateDividends and Interest Address Address StateAddress StateACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.SuiteDividends and Interest Address SuiteAddress SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.URLDividends and Interest Address URLWebsite address or URLACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.ZipDividends and Interest Address Address ZipAddress ZipACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.O.ZipCombDividends and Interest Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.PmtDestTypeDividends and Interest Payment Destination TypeDestination type for the payment (e.g. address of record, alternate payee, alternate address)ACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DVD.RequestTypeDividends and Interest Request TypePeriodic Distributions Request TypeACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
DvdIncome.AmtHighDividend Income High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
DvdIncome.AmtLowDividend Income Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
DvdIncome.DescDividend Income DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
DvdIncome.RangeDividend Income Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
DvdIncome.RangeOtherDividend Income Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
DvdIncome.TimeframeDividend Income TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
DvdIncome.TypeDividend Income Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
EConfirmsElectronic ConfirmationsElectronic ConfirmationsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
EducationDegreeEducation DegreeThe degree obtainedCLIENTEmployer/Education10/12/05 12:00 AMNULLStringBS
EducationInstitutionEducation InstitutionThe insititute where the client was educatedCLIENTEmployer/Education10/12/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUniversity of California
EducationOtherEducation Other InfoOther information about educationCLIENTEmployer/Education10/12/05 12:00 AMNULLStringMBA
EducationYearEducation YearThe year degree obtainedCLIENTEmployer/Education10/12/05 12:00 AMNULLString1996
EIO.Addr1Employer Incorporation Office Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Addr123Employer Incorporation Office Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Addr1234Employer Incorporation Office Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Addr2Employer Incorporation Office Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Addr3Employer Incorporation Office Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Addr4Employer Incorporation Office Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.AddrTypeEmployer Incorporation Office Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.AddrUnitTypeEmployer Incorporation Office Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.AttnEmployer Incorporation Office Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.CityEmployer Incorporation Office Address CityAddress CityCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.CityStateEmployer Incorporation Office City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.CityStateZipEmployer Incorporation Office City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.CountryEmployer Incorporation Office CountryCountryCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.CountyEmployer Incorporation Office CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.EmailEmployer Incorporation Office Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.EndDateEmployer Incorporation Office End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.FaxEmployer Incorporation Office FaxFaxCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.FaxCombEmployer Incorporation Office Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.ForeignRouteEmployer Incorporation Office Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.FullAddrEmployer Incorporation Office Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.MobileEmployer Incorporation Office MobileMobileCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Mobile0Employer Incorporation Office Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Mobile1Employer Incorporation Office Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Mobile2Employer Incorporation Office Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Mobile3Employer Incorporation Office Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.MobileCombEmployer Incorporation Office Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.OtherEmployer Incorporation Office OtherOther phoneCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.PagerEmployer Incorporation Office PagerPagerCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.PhoneEmployer Incorporation Office PhonePhoneCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Phone0Employer Incorporation Office Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Phone0CombEmployer Incorporation Office Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Phone1Employer Incorporation Office Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Phone1CombEmployer Incorporation Office Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Phone2Employer Incorporation Office Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Phone2CombEmployer Incorporation Office Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Phone3Employer Incorporation Office Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.Phone3CombEmployer Incorporation Office Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.PhoneCombEmployer Incorporation Office Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.PhoneExtEmployer Incorporation Office Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.PhoneNumFormatEmployer Incorporation Office Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.PrimaryAddressEmployer Incorporation Office Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.PrimaryEmailEmployer Incorporation Office Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.PrimaryPhoneEmployer Incorporation Office Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.StartDateEmployer Incorporation Office Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.StateEmployer Incorporation Office Address StateAddress StateCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.SuiteEmployer Incorporation Office SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.URLEmployer Incorporation Office URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.ZipEmployer Incorporation Office Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EIO.ZipCombEmployer Incorporation Office Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ElectiveDeferralsTypeElective Deferrals TypeIf different from the Effective Date above, Elective Deferrals can be made under this Plan effectiveACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
ElectronicBillPaymentElectronic Bill PaymentDo NOT add electronic bill paymentACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
EligibilityConsecutiveMonthsEligibility Consecutive MonthsEligibility Consecutive MonthsACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
EligibilityServiceRequirementTypeEligibility Service Requirement TypeEligibility Service Requirement TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
EligibleEmployedDateEligible Employed DateEligible Employed DateACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLDate2/12/2019
EligibleEmployedSuboptionLine1Eligible Employed Suboption Line 1Eligible Employed Suboption Line 1ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
EligibleEmployedSuboptionLine2Eligible Employed Suboption Line 2Eligible Employed Suboption Line 2ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
EligibleEmployedSuboptionLine3Eligible Employed Suboption Line 3Eligible Employed Suboption Line 3ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
EligibleEmployedSuboptionLine4Eligible Employed Suboption Line 4Eligible Employed Suboption Line 4ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
EligibleEmployedSuboptionTypeEligible Employed Suboption TypeEligible Employed Suboption TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
EligibleEmployedTypeEligible Employed TypeEligible Employed TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
EligReqCollectiveBargainEligibility Required Collective BargainingEligibility Required Collective BargainingACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Includes
EligReqMinAgeEligibility Required Minimum AgeEligibility Required Minimum AgeACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
EligReqMinCompEligibility Required Minimum CompensationEligibility Required Minimum CompensationACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Includes
EligReqMinYearEligibility Required Minimum YearEligibility Required Minimum years performed servces for the employerACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
EligReqNonResEligibility Required Non Resident AliensEligibility Required Non Resident AliensACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Includes
EmpBenefitPlanEmployee Benefit PlanIs this trust formed for the purposes of an employee benefit plan?CLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString0=False; 1=True
EmpBusTypeEmployer Type Of BusinessEmployer Type Of BusinessCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringLegal Services
EmpBusTypeOptionsEmployer Business Type OptionsEmployer Business TypeCLIENTEmployer/Education9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Sole Proprietor
EmpContactEmployer Main ContactEmployer Main ContactCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJohn Smith
EmpContactTitleEmployer Main Contact TitleEmployer Main Contact TitleCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJohn Smith
EmpContributionEmployer ContributionEmployer ContributionACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
EmpFinInstEmployer Financial InstitutionIndicates if employer is a financial institutionCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFirst Bank
EmpFoundedDateEmployer Founded DateEmployer date company was foundedCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
EmpIncomeTaxYearEndEmployer Income Tax Year EndEmployer Income Tax Year-EndCLIENTEmployer/Education8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString1234
EmpIndustryEmployer IndustryEmployer IndustryCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFinancial Services
EmployDateEmployee Hire DateDate employee was hired by EmployerCLIENTEmployee10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLDate12/10/2005
EmployedBDAcctEmployed Broker Dealer AccountYou are employed by or associated with the Broker-Dealer that will hold this account, as defined in Section 3(a)(18) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.CLIENTSuitability12/20/23 1:17 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
EmployerEmployer NameEmployer or company nameCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman Financial Services
EmployStatusEmployment StatusEmployment StatusCLIENTEmployer/Education6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
EmployStatusOtherEmployment Status OtherEmployment Status Other (for providing the status when checking the Other checkbox)CLIENTEmployer/Education8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLStringEmployed
EmpTaxIDEmployer TaxIDEmployer TaxIDCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AM##-#######String12-2323232
EmpTickerEmployer Ticker SymbolEmployer Ticker Symbol for public companiesCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTKRS
EnrollQuarterlyConfirmReportEnroll Quarterly Confirm ReportCheck here to enroll in the quarterly confirm report in lieu of individual trade confirmations.CLIENTClient Personal Info4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
EntityNameEntity NameEntity or Trust nameCLIENTClient Personal Info10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringThomas
EntityNameLine2Entity Name Line 2Entity or Trust name line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info7/14/16 6:53 PMNULLStringFamily Trust
EntityPaperworkSubmittedInclude Market Discount as IncomeIf the account is established for a trust, corporation, estate, or other entity, has a Trustee Certification of Investment Powers form, corporate resolution, letter of appointment, or other appropriate documentation establishing and appropriate authority been submitted?ACCTInvestment Profile11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
EntityTypeEntity TypeIndicates if record is an individual or entityCLIENTClient Personal Info6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Individual, 2 = Entity, 3 = Trust, 4 = Other
EntityTypeOtherEntity Type OtherValue for other entity typeCLIENTClient Personal Info12/5/18 10:21 AMNULLStringOther
EntityVerifyTypeEntity Verification TypeType of document used to verify entityCLIENTSuitability4/9/16 7:23 PMNULLBoolean1 = Articles of Incorporation
EntryDateSuboptionDateEntry Date Suboption DateEntry Date Suboption DateACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLDate2/12/2019
EntryDateSuboptionTypeEntry Date Suboption TypeEntry Date Suboption TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
EO.Addr1Employer Office Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Addr123Employer Office Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Addr1234Employer Office Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Addr2Employer Office Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Addr3Employer Office Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Addr4Employer Office Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.AddrTypeEmployer Office Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.AddrUnitTypeEmployer Office Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.AttnEmployer Office Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.CityEmployer Office Address CityAddress CityCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.CityStateEmployer Office City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.CityStateZipEmployer Office City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.CountryEmployer Office CountryCountryCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.CountyEmployer Office CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.EmailEmployer Office Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.EndDateEmployer Office End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.FaxEmployer Office FaxFaxCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.FaxCombEmployer Office Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.ForeignRouteEmployer Office Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.FullAddrEmployer Office Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.MobileEmployer Office MobileMobileCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Mobile0Employer Office Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Mobile1Employer Office Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Mobile2Employer Office Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Mobile3Employer Office Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.MobileCombEmployer Office Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.OtherEmployer Office OtherOther phoneCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.PagerEmployer Office PagerPagerCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.PhoneEmployer Office PhonePhoneCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Phone0Employer Office Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Phone0CombEmployer Office Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Phone1Employer Office Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Phone1CombEmployer Office Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Phone2Employer Office Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Phone2CombEmployer Office Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Phone3Employer Office Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.Phone3CombEmployer Office Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.PhoneCombEmployer Office Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.PhoneExtEmployer Office Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.PhoneNumFormatEmployer Office Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.PrimaryAddressEmployer Office Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.PrimaryEmailEmployer Office Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.PrimaryPhoneEmployer Office Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.StartDateEmployer Office Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.StateEmployer Office Address StateAddress StateCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.SuiteEmployer Office SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.URLEmployer Office URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.ZipEmployer Office Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
EO.ZipCombEmployer Office Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Addr1Exchange Related Address Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Addr123Exchange Related Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Addr1234Exchange Related Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Addr2Exchange Related Address Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Addr3Exchange Related Address Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Addr4Exchange Related Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.AddrTypeExchange Related Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.AddrUnitTypeExchange Related Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.AttnExchange Related Address Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.CityExchange Related Address Address CityAddress CityCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.CityStateExchange Related Address City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.CityStateZipExchange Related Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.CountryExchange Related Address CountryCountryCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.CountyExchange Related Address CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.EmailExchange Related Address Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.EndDateExchange Related Address End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.FaxExchange Related Address FaxFaxCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.FaxCombExchange Related Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.ForeignRouteExchange Related Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.FullAddrExchange Related Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.MobileExchange Related Address MobileMobileCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Mobile0Exchange Related Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Mobile1Exchange Related Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Mobile2Exchange Related Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Mobile3Exchange Related Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.MobileCombExchange Related Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.OtherExchange Related Address OtherOther phoneCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.PagerExchange Related Address PagerPagerCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.PhoneExchange Related Address PhonePhoneCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Phone0Exchange Related Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Phone0CombExchange Related Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Phone1Exchange Related Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Phone1CombExchange Related Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Phone2Exchange Related Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Phone2CombExchange Related Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Phone3Exchange Related Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.Phone3CombExchange Related Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.PhoneCombExchange Related Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.PhoneExtExchange Related Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.PhoneNumFormatExchange Related Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.PrimaryAddressExchange Related Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.PrimaryEmailExchange Related Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.PrimaryPhoneExchange Related Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.StartDateExchange Related Address Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.StateExchange Related Address Address StateAddress StateCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.SuiteExchange Related Address SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.URLExchange Related Address URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.ZipExchange Related Address Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ER.ZipCombExchange Related Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTSuitability6/18/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ERISATypeERISA Reporting FlagIndicates if ERISA reporting is appliedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringY/N/U
EstablishSchwabAcctEstablish Schwab AccountEstablish Your Account or Brokerage FeaturesACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
EstateAppointNumNumber of peopled appointed to act on behalf of estateNumber of peopled appointed to act on behalf of estateACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric2
EstateNameEstate NameName of the estate for account registrationACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLStringEstate for Williams Family
EstateNumAppointEstate Appointed NumberNumber appointed to estate accountACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLString5
ETISignatureEfficient Technology Signature FieldEfficient Technology Signature FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ExchangeNameName of Affiliated ExchangeName of exchange affiliated withCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNASD
ExchangeRelatedExchange AffiliatedClient is affiliated with securities exchange or NASDCLIENTSuitability6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
ExemptFATCACodeExempt FATCA CodeExempt FATCA CodeCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLStringEXEMPT
ExemptPayeeCodeExempt Payee CodeExempt Payee CodeCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLStringEXEMPT
ExemptPayeeCodeTypeExempt Payee Code TypeExempt Payee Code Type (for checkboxes)CLIENTSuitability3/19/15 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
ExemptStatusTax exempt statusTax exempt statusACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringEXEMPT
ExistingAcctExisting Account or Policy QuestionIndicates if applicant has an existing account or life insurance policy or annuity policy ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ExistingSubAcctNumExisting Subscription Account NumberExisting Subscription Account NumberACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
ExpAnnual.AmtHighExpenses High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpAnnual.AmtLowExpenses Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpAnnual.DescExpenses DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpAnnual.RangeExpenses Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpAnnual.RangeOtherExpenses Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpAnnual.TimeframeExpenses TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpAnnual.TypeExpenses Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpSpecial.AmtHighSpecial Expenses High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpSpecial.AmtLowSpecial Expenses Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpSpecial.DescSpecial Expenses DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpSpecial.RangeSpecial Expenses Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpSpecial.RangeOtherSpecial Expenses Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpSpecial.TimeframeSpecial Expenses TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpSpecial.TypeSpecial Expenses Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
ExpSpecialTimeHorizSpecial Expense Time HorizonTime horizon for non-recurring, future or special expenses for a householdCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLNumeric5
FaceAmtFace AmountThe face amount of an insurance policyACCTAccount10/30/15 5:58 PMNULLNumeric12000
FedTaxFederal Tax BracketFederal Tax BracketCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric35
FedTaxClassLLCFederal Tax LLC ClassificationFederal Tax Limited Liability Company ClassificationACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
FedTaxClassTypeFederal Tax Classification TypeFederal Tax ClassificationACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Individual/Sole Proprietor or Single-Member LLC
FedTaxClassTypeOtherFederal Tax Classification OtherFederal Tax Classification OtherACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
FedTaxRangeFederal Tax Bracket RangFederal Tax Bracket range of valuesCLIENTSuitability11/24/07 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
FedWithholdAmtWithholding AmountThe amount to be withheld if withholding is selectedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000
FedWithholdPercWithholding PercentThe percent to be withheld if withholding is selectedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.25
FedWithholdTypeTax Withholding IndicatorYes or No for withholdingACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = YES, 2 = NO
FeePayAuthFee Payment AuthorizationFee Payment AuthorizationACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
FeeTypeFee Type for AccountCommission or fee to apply to the accountCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLBoolean1 = Commission, 2 = Fee
FeeTypeType of FeeType of fee applied to the accountACCTAccount5/6/16 6:05 PMNULLBoolean1 = Fee, 2 = Commission, 3 = Hourly
FidelityCustodianNameFidelity Custodian NameName of Fidelity CustodianACCTAccount5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLStringFidelity LLC
FidelityCustodianTypeFidelity Custodian TypeOther Fidelity Custodian for Letter of Acceptance OptionACCTAccount5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
FieldControlNav Field ControlNav Field ControlQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLEmptyNULL
FIGovernmentAgencyFinancial Institution Government AgencyFinancial Institution Government AgencyCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
FilerRefNumFiler Reference NumberThe filer reference number may be used by the filer or the agent that is useful in carrying out its obligations (W-8BEN)CLIENTClient Personal Info10/10/22 11:46 AMNULLString12345ABCDE
FinancialFirmRelatedFinancial Firm AffiliatedClient is affiliated with securities firm, bank, trust or insurance companyCLIENTSuitability4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringYES
FinancialFirmRelatedNameName of Financial Firm AffiliatedName of firm client is affiliated with that is a securities firm, bank, trust or insurance companyCLIENTSuitability4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringInsurance Co
FinancialInstitutionTypeFinancial Institution TypeFinancial Institution TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
FIPrimaryPurposeFinancial Institution Primary PurposeFinancial Institution Primary PurposeCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
FirmAuthAgentFirm Authorized AgentFirm Authorized AgentCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
FirmRelatedHoldAssetsRep Firm Related to Hold AssetsIf firm is related to an owner of account, it will hold assets belonging to persons other than the firm, firm employees, self, or relativesREPSuitability5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
FirmRelatedToAcctRep Firm Related to AccountRepresentative's firm is related to the owner of an accountREPSuitability5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
FNameFirst NameFirst NameCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringThomas
FNameFirst NameFirst NameREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTom
FNameFirst NameFirst name on fund sourceFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringThomas
ForeignAcctIndicates if account is foreign per Patriot ActIndicates if account is foreign per Patriot ActACCTFundSource5/19/20 9:31 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ForeignAcctIndicates if account is foreign per Patriot ActIndicates if account is foreign per Patriot ActFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ForeignBankForeign BankForeign Bank as defined under the USA PATRIOT ActACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBooleanYES
ForeignBankAddInfoForeign Bank Additional InfoForeign Bank Additional InfoACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringOther info about the bank
ForeignBankCentralForeign Central BankForeign Bank is a Central BankACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBooleanYES
ForeignBankNonCoopNon-Cooperative Country BankForeign Bank operating under a banking license issued by a Non-Cooperative Country or TerritoryACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBooleanYES
ForeignBankNumOwnersForeign Bank Number of OwnersNumber of people or entities own 10% or more of the BankACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLStringYES
ForeignBankOffshoreOffshore Foreign BankForeign Bank operating under an Offshore Banking LicenseACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBooleanYES
ForeignBankSection311Section 311 Foreign BankForeign Bank operating under a banking license issued by a jurisdiction subject to Section 311 measuresACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBooleanYES
ForeignFinInstForeign Financial InstitutionAccount is for a Foreign Financial Institution (e.g. non-U.S. bank; non-U.S. branch of a U.S. bank; broker-dealer; futures merchant; commodities introducing broker; mutual fund; money transmitter or currency exchanger), per USA Patriot ActACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBooleanYES
ForeignOfficialForeign Official AffiliationClient is or is associated with Foreign officialCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
ForeignOfficialCountryForeign Official CountryCountry of Foreign official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringColumbia
ForeignOfficialFNameForeign Official First NameFirst name of Foreign official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringJuan
ForeignOfficialLNameForeign Official Last NameLast name of Foreign official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringValdez
ForeignOfficialOfficeForeign Official Office NameBranch or office held of Foreign official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringExecutive Branch
ForeignParentCompanyForeign Parent Company OwnershipEntity is owned by a foreign companyCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
ForeignParentCompanyCountryForeign Parent Company CountryCountry of Foreign Parent Company that owns entityCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringSouth Africa
ForeignParentCompanyNameForeign Parent Company NameName of Foreign Parent Company that owns entityCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringFPC Limited
ForeignTaxIDForeign Tax IDForeign Tax Identifying Number issued to you by your jurisdiction of tax residence and used when you receive U.S. source incomeCLIENTClient Personal Info10/10/22 11:46 AMNULLString12345ABCDE
ForeignTaxIDRequiredForeign Tax ID RequiredNot legally required to provide a Foreign Tax Identifying Number from your jurisdiction of residence.CLIENTAccount10/10/22 11:46 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
FormIDQuik! Form IDList of Quik! FormIDs separated by commasQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString12,3456,15
FormNameQuik! Form Short NameShort Quik! form name used to describe formQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNew Account
FormPackageIDForm Package IDContains the ID for package of formsQUIKFORMINFOQuik1/14/11 11:00 AMNULLString112343453
FormPackageRouteStatusIDForm Package Route Status IDThe route status record for the form package - this field is hidden in the Quik! Form ViewerQUIKFORMINFOQuik4/12/15 12:00 AMNULLString12345
FrozenPlanDateFrozen Plan DateDate plan was frozenACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLDate2/12/2019
FrozenPlanTypeFrozen Plan TypeThis is a frozen PlanACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
FullDRSDRIPTypeFull Direct Registration System/Dividend Reinvestment Program TypeFull Direct Registration System/Dividend Reinvestment Program TypeACCTAccount5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
FullNameFull NameFull NameCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringMr. Thomas James Trustman Sr.
FullNameFull NameFull NameREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTom J Trustman
FullNameFull NameFull name on fund sourceFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringMr. Thomas James Trustman Sr.
FullNameRevReverse Full NameReverse Full NameCLIENTClient Personal Info10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman, Thomas James
FulltimeResidentFulltime ResidentFull-time resident at home addressCLIENTAdvisor Suitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLStringYES
FulltimeResidentOtherFulltime Resident OtherOther Description of full-time resident flagCLIENTAdvisor Suitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLString1998
FullTransferTypeFull Transfer TypeFull Transfer TypeACCTAccount5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
FundSchwabOneIntTrustAcctFund Schwab One International Trust AccountFund Schwab One International Trust AccountACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
FundSchwabOneIntTrustAcctAmtFund Schwab One International Trust Account AmountFund Schwab One International Trust Account AmountACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric55000
FundSchwabTrustAcctTypeFund Schwab Trust Account TypeFund your Schwab Bank Investor Checking Trust AccountACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
FundSrc1035Exchange.DescFund Source - 1035 Exchange DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrc1035Exchange.TypeFund Source - 1035 Exchange TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAcctsReceivable.DescFund Source - Accounts Receivable DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAcctsReceivable.TypeFund Source - Accounts Receivable TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAlimony.DescFund Source - Alimony DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAlimony.TypeFund Source - Alimony TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAnnuity.DescFund Source - Annuity DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAnnuity.TypeFund Source - Annuity TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAnnuityFixed.DescFund Source - Fixed Annuity DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAnnuityFixed.TypeFund Source - Fixed Annuity TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAnnuityIndexed.DescFund Source - Indexed Annuity DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAnnuityIndexed.TypeFund Source - Indexed Annuity TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAnnuityVariable.DescFund Source - Variable Annuity DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAnnuityVariable.TypeFund Source - Variable Annuity TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAssetApprec.DescFund Source - Asset Appreciation DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcAssetApprec.TypeFund Source - Asset Appreciation TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcBankInformation.DescFund Source - Bank Information DescDescriptionACCTFundSource9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
FundSrcBankInformation.TypeFund Source - Bank Information TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
FundSrcBrokerage.DescFund Source - Brokerage DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcBrokerage.TypeFund Source - Brokerage TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcBusinessRev.DescFund Source - Business Revenue DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcBusinessRev.TypeFund Source - Business Revenue TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcCD.DescFund Source - Certificate of Deposit DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcCD.TypeFund Source - Certificate of Deposit TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcCorpIncome.DescFund Source - Corporate Income DescDescriptionACCTFundSource5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcCorpIncome.TypeFund Source - Corporate Income TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcEarnings.DescFund Source - Earnings DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcEarnings.TypeFund Source - Earnings TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcFamily.DescFund Source - Family DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcFamily.TypeFund Source - Family TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcGaming.DescFund Source - Gaming DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcGaming.TypeFund Source - Gaming TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcGift.DescFund Source - Gift DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcGift.TypeFund Source - Gift TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInheritance.DescFund Source - Inheritance DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInheritance.TypeFund Source - Inheritance TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInsProceeds.DescFund Source - Insurance Proceeds DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInsProceeds.TypeFund Source - Insurance Proceeds TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInvCapitalGains.DescFund Source - Investment Capital Gains DescDescriptionACCTFundSource5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInvCapitalGains.TypeFund Source - Investment Capital Gains TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInvestProceeds.DescFund Source - Investment Proceeds DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInvestProceeds.TypeFund Source - Investment Proceeds TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInvProceeds.DescFund Source - Investment Proceeds DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcInvProceeds.TypeFund Source - Investment Proceeds TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLegalProceeds.DescFund Source - Legal Proceeds DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLegalProceeds.TypeFund Source - Legal Proceeds TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLifeIns.DescFund Source - Life Insurance DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLifeIns.TypeFund Source - Life Insurance TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLifeInsUniversal.DescFund Source - Universal Life Insurance DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLifeInsUniversal.TypeFund Source - Universal Life Insurance TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLifeInsVariable.DescFund Source - Variable Life Insurance DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLifeInsVariable.TypeFund Source - Variable Life Insurance TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLifeInsWhole.DescFund Source - Whole Life Insurance DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcLifeInsWhole.TypeFund Source - Whole Life Insurance TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMF.DescFund Source - Mutual Fund DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMF.TypeFund Source - Mutual Fund TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFClassA.DescFund Source - Mutual Fund Class A DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFClassA.TypeFund Source - Mutual Fund Class A TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFClassB.DescFund Source - Mutual Fund Class B DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFClassB.TypeFund Source - Mutual Fund Class B TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFClassC.DescFund Source - Mutual Fund Class C DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFClassC.TypeFund Source - Mutual Fund Class C TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFManaged.DescFund Source - Managed Mutual Fund DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFManaged.TypeFund Source - Managed Mutual Fund TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFMoneyMarket.DescFund Source - Money Market DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcMFMoneyMarket.TypeFund Source - Money Market TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcOther.DescFund Source - Other DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcOther.TypeFund Source - Other TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcPension.DescFund Source - Pension DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcPension.TypeFund Source - Pension TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcPersonalCheck.DescFund Source - Personal Check DescDescriptionACCTFundSource9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
FundSrcPersonalCheck.TypeFund Source - Personal Check TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
FundSrcQualPlanDistrib.DescFund Source - Qualified Plan Distribution DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcQualPlanDistrib.TypeFund Source - Qualified Plan Distribution TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcQualPlanDistribVoluntary.DescFund Source - Qualified Plan Distribution - Voluntary DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcQualPlanDistribVoluntary.TypeFund Source - Qualified Plan Distribution - Voluntary TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcRealEstate.DescFund Source - Real Estate DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcRealEstate.TypeFund Source - Real Estate TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcRelative.DescFund Source - Relative DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcRelative.TypeFund Source - Relative TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcRentalIncome.DescFund Source - Rental Income DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcRentalIncome.TypeFund Source - Rental Income TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcResidence.DescFund Source - Residence DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcResidence.TypeFund Source - Residence TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcRollover.DescFund Source - Rollover DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcRollover.TypeFund Source - Rollover TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSalaryDeferral.DescFund Source - Salary Deferral DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSalaryDeferral.TypeFund Source - Salary Deferral TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSaleOfAssets.DescFund Source - Sale Of Assets DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSaleOfAssets.TypeFund Source - Sale Of Assets TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSaleOfBus.DescFund Source - Sale Of Business DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSaleOfBus.TypeFund Source - Sale Of Business TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSaleOfRealEstate.DescFund Source - Sale Of Real Estate DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSaleOfRealEstate.TypeFund Source - Sale Of Real Estate TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSavings.DescFund Source - Savings DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSavings.TypeFund Source - Savings TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSchwabOne.DescFund Source - Schwab One DescDescriptionACCTFundSource9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
FundSrcSchwabOne.TypeFund Source - Schwab One TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
FundSrcSocialSecurity.DescFund Source - Social Security DescDescriptionACCTFundSource9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcSocialSecurity.TypeFund Source - Social Security TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcStocksBonds.DescFund Source - Stocks and Bonds DescDescriptionACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcStocksBonds.TypeFund Source - Stocks and Bonds TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource8/6/14 4:05 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcTIK.DescFund Source - Transfer in Kind DescDescriptionACCTFundSource12/19/17 1:25 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcTIK.TypeFund Source - Transfer in Kind TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource12/19/17 1:25 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcWorkingCapital.DescFund Source - Working Capital DescDescriptionACCTFundSource5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLNumeric1
FundSrcWorkingCapital.TypeFund Source - Working Capital TypeType of field dataACCTFundSource5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLNumeric1
GenderGenderGenderCLIENTClient Personal Info6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Male, 2 = Female, 0 = Other
GenderGenderGenderREPClient Personal Info5/21/20 9:31 AMNULLBoolean1 = Male, 2 = Female, 0 = Other
GenderOtherGenderOtherGenderOtherCLIENTClient Personal Info9/29/13 2:30 PMNULLStringMale
GenderOtherGenderOtherGenderOtherREPClient Personal Info5/19/20 9:31 AMNULLStringMale
GiftDateDate gift was given to minorDate gift was given to minorACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
GiftMannerManner in which gift was givenManner in which gift was givenACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Trust
GiftStateState in which gift was givenState in which gift was given (California, Florida, New York, Texas, etc.)ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringCA
GiftTermAgeAge when gift terminatesAge when gift terminatesACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString18
GNumRepresentative G NumberG Number for Fidelity formsREPRep Profile8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString123ABC
GOV.ArrivalCityGovernment ID Arrival CityArrival CityCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.ArrivalDateGovernment ID Arrival DateDate of ArrivalCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.ArrivalStateGovernment ID Arrival StateArrival StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.DepartDateGovernment ID Depart DateDate of DepartureCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.ExactFNameGovernment ID Exact First NameExact First Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.ExactFullNameGovernment ID Exact FullnameExact Fullname on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.ExactLNameGovernment ID Exact Last NameExact Last Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.ExactMNameGovernment ID Exact Middle NameExact Middle Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDGovernment ID Document NumberIdentification Document NumberCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDCopiedGovernment ID Photocopy ObtainedFlag to indicate if a copy of the identification document was obtainedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDCountryGovernment ID Issuing CountryIdentification Document CountryCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDExpireGovernment ID Expiration DateIdentification Document Expiration DateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDIssueDateGovernment ID Issuance DateIdentification Document Issuance DateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDIssuerGovernment ID ID IssuerEntity issuing the ID or document (Issuing Post Name)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDStateGovernment ID Issuing StateIdentification Document StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDStatusGovernment ID ID StatusID Status (including immigration or non-immigration status)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDTypeGovernment ID TypeIdentification Document TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDTypeOtherGovernment ID ID Type OtherUsed to identify the ID document type in a text boxCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDVerifiedGovernment ID VerifiedIdentification Document VerifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDVerifiedNotesGovernment ID Verification NotesIdentification Document VerifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDVerifyContactGovernment ID ID Verification Contact NameName of contact who verified IDCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDVerifyDateGovernment ID Verification DateDate ID was verifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV.IDVerifyMethodGovernment ID ID Verification MethodID verification methodCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.ArrivalCityGovernment ID (Second ID) Arrival CityArrival CityCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.ArrivalDateGovernment ID (Second ID) Arrival DateDate of ArrivalCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.ArrivalStateGovernment ID (Second ID) Arrival StateArrival StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.DepartDateGovernment ID (Second ID) Depart DateDate of DepartureCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.ExactFNameGovernment ID (Second ID) Exact First NameExact First Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.ExactFullNameGovernment ID (Second ID) Exact FullnameExact Fullname on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.ExactLNameGovernment ID (Second ID) Exact Last NameExact Last Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.ExactMNameGovernment ID (Second ID) Exact Middle NameExact Middle Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDGovernment ID (Second ID) Document NumberIdentification Document NumberCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDCopiedGovernment ID (Second ID) Photocopy ObtainedFlag to indicate if a copy of the identification document was obtainedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDCountryGovernment ID (Second ID) Issuing CountryIdentification Document CountryCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDExpireGovernment ID (Second ID) Expiration DateIdentification Document Expiration DateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDIssueDateGovernment ID (Second ID) Issuance DateIdentification Document Issuance DateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDIssuerGovernment ID (Second ID) ID IssuerEntity issuing the ID or document (Issuing Post Name)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDStateGovernment ID (Second ID) Issuing StateIdentification Document StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDStatusGovernment ID (Second ID) ID StatusID Status (including immigration or non-immigration status)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDTypeGovernment ID (Second ID) TypeIdentification Document TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDTypeOtherGovernment ID (Second ID) ID Type OtherUsed to identify the ID document type in a text boxCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDVerifiedGovernment ID (Second ID) VerifiedIdentification Document VerifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDVerifiedNotesGovernment ID (Second ID) Verification NotesIdentification Document VerifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDVerifyContactGovernment ID (Second ID) ID Verification Contact NameName of contact who verified IDCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDVerifyDateGovernment ID (Second ID) Verification DateDate ID was verifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GOV2.IDVerifyMethodGovernment ID (Second ID) ID Verification MethodID verification methodCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
GovtOfficialGovernment Foreign Official AffiliationClient is a government officialCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
GovtOfficialFNameGovernment Official First NameFirst name of political official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringGeorge
GovtOfficialJurisdictionGovernment Official JurisdictionJurisdiction of political official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/9/16 7:23 PMNULLString1 = City
GovtOfficialJurisdictionOtherGovernment Official Jurisdiction OtherDescription of jurisdiction of political official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringCountry
GovtOfficialLNameGovernment Official Last NameLast name of political official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringWashington
GovtOfficialOfficeGovernment Official Office NameBranch or office held of political official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringExecutive Branch
GovtOfficialRelToClientGovernment Official Relationship to ClientRelationship of client to political officialCLIENTSuitability4/9/16 7:23 PMNULLString1 = Self
GovtOfficialRelToClientOtherGovernment Official Relationship to Client OtherDescription of client relationship to political officialCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringBrother
GovtOfficialTitleGovernment Official TitleTitle of political official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringPresident
GrantorJurisdictionGrantor JurisdictionIf the Grantor/Settlor is an entity, please list the jurisdiction in which the Grantor entity was established:CLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringCalifornia
GrantorTypeGrantor TypeType of GrantorCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
GrantTermsGrant TermsGrant TermsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
GroupingAcctNumGrouping Account NumberGrouping Account NumberACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
H.Addr1Home or Legal Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr1Home Address Line 1Address Line 1REPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr1Account Holders Home or Legal Address Address Line 1Address Line 1FUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr123Home or Legal Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr123Home Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr123Account Holders Home or Legal Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr1234Home or Legal Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr1234Home Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr1234Account Holders Home or Legal Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr2Home or Legal Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr2Home Address Line 2Address Line 2REPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr2Account Holders Home or Legal Address Address Line 2Address Line 2FUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr3Home or Legal Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr3Home Address Line 3Address Line 3REPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr3Account Holders Home or Legal Address Address Line 3Address Line 3FUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr4Home or Legal Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr4Home Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Addr4Account Holders Home or Legal Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)FUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.AddrTypeHome or Legal Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.AddrTypeHome Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.AddrTypeAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.AddrUnitTypeHome or Legal Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.AddrUnitTypeHome Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.AddrUnitTypeAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.AttnHome or Legal Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.AttnHome Attention LineAttention address lineREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.AttnAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Attention LineAttention address lineFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CityHome or Legal Address CityAddress CityCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.CityHome Address CityAddress CityREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CityAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Address CityAddress CityFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CityStateHome or Legal City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.CityStateHome City StateCity State combined togetherREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CityStateAccount Holders Home or Legal Address City StateCity State combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CityStateZipHome or Legal City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.CityStateZipHome City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CityStateZipAccount Holders Home or Legal Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CountryHome or Legal CountryCountryCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.CountryHome CountryCountryREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CountryAccount Holders Home or Legal Address CountryCountryFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CountyHome or Legal CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.CountyHome CountyCounty or ProvinceREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.CountyAccount Holders Home or Legal Address CountyCounty or ProvinceFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.EmailHome or Legal Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.EmailHome Email AddressEmail AddressREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.EmailAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Email AddressEmail AddressFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.EndDateHome or Legal End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.EndDateHome End DateDate ended residencyREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.EndDateAccount Holders Home or Legal Address End DateDate ended residencyFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.FaxHome or Legal FaxFaxCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.FaxHome FaxFaxREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.FaxAccount Holders Home or Legal Address FaxFaxFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.FaxCombHome or Legal Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.FaxCombHome Fax CombFax Comb FieldREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.FaxCombAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.ForeignRouteHome or Legal Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.ForeignRouteHome Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.ForeignRouteAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.FullAddrHome or Legal Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.FullAddrHome Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.FullAddrAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.MobileHome or Legal MobileMobileCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.MobileHome MobileMobileREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.MobileAccount Holders Home or Legal Address MobileMobileFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile0Home or Legal Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile0Home Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile0Account Holders Home or Legal Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile1Home or Legal Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile1Home Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile1Account Holders Home or Legal Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile2Home or Legal Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile2Home Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile2Account Holders Home or Legal Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile3Home or Legal Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile3Home Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Mobile3Account Holders Home or Legal Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.MobileCombHome or Legal Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.MobileCombHome Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.MobileCombAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.OtherHome or Legal OtherOther phoneCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.OtherHome OtherOther phoneREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.OtherAccount Holders Home or Legal Address OtherOther phoneFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PagerHome or Legal PagerPagerCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.PagerHome PagerPagerREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PagerAccount Holders Home or Legal Address PagerPagerFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneHome or Legal PhonePhoneCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneHome PhonePhoneREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneAccount Holders Home or Legal Address PhonePhoneFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone0Home or Legal Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone0Home Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone0Account Holders Home or Legal Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone0CombHome or Legal Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone0CombHome Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone0CombAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone1Home or Legal Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone1Home Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone1Account Holders Home or Legal Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone1CombHome or Legal Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone1CombHome Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone1CombAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone2Home or Legal Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone2Home Phone PrefixPhone PrefixREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone2Account Holders Home or Legal Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone2CombHome or Legal Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone2CombHome Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone2CombAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone3Home or Legal Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone3Home Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone3Account Holders Home or Legal Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone3CombHome or Legal Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone3CombHome Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.Phone3CombAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneCombHome or Legal Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneCombHome Phone CombPhone Comb FieldREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneCombAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneExtHome or Legal Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneExtHome Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneExtAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneNumFormatHome or Legal Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneNumFormatHome Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PhoneNumFormatAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PrimaryAddressHome or Legal Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.PrimaryAddressHome Primary AddressPrimary AddressREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PrimaryAddressAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PrimaryEmailHome or Legal Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.PrimaryEmailHome Primary EmailPrimary EmailREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PrimaryEmailAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PrimaryPhoneHome or Legal Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.PrimaryPhoneHome Primary PhonePrimary PhoneREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.PrimaryPhoneAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.StartDateHome or Legal Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.StartDateHome Start DateDate started residencyREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.StartDateAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Start DateDate started residencyFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.StateHome or Legal Address StateAddress StateCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.StateHome Address StateAddress StateREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.StateAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Address StateAddress StateFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.SuiteHome or Legal SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.SuiteHome SuiteAddress SuiteREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.SuiteAccount Holders Home or Legal Address SuiteAddress SuiteFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.URLHome or Legal URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.URLHome URLWebsite address or URLREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.URLAccount Holders Home or Legal Address URLWebsite address or URLFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.ZipHome or Legal Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.ZipHome Address ZipAddress ZipREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.ZipAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Address ZipAddress ZipFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
H.ZipCombHome or Legal Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
H.ZipCombHome Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:01 PMNULLStringNULL
H.ZipCombAccount Holders Home or Legal Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringNULL
Health.AdvisedHealth and Lifestyle AdvisedHave you been advised by a licensed member of the medical profession to have any consultation, surgery, treatment, biopsy, confinement to a medical facility, or diagnostic test, except tests for the HIV ANTIBODY, T-Cell Counts, AIDS or ARC, that has not yet been completed?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.AIDSHealth and Lifestyle AIDSHave you ever been diagnosed by a licensed member of the medical profession or tested positive for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)?  AIDS test results obtained at alternate test sites are confidential and need not be disclosed. None of these application questions should be interpreted as asking about AIDS, unless a question specifically mentions AIDS.CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.ArmedForcesHealth and Lifestyle Armed ForcesAre you now a member, or have you entered into a written agreement to become a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.AvocationalHealth and Lifestyle AvocationalIn the last 2 years have you participated in rock or mountain climbing, organized racing of any motor powered land vehicle or watercraft, scuba diving, base jumping, mixed martial arts, or aeronautics (including hang gliding, sky diving, parachuting, ultralight, soaring, and ballooning) or do you intend to do so within the next 2 years?   CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.BankruptcyHealth and Lifestyle BankruptcyDo you have a bankruptcy that has not yet been discharged, or have any suits, judgments, or liens currently pending against you?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.BrainHealth and Lifestyle BrainSeizures, multiple sclerosis, cognitive impairment, or any other disorder or disease of the brain or nervous system?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.CADHealth and Lifestyle Coronary Artery DiseaseCoronary Artery Disease, Stroke, Mini-Stroke, or TIA?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.CancerHealth and Lifestyle CancerCancer of any type, excluding basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.CurrentOccupationHealth and Lifestyle Current OccupationWhats your occupationCLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.DepressionHealth and Lifestyle DepressionDepression or bi-polar disorder?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.DiabetesHealth and Lifestyle DiabetesDiabetes, high blood sugar, or glucose intolerance?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.DigestiveHealth and Lifestyle DigestiveAny disorder or disease of the digestive system, including ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, barrett’s esophagus, acid reflux, pancreatitis, or any other inflammatory intestinal or bowel disorder?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.DrugsHealth and Lifestyle DrugsHave you ever used any illicit drugs, or used habit forming prescription drugs, except as prescribed by a licensed member of the medical profession?   CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.DrugTreatmentHealth and Lifestyle Drug TreatmentHave you ever had or been advised by a licensed member of the medical profession to have medical treatment, counseling, or participation in a support group for the use of alcohol or drugs, or been advised to limit or discontinue use?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.EndocrineHealth and Lifestyle EndocrineAny disorder or disease of the thyroid, blood (excluding HIV), lymph, or glands?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.FamilyHistoryHealth and Lifestyle Family HistoryHave either of your parents or any of your siblings died prior to age 60 due to cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or mental illness?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.FelonyHealth and Lifestyle FelonyHave you ever pleaded guilty to or been convicted of a felony, are you currently on probation, or do you currently have any criminal charges against you?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.FlightHistoryHealth and Lifestyle Flight HistoryIn the last 2 years, have you flown other than as a fare paying passenger on a scheduled airline, or do you intend to do so within the next 2 years?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.HeartHealth and Lifestyle HeartChest pain, angina, valve disorder, peripheral vascular disease, atrial fibrillation, aneurysm, or any other disease, disorder, or defect of the heart, arteries, or veins?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.HighBPHealth and Lifestyle High Blood PressureHigh Blood Pressure?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.HighCholesterolHealth and Lifestyle High CholesterolHigh Cholesterol?  CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.ImmuneHealth and Lifestyle ImmuneOther than previously disclosed, any immune or auto-immune disorder or disease, excluding those related to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) or HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.KidneysHealth and Lifestyle KidneysAny disorder or disease of the kidneys or bladder, or findings of sugar, protein, or blood in the urine?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.LiverHealth and Lifestyle LiverHepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, or any other disorder or disease of the liver?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.LupusHealth and Lifestyle LupusLupus, scleroderma, or any other connective tissue disease?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.MarijuanaHealth and Lifestyle MarijuanaHave you used marijuana in any form? CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.MedsHealth and Lifestyle MedsAre you taking any prescription medications not previously disclosed?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.MentalHealth and Lifestyle MentalOther than as previously disclosed, any psychiatric, emotional, or mental health disorder or disease?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.MovingViolationsHealth and Lifestyle Moving ViolationsHave you pleaded guilty to or been convicted of more than one moving violation, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or had a driver license suspended or revoked?  CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.NicotineHealth and Lifestyle NicotineIn the last 5 years, have you used tobacco, nicotine, smoked, or used any smoking-related products like e-cigarettes?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.OtherDrVisitHealth and Lifestyle Other Doctor VisitsOther than any you previously mentioned, in the last 5 years have you had any other check-up, consultation, illness, impairment, surgery, biopsy, or confinement in a medical facility other than  normal childbirth, routine physical exams with normal results, or routine treatment for cold, flu, allergies, or minor injuries?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.PregnantHealth and Lifestyle PregnantIF FEMALE  - Are you currently pregnant?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.ResideOutsideUSHealth and Lifestyle Reside Outside USIn the next 2 years, do you intend to travel or reside outside of the U.S.?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.RespiratoryHealth and Lifestyle RespiratoryAsthma, sleep apnea, COPD, emphysema, or any other disorder or disease of the respiratory system?  CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.SkeletalHealth and Lifestyle SkeletalRheumatoid arthritis or any other disease or disorder of the joints, muscles, nerves, or bones?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
Health.WeightChangeHealth and Lifestyle Weight ChangeHas your weight changed more than 12 pounds in the last 12 months?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
HealthDisclosureDescHealth DisclosureHealth Disclosure multi-line fieldCLIENTClient Personal Info9/9/15 12:00 AMNULLStringLong description for health disclosures on insurance forms
HeightClient HeightClient HeightCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFree flow text
HeightFeetClient Height in FeetThe client height in feet, not including any additional inches (HeightInch field)CLIENTClient Personal Info11/1/15 5:58 PMNULLNumeric5
HeightInchClient Height InchesThe client height in inches in addition to the client's height in feet (HeightFeet field)CLIENTClient Personal Info11/1/15 5:58 PMNULLNumeric7
HeldAwayAltInvestAsset Value of Alternative Investments Held AwayAsset Value of Alternative Investments held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayAltInvestPercAsset Value of Alternative Investments Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Alternative Investments percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayAnnuityAsset Value of Annuity Held AwayAsset Value of Annuity held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayAnnuityPercAsset Value of Annuity Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Annuity percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayBondAsset Value of Bond Held AwayAsset Value of Bond held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayBondPercAsset Value of Bond Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Bond percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayCashAsset Value of Cash Held AwayAsset Value of Cash held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayCashPercAsset Value of Cash Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Cash percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayCDsAsset Value of Certificate of Deposit Held AwayAsset Value of Certificate of Deposit held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayCDsPercAsset Value of Certificate of Deposit Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Certificate of Deposit percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayCommoditiesAsset Value of Commodities Held AwayAsset Value of Commodities held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayCommoditiesPercAsset Value of Commodities Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Commodities percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayEmpPlanAsset Value of Employer Plans Held AwayAsset Value of Employer Plans held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayEmpPlanPercAsset Value of Employer Plans Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Employer Plans percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayETFAsset Value of Exchange Traded Funds Held AwayAsset Value of Exchange Traded Funds held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayETFPercAsset Value of Exchange Traded Funds Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Exchange Traded Funds percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayFixedIncomeAsset Value of Fixed Income Held AwayAsset Value of Fixed Income held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayFixedIncomePercAsset Value of Fixed Income Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Fixed Income percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayForeignCurrencyAsset Value of Foreign Currency Held AwayAsset Value of Foreign Currency held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayForeignCurrencyPercAsset Value of Foreign Currency Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Foreign Currency percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayForeignSecuritiesAsset Value of Foreign Securities Held AwayAsset Value of Foreign Securities held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayForeignSecuritiesPercAsset Value of Foreign Securities Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Foreign Securities percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayFutureAsset Value of Futures Held AwayAsset Value of Futures held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayFuturePercAsset Value of Futures Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Futures percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayInsuranceAsset Value of Insurance Held AwayAsset Value of Insurance held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayInsurancePercAsset Value of Insurance Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Insurance percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayLLPAsset Value of Limited Liability Partnership Held AwayAsset Value of Limited Liability Partnership held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayLLPPercAsset Value of Limited Liability Partnership Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Limited Liability Partnership percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayManagedAcctAsset Value of Managed Accounts Held AwayAsset Value of Managed Accounts held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10000
HeldAwayManagedAcctPercAsset Value of Managed Accounts Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Managed Accounts percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10000
HeldAwayMarginAsset Value of Margin Held AwayAsset Value of Margin held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayMarginPercAsset Value of Margin Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Margin percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayMetalsAsset Value of Metals Held AwayAsset Value of Metals held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayMetalsPercAsset Value of Metals Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Metals percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayMutualFundAsset Value of Mutual Funds Held AwayAsset Value of Mutual Funds held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayMutualFundPercAsset Value of Mutual Funds Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Mutual Funds percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOptionAsset Value of Options Held AwayAsset Value of Options held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOptionPercAsset Value of Options Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Options percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOtherAsset Value of Other Held AwayAsset Value of Other held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther1Asset Value of Other 1 Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 1 held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther1PercAsset Value of Other 1 Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 1 percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther2Asset Value of Other 2 Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 2 held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther2PercAsset Value of Other 2 Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 2 percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther3Asset Value of Other 3 Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 3 held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther3PercAsset Value of Other 3 Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 3 percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther4Asset Value of Other 4 Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 4 held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther4PercAsset Value of Other 4 Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 4 percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther5Asset Value of Other 5 Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 5 held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther5PercAsset Value of Other 5 Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 5 percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther6Asset Value of Other 6 Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 6 held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOther6PercAsset Value of Other 6 Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Other - Instance 6 percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayOtherPercAsset Value of Other Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Other percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayRealEstateAsset Value of Real Estate Held AwayAsset Value of Real Estate held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayRealEstatePercAsset Value of Real Estate Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Real Estate percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayREITsAsset Value of REITs Held AwayAsset Value of REITs held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayREITsPercAsset Value of REITs Percent Held AwayAsset Value of REITs percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwaySavingsAsset Value of Savings Held AwayAsset Value of Savings held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwaySavingsPercAsset Value of Savings Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Savings percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayShortTermAsset Value of Short Term Investments Held AwayAsset Value of Short Term Investments held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayShortTermPercAsset Value of Short Term Investments Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Short Term Investments percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayStockAsset Value of Stock Held AwayAsset Value of Stock held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayStockPercAsset Value of Stock Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Stock percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayTotalTotal Asset Value Held AwayTotal asset value of assets held outside this account held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayUITAsset Value of Unit Investment Trusts Held AwayAsset Value of Unit Investment Trusts held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayUITPercAsset Value of Unit Investment Trusts Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Unit Investment Trusts percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayVariableAnnuityAsset Value of Variable Annuities Held AwayAsset Value of Variable Annuities held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayVariableAnnuityPercAsset Value of Variable Annuities Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Variable Annuities percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayVariableContractAsset Value of Variable Contract Held AwayAsset Value of Variable Contract held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayVariableContractPercAsset Value of Variable Contract Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Variable Contract percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayVULAsset Value of Variable Life Held AwayAsset Value of Variable Life held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HeldAwayVULPercAsset Value of Variable Life Percent Held AwayAsset Value of Variable Life percent held outside this accountCLIENTSuitability9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLString10
HideFieldsNav Hide Fields controlNav Hide Fields controlQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLEmptyNULL
HoldAssetsOtherFirmHold Assets Other FirmHold Assets Other FirmCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
HouseholdIDHouseholdIDHouseholdID is used to identify a client record with a household recordCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringABC123
HouseholdIncome.AmtHighHousehold Income Level High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
HouseholdIncome.AmtLowHousehold Income Level Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
HouseholdIncome.DescHousehold Income Level DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
HouseholdIncome.RangeHousehold Income Level Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
HouseholdIncome.RangeOtherHousehold Income Level Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
HouseholdIncome.TimeframeHousehold Income Level TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
HouseholdIncome.TypeHousehold Income Level Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumericNULL
IABenefitsOrgIA Benefits OrganizationIA Benefits OrganizationCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
IABusinessOperationsIA Business OperationsIA Business OperationsCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
IACommunicationsIA CommincationsIA CommincationsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
IAEstablishmentIA EstablishmentIA EstablishmentCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
IDNumProduct ID or CodeProduct ID or code assigned by product companyPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString39
IllustrationNumIllustration Confirmation NumberUsed to insure that the illustration was run and can be confirmed.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringString
ImmediateInvestTypeImmediate Investment IndicatorCalifornia Senate Bill 620 has passed and certain provisions go into effect July 1, 2004.  This bill places limitations on the investment of premiums during the 30 day cancellation period for senior citizens.   Specifically, the premium for a variable annACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ImmigrationStatusImmigration StatusImmigration status or residence type (e.g. non-resident, permanent resident, etc)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringPermanent Resident, Non-Permanent, Non-Resident
IncCountryIncorporated CountryCountry corporation was incorporatedCLIENTClient Personal Info9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLStringUSA
IncCountyIncorporation CountyCounty corporation was incorporatedCLIENTClient Personal Info10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLStringLos Angeles
IncDateIncorporation DateDate corporation was incorporated or formedCLIENTClient Personal Info10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLDate1/1/2006
IncIDNumIncorporation ID NumberCorporate or business ID number (DUNs, TaxID, Incorporation ID, etc.)CLIENTClient Personal Info11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString123-ABC123
Income.AmtHighIncome Level High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
Income.AmtLowIncome Level Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
Income.DescIncome Level DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
Income.RangeIncome Level Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
Income.RangeOtherIncome Level Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
Income.TimeframeIncome Level TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
Income.TypeIncome Level Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
IncreaseAmtIncrease AmountAmount of annual increase of ContributionsACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
IncreasedRiskIndustryIncreased Risk IndustryIndustry with increased risk that corresponds to the industry of the customer's occupation (see Industries with Increased Risk table). CLIENTClient Personal Info4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLString1234ABC
IncreaseMonthIncrease MonthMonth that Annual Increase Contributions will startACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
IncStateIncorporation StateState corporation was incorporatedCLIENTClient Personal Info10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLStringCalifornia
IndSingleMemberIndividual Single MemberIndividual Single MemberACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLString1234ABC
InheritingAcctTypeInheriting Account TypeCheck the type of account you are inheritingACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InitAcctSrcOfFundsInitial Account Source of FundsInitial source of funds for the accountACCTAccount8/17/19 10:30 AMNULLBoolean1 = Income From Earnings
InitAcctSrcOfFundsOtherOther Initial Account Source of FundsOther initial source of funds for the accountACCTAccount8/15/19 10:30 AMNULLStringTransfer
InitAmtInitial Investment AmountInitial Investment AmountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
InitialPlanDocDateInitial Plan Document DateInitial Plan Document DateACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLDate2/12/2019
InsInvestTypeInsurance Investment TypeInsurance investment type (variable, non-variable, indexed universal life)PRODUCTITEMProduct10/31/10 12:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = Universal
InstAcctAssetClassInstitutional Account Asset ClassInstitutional Account asset classes for suitability obligationACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = Equities
InstAcctAssetClassOtherInstitutional Account Asset Class OtherInstitutional Account other asset classes for suitability obligationACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLStringAsset Class Other
InstAcctAssetClassTypeEquitiesInstitutional Account Asset Class Type EquitiesInstitutional Account asset classes for suitability obligation type - EquitiesACCTAccount2/21/24 12:26 PMNULLBoolean1 = Equities
InstAcctAssetClassTypeETFInstitutional Account Asset Class Type Exchange Traded FundsInstitutional Account asset classes for suitability obligation type - Exchange Traded FundsACCTAccount2/21/24 12:26 PMNULLBoolean1 = Equities
InstAcctAssetClassTypeFIInstitutional Account Asset Class Type Fixed IncomeInstitutional Account asset classes for suitability obligation type - FixedIncomeACCTAccount2/21/24 12:26 PMNULLBoolean1 = Equities
InstAcctAssetClassTypeMFInstitutional Account Asset Class Type Mutual FundsInstitutional Account asset classes for suitability obligation type - Mutual FundsACCTAccount2/21/24 12:26 PMNULLBoolean1 = Equities
InstAcctAssetClassTypeOptionsInstitutional Account Asset Class Type OptionsInstitutional Account asset classes for suitability obligation type - OptionsACCTAccount2/21/24 12:26 PMNULLBoolean1 = Equities
InstAcctAssetClassTypeOtherInstitutional Account Asset Class Type OtherInstitutional Account asset classes for suitability obligation type - OtherACCTAccount2/21/24 12:26 PMNULLBoolean1 = Equities
InstAcctAssetClassTypeUITInstitutional Account Asset Class Type Unit Investment TrustsInstitutional Account asset classes for suitability obligation type - Unit Investment TrustsACCTAccount2/21/24 12:26 PMNULLBoolean1 = Equities
InstAcctDefnInstitutional Account DefinitionType of Institutional Account as defined by FINRA ruleACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InstAcctSuitabilityInstitutional Account SuitabilitySuitability obligation for Institutional Account per FINRAACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBoolean1 -= Waived
IntegrationLevelIntegration LevelIntegration LevelACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InterestIncome.AmtHighInterest Income High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InterestIncome.AmtLowInterest Income Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InterestIncome.DescInterest Income DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InterestIncome.RangeInterest Income Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InterestIncome.RangeOtherInterest Income Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InterestIncome.TimeframeInterest Income TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InterestIncome.TypeInterest Income Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InterimMailingsInterim MailingsInterim MailingsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvAssets.AmtHighInvestable Assets High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InvAssets.AmtLowInvestable Assets Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InvAssets.DescInvestable Assets DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InvAssets.RangeInvestable Assets Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InvAssets.RangeOtherInvestable Assets Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InvAssets.TimeframeInvestable Assets TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InvAssets.TypeInvestable Assets Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
InvestExperYears Experience InvestingYears experience investing or investment knowledgeCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric10
InvestExperAltInvestYears Experience Investing in Alternative InvestmentsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Alternative InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperAltInvestYears Experience Investing in Alternative InvestmentsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Alternative InvestmentsACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperAnnuitiesYears Experience Investing AnnuitiesYears experience investing or investment knowledge with AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperAnnuitiesYears Experience Investing AnnuitiesYears experience investing or investment knowledge with AnnuitiesACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSAltInvestAvg Trans Size Experience in Alternative InvestmentsAverage Transaction Size Investing in Alternative InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSAnnuitiesAvg Trans Size Experience in AnnuitiesAverage Transaction Size Investing in AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSBondsAvg Trans Size Experience in BondsAverage Transaction Size Investing in BondsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSCashAvg Trans Size Experience in CashAverage Transaction Size Investing in CashCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSCDsAvg Trans Size Experience in Certificate of DepositAverage Transaction Size Investing in Certificate of DepositCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSCommoditiesAvg Trans Size Experience in CommoditiesAverage Transaction Size Investing in CommoditiesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSEmpPlanAvg Trans Size Experience in Employer PlansAverage Transaction Size Investing in Employer PlansCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSETFAvg Trans Size Experience in Exchange Traded FundsAverage Transaction Size Investing in Exchange Traded FundsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSFixedIncomeAvg Trans Size Experience in Fixed IncomeAverage Transaction Size Investing in Fixed IncomeCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSForeignCurrencyAvg Trans Size Experience in Foreign CurrencyAverage Transaction Size Investing in Foreign CurrencyCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSForeignSecuritiesAvg Trans Size Experience in Foreign SecuritiesAverage Transaction Size Investing in Foreign SecuritiesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSFuturesAvg Trans Size Experience in FuturesAverage Transaction Size Investing in FuturesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSInsuranceAvg Trans Size Experience in InsuranceAverage Transaction Size Investing in InsuranceCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSLLPsAvg Trans Size Experience in LLPsAverage Transaction Size Investing in LLPsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSManagedAcctAvg Trans Size Experience in Managed AccountsAverage Transaction Size Investing in Managed AccountsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSMarginAvg Trans Size Experience in MarginAverage Transaction Size Investing in MarginCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSMetalsAvg Trans Size Experience in MetalsAverage Transaction Size Investing in MetalsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSMutualFundsAvg Trans Size Experience in MutualFundsAverage Transaction Size Investing in MutualFundsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSOptionsAvg Trans Size Experience in OptionsAverage Transaction Size Investing in OptionsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSOtherAvg Trans Size Experience in OtherAverage Transaction Size Investing in OtherCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSPPAvg Trans Size Experience in Private PlacementsAverage Transaction Size Investing in Private PlacementsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSRealEstateAvg Trans Size Experience in RealEstateAverage Transaction Size Investing in RealEstateCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSREITsAvg Trans Size Experience in REITsAverage Transaction Size Investing in REITsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSSavingsAvg Trans Size Experience in SavingsAverage Transaction Size Investing in SavingsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSShortTermAvg Trans Size Experience in Short Term InvestmentsAverage Transaction Size Investing in Short Term InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSStocksAvg Trans Size Experience in StocksAverage Transaction Size Investing in StocksCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSUITAvg Trans Size Experience in Unit Investment TrustsAverage Transaction Size Investing in Unit Investment TrustsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSVariableAnnuityAvg Trans Size Experience in Variable AnnuitiesAverage Transaction Size Investing in Variable AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSVariableContractsAvg Trans Size Experience in VariableContractsAverage Transaction Size Investing in VariableContractsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperATSVULAvg Trans Size Experience in Variable LifeAverage Transaction Size Investing in Variable LifeCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperBondsYears Experience Investing BondsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with BondsCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperBondsYears Experience Investing BondsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with BondsACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperCashYears Experience Investing in CashYears experience investing or investment knowledge with CashCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperCashYears Experience Investing in CashYears experience investing or investment knowledge with CashACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperCDsYears Experience Investing in Certificate of DepositYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Certificate of DepositCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperCDsYears Experience Investing in Certificate of DepositYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Certificate of DepositACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperCommoditiesYears Experience Investing CommoditiesYears experience investing or investment knowledge with CommoditiesCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperCommoditiesYears Experience Investing CommoditiesYears experience investing or investment knowledge with CommoditiesACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperEmpPlanYears Experience Investing in Employer PlansYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Employer PlansCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperETFYears Experience Investing in Exchange Traded FundsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Exchange Traded FundsCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperETFYears Experience Investing in Exchange Traded FundsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Exchange Traded FundsACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperFixedIncomeYears Experience Investing in Fixed IncomeYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Fixed IncomeCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperFixedIncomeYears Experience Investing in Fixed IncomeYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Fixed IncomeACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperForeignCurrencyYears Experience Investing in Foreign CurrencyYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Foreign CurrencyCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperForeignCurrencyYears Experience Investing in Foreign CurrencyYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Foreign CurrencyACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperForeignSecuritiesYears Experience Investing in Foreign SecuritiesYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Foreign SecuritiesCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperForeignSecuritiesYears Experience Investing in Foreign SecuritiesYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Foreign SecuritiesACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperFuturesYears Experience Investing FuturesYears experience investing or investment knowledge with FuturesCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperFuturesYears Experience Investing FuturesYears experience investing or investment knowledge with FuturesACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperInsuranceYears Experience Investing InsuranceYears experience investing or investment knowledge with InsuranceCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperInsuranceYears Experience Investing InsuranceYears experience investing or investment knowledge with InsuranceACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperLLPsYears Experience Investing LLPsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with LLPsCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperLLPsYears Experience Investing LLPsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with LLPsACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperManagedAcctYears Experience Investing in Managed AccountsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Managed AccountsCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperMarginYears Experience Investing in MarginYears experience investing or investment knowledge with MarginCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperMarginYears Experience Investing in MarginYears experience investing or investment knowledge with MarginACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperMetalsYears Experience Investing in MetalsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with MetalsCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperMetalsYears Experience Investing in MetalsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with MetalsACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperMutualFundsYears Experience Investing MutualFundsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with MutualFundsCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperMutualFundsYears Experience Investing MutualFundsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with MutualFundsACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperOptionsYears Experience Investing OptionsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with OptionsCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperOptionsYears Experience Investing OptionsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with OptionsACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperOtherYears Experience Investing in OtherYears experience investing or investment knowledge with OtherCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperOtherYears Experience Investing in OtherYears experience investing or investment knowledge with OtherACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperOtherDescOther Type of Investing Experience DescriptionDescription of other type of Investing ExperienceCLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringPrivate Equities
InvestExperOtherDescOther Type of Investing Experience DescriptionDescription of other type of Investing ExperienceACCTInvestment Profile11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringPrivate Equities
InvestExperPPYears Experience Investing in Private PlacementsYears Experience Investing in Private PlacementsCLIENTSuitability12/5/18 10:21 AMNULLNumeric0.1
InvestExperPPYears Experience Investing in Private PlacementsYears Experience Investing in Private PlacementsACCTInvestment Profile12/5/18 10:21 AMNULLNumeric0.1
InvestExperRealEstateYears Experience Investing RealEstateYears experience investing or investment knowledge with RealEstateCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperRealEstateYears Experience Investing RealEstateYears experience investing or investment knowledge with RealEstateACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperREITsYears Experience Investing REITsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with REITsCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperREITsYears Experience Investing REITsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with REITsACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperSavingsYears Experience Investing in SavingsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with SavingsCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperSavingsYears Experience Investing in SavingsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with SavingsACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperShortTermYears Experience Investing in Short Term InvestmentsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Short Term InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperShortTermYears Experience Investing in Short Term InvestmentsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Short Term InvestmentsACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperStocksYears Experience Investing StocksYears experience investing or investment knowledge with StocksCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperStocksYears Experience Investing StocksYears experience investing or investment knowledge with StocksACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMAltInvestTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inAlternative InvestmentsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Alternative InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMAnnuitiesTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inAnnuitiesInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMBondsTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inBondsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in BondsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMCashTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inCashInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in CashCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMCDsTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inCertificate of DepositInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Certificate of DepositCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMCommoditiesTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inCommoditiesInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in CommoditiesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMEmpPlanTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inEmployer PlansInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Employer PlansCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMETFTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inExchange Traded FundsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Exchange Traded FundsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMFixedIncomeTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inFixed IncomeInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Fixed IncomeCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMForeignCurrencyTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inForeign CurrencyInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Foreign CurrencyCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMForeignSecuritiesTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inForeign SecuritiesInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Foreign SecuritiesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMFuturesTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inFuturesInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in FuturesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMInsuranceTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month insuranceInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month insuranceCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMLLPsTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inLLPsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in LLPsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMManagedAcctTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inManaged AccountsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Managed AccountsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMMarginTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inMarginInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in MarginCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMMetalsTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inMetalsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in MetalsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMMutualFundsTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inMutualFundsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in MutualFundsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMOptionsTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inOptionsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in OptionsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMOtherTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inOtherInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in OtherCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMPPTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inPrivate PlacementsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Private PlacementsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMRealEstateTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inRealEstateInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in RealEstateCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMREITsTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inREITsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in REITsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMSavingsTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inSavingsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in SavingsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMShortTermTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inShort Term InvestmentsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Short Term InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMStocksTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inStocksInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in StocksCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMUITTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inUnit Investment TrustsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Unit Investment TrustsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMVariableAnnuityTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inVariable AnnuitiesInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Variable AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMVariableContractsTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inVariableContractsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in VariableContractsCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPMVULTrans Per Mo Inv Exp inVariable LifeInvestment Experience Transactions Per Month in Variable LifeCLIENTSuitability3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperTPYAltInvestInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Alternative InvestmentsNumber of transactions per year with Alternative InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYAnnuitiesInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year AnnuitiesNumber of transactions per year with AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYBondsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year BondsNumber of transactions per year with BondsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYCashInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in CashNumber of transactions per year with CashCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYCDsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Certificate of DepositNumber of transactions per year with Certificate of DepositCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYCommoditiesInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year CommoditiesNumber of transactions per year with CommoditiesCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYEmpPlanInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Employer PlansNumber of transactions per year with Employer PlansCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYETFInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Exchange Traded FundsNumber of transactions per year with Exchange Traded FundsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYFixedIncomeInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Fixed IncomeNumber of transactions per year with Fixed IncomeCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYForeignCurrencyInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Foreign CurrencyNumber of transactions per year with Foreign CurrencyCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYForeignSecuritiesInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Foreign SecuritiesNumber of transactions per year with Foreign SecuritiesCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYFuturesInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year FuturesNumber of transactions per year with FuturesCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYInsuranceInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year InsuranceNumber of transactions per year with InsuranceCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYLLPsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year LLPsNumber of transactions per year with LLPsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYManagedAcctInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Managed AccountsNumber of transactions per year with Managed AccountsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYMarginInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in MarginNumber of transactions per year with MarginCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYMetalsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in MetalsNumber of transactions per year with MetalsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYMutualFundsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year MutualFundsNumber of transactions per year with Mutual FundsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYOptionsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year OptionsNumber of transactions per year with OptionsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYOtherInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in OtherNumber of transactions per year with OtherCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYPPInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Private PlacementsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Private PlacementsCLIENTSuitability12/7/18 10:21 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYRealEstateInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year RealEstateNumber of transactions per year with Real EstateCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYREITsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year REITsNumber of transactions per year with REITsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYSavingsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in SavingsNumber of transactions per year with SavingsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYShortTermInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Short Term InvestmentsNumber of transactions per year with Short Term InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYStocksInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year StocksNumber of transactions per year with StocksCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYUITInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Unit Investment TrustsNumber of transactions per year with Unit Investment TrustsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYVariableAnnuityInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Variable AnnuitiesNumber of transactions per year with Variable AnnuityCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYVariableContractsInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year VariableContractsNumber of transactions per year with Variable ContractsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTPYVULInvestment Experience Transactions Per Year in Variable LifeNumber of transactions per year with VULsCLIENTSuitability8/13/16 4:20 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestExperTypeYears Experience Type of InvestingYears Experience Type of InvestingCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString10
InvestExperTypeAltInvestYears Type of Experience Investing in Alternative InvestmentsYears Type of Experience Investing in Alternative InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeAnnuityYears Type of Experience Investing in AnnuityYears Type of Experience Investing in AnnuityCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeBondYears Type of Experience Investing in BondYears Type of Experience Investing in BondCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeCashYears Type of Experience Investing in CashYears Type of Experience Investing in CashCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeCDsYears Type of Experience Investing in Certificate of DepositYears Type of Experience Investing in Certificate of DepositCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeCommoditiesYears Type of Experience Investing in CommoditiesYears Type of Experience Investing in CommoditiesCLIENTSuitability8/8/15 5:30 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeEmpPlanYears Type of Experience Investing in Employer PlansYears Type of Experience Investing in Employer PlansCLIENTSuitability4/10/16 6:12 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeETFYears Type of Experience Investing in Exchange Traded FundsYears Type of Experience Investing in Exchange Traded FundsCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeFixedIncomeYears Type of Experience Investing in Fixed IncomeYears Type of Experience Investing in Fixed IncomeCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeForeignCurrencyYears Type of Experience Investing in Foreign CurrencyYears Type of Experience Investing in Foreign CurrencyCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeForeignSecuritiesYears Type of Experience Investing in Foreign SecuritiesYears Type of Experience Investing in Foreign SecuritiesCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeFutureYears Type of Experience Investing in FuturesYears Type of Experience Investing in FuturesCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeInsuranceYears Type of Experience Investing in InsuranceYears Type of Experience Investing in InsuranceCLIENTSuitability8/8/15 5:30 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeLLPYears Type of Experience Investing in Limited Liability PartnershipYears Type of Experience Investing in Limited Liability PartnershipCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeManagedAcctYears Type of Experience Investing in Managed AccountsYears Type of Experience Investing in Managed AccountsCLIENTSuitability4/10/16 6:12 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeMarginYears Type of Experience Investing in MarginYears Type of Experience Investing in MarginCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeMetalsYears Type of Experience Investing in MetalsYears Type of Experience Investing in MetalsCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeMutualFundYears Type of Experience Investing in Mutual FundsYears Type of Experience Investing in Mutual FundsCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeOptionYears Type of Experience Investing in OptionsYears Type of Experience Investing in OptionsCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeOtherYears Type of Experience Investing in OtherYears Type of Experience Investing in OtherCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypePPYears Type of Experience Investing in Private PlacementsYears Type of Experience Investing in Private PlacementsCLIENTSuitability12/5/18 10:21 AMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeRealEstateYears Type of Experience Investing in Real EstateYears Type of Experience Investing in Real EstateCLIENTSuitability8/8/15 5:30 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeREITsYears Type of Experience Investing in REITsYears Type of Experience Investing in REITsCLIENTSuitability8/8/15 5:30 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeSavingsYears Type of Experience Investing in SavingsYears Type of Experience Investing in SavingsCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeShortTermYears Type of Experience Investing in Short Term InvestmentsYears Type of Experience Investing in Short Term InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeStockYears Type of Experience Investing in StockYears Type of Experience Investing in StockCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeUITYears Type of Experience Investing in Unit Investment TrustsYears Type of Experience Investing in Unit Investment TrustsCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeVariableAnnuityYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable AnnuitiesYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability8/8/15 5:30 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeVariableContractYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable ContractYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable ContractCLIENTSuitability8/8/14 4:04 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperTypeVULYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable LifeYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable LifeCLIENTSuitability8/8/15 5:30 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestExperUITYears Experience Investing in Unit Investment TrustsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Unit Investment TrustsCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperUITYears Experience Investing in Unit Investment TrustsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with Unit Investment TrustsACCTInvestment Profile8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLNumeric5
InvestExperVariableAnnuityYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable AnnuitiesYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability8/10/15 5:30 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperVariableContractsYears Experience Investing VariableContractsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with VariableContractsCLIENTSuitability7/4/14 12:00 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperVariableContractsYears Experience Investing VariableContractsYears experience investing or investment knowledge with VariableContractsACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
InvestExperVULYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable LifeYears Type of Experience Investing in Variable LifeCLIENTSuitability8/8/15 5:30 PMNULLNumeric1
InvestKnowledgeInvestment KnowledgeGeneral Investment Knowledge and ExperienceCLIENTSuitability6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = None
InvestmentClubInvestment ClubInvestment ClubCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvestStartDateDate Started InvestingDate Started InvestingCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
InvObj1Primary Investment ObjectivePrimary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj10Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj11Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj12Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj13Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj14Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj15Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj16Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj17Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj18Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj19Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj2Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj20Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj3Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj4Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj5Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj6Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj7Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj8Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvObj9Investment ObjectiveSecondary investment objective for the accountACCTInvestment Profile5/11/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
InvOwnedBondsInvestments Owned BondsDo you currently own or have you owned in the past Bonds/bond fundsCLIENTInvestment Profile9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvOwnedInternationalSecuritiesInvestments Owned International SecuritiesDo you currently own or have you owned in the past International SecuritiesCLIENTInvestment Profile9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvOwnedMoneyMarketInvestments Owned Money MarketDo you currently own or have you owned in the past Money market funds/cash investmentsCLIENTInvestment Profile9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
InvOwnedStocksInvestments Owned StocksDo you currently own or have you owned in the past Stocks/stock fundsCLIENTInvestment Profile9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
IRAAcctTypeType of IRA AccountType of IRA account (individual, spousal, rollover, etc.)ACCTAccount8/15/22 9:50 AMNULLStringNULL
IRAContribTypeIRA Contribution TypeIRA Contribution TypeACCTAccount11/23/07 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 - Rollover
IRADistAmtEarningsIRA Distribution Amount EarningsIRA Distribution Excess Amount EarningsACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString0=False; 1=True
IRADistContAmtIRA Distribution Contribution AmountIRA Distribution Excess Contribution AmountACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString100000
IRADistContDateIRA Distriution Contribution DateIRA Distribution Excess Contribution DateACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLDate3/17/2020
IRADistPriorTaxYearIRA Distribution Prior Tax YearIRA Distribution Excess Removed Prior to the Extended Tax Return Due DateACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString2019
IRADistReasonIRA Distribution ReasonIRA/ESA Distribution Request ReasonACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Normal
IRADistTransTypeIRA Distribution Transaction TypeIRA Distribution Transaction TypeACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Total Distribution
IrrevocableTrustTypeIrrevocable Trust TypeIrrevocable Trust TypeACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
IRSBackupWithholdIRS Backup WithholdingIf you have been noti?ed by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return, you must check this box to indicate that you do not certify Item 2.CLIENTClient Personal Info9/20/18 1:56 PMNULLBooleanYes
IRSExemptionsNumber of Exemptions ClaimedNumber of Tax Exemptions.i.e., Immediate Annuities/AnnuitizationTotal Exemptions ClaimedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric3
IssueTypeIssue TypeType of insurance issue (guaranteed issue, full underwriting, simplified issue, etc)PRODUCTITEMProduct10/31/10 12:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = GI
JointFinancialsJoint Financial AggregationIndicates if financial information is aggregated with other joint tenantsCLIENTSuitability10/13/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
JournalAcctNumJournal Account NumberJournal Account NumberACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString123ABC
JournalAcctNumPrefixJournal Account Number PrefixJournal Account Number PrefixACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString555
JournalCashAmtJournal Cash AmountJournal Cash AmountACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
JournalRegJournal RegistrationJournal RegistrationACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
JournalSecuritiesJournal SecuritiesJournal SecuritiesACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
JournalTypeJournal TypeJournal TypeACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
JurisdictionEstablishmentJurisdiction EstablishmentJurisdiction of EstablishmentCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Description
L.Addr1Legal Address Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Addr123Legal Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Addr1234Legal Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Addr2Legal Address Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Addr3Legal Address Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Addr4Legal Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.AddrTypeLegal Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.AddrUnitTypeLegal Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.AttnLegal Address Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.CityLegal Address Address CityAddress CityCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.CityStateLegal Address City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.CityStateZipLegal Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.CountryLegal Address CountryCountryCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.CountyLegal Address CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.EmailLegal Address Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.EndDateLegal Address End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.FaxLegal Address FaxFaxCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.FaxCombLegal Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.ForeignRouteLegal Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.FullAddrLegal Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.MobileLegal Address MobileMobileCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Mobile0Legal Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Mobile1Legal Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Mobile2Legal Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Mobile3Legal Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.MobileCombLegal Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.OtherLegal Address OtherOther phoneCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.PagerLegal Address PagerPagerCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.PhoneLegal Address PhonePhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Phone0Legal Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Phone0CombLegal Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Phone1Legal Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Phone1CombLegal Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Phone2Legal Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Phone2CombLegal Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Phone3Legal Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.Phone3CombLegal Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.PhoneCombLegal Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.PhoneExtLegal Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.PhoneNumFormatLegal Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.PrimaryAddressLegal Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.PrimaryEmailLegal Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.PrimaryPhoneLegal Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.StartDateLegal Address Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.StateLegal Address Address StateAddress StateCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.SuiteLegal Address SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.URLLegal Address URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.ZipLegal Address Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
L.ZipCombLegal Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringNULL
LastSynchLast Synch DateDate record was last updated from the data sourceQDBCSOURCEQDBCDataSource8/7/11 4:00 PMNULLDate6/24/2011 16:23
LegacyPercLegacy PercentageTotal Percentage of Account Designated for the Legacy ProgramACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
LegalCountryTypeLegal Country TypeCountry of Legal ResidenceCLIENTEmployer/Education3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = USA
LEILegal Entity IdentifierLegal Entity Identifier for corporations or businessesCLIENTClient Personal Info10/10/22 11:46 AMNULLString12345ABCDE
LicensedRep is licensed to sell product to clientRep is licensed to sell product to clientCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringYES
LicenseExpiryLicense Expiration DateDate the client's license or professional designation expiresCLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLDate12/12/2015
LifeInsDeclinedDeclined For Life InsuranceIn the last 5 years, have you been declined, postponed, or charged an additional premium for life, health, or disability insurance?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLStringYES
LifeInsDisabilityReceived Disability Benefits from Life InsuranceIn the last 5 years, have you received any disability, chronic illness, long-term care, or accident related medical benefits?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLStringYES
LifeInsPrevAppliedPreviously Applied for Life InsuranceIn the last 24 months, have you applied for any other life insurance?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLStringYES
LinkedMasterAcctNumLinked Master Account NumberLinked Master Account NumberREPRep Profile8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
LiquidAssets.AmtHighLiquid Assets High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
LiquidAssets.AmtLowLiquid Assets Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
LiquidAssets.DescLiquid Assets DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
LiquidAssets.RangeLiquid Assets Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
LiquidAssets.RangeOtherLiquid Assets Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
LiquidAssets.TimeframeLiquid Assets TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
LiquidAssets.TypeLiquid Assets Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
LiquidityNeeds.AmtHighLiquidity Needs High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLStringNULL
LiquidityNeeds.AmtLowLiquidity Needs Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLStringNULL
LiquidityNeeds.DescLiquidity Needs DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLStringNULL
LiquidityNeeds.RangeLiquidity Needs Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLStringNULL
LiquidityNeeds.RangeOtherLiquidity Needs Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLStringNULL
LiquidityNeeds.TimeframeLiquidity Needs TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLStringNULL
LiquidityNeeds.TypeLiquidity Needs Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLStringNULL
LNameLast NameLast NameCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman
LNameLast NameLast NameREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman
LNameLast NameLast name on fund sourceFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman
LOIAmtLetter of Intent AmountLetter of Intent AmountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
LOIDateLOIDateThe date of a letter of intent.ACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLDate9/23/2006
LOITypeLetter of Intent FlagIndicates if letter of intent is being requested for the accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
M.Addr1Mailing Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr1Alt Payee Mailing Address Line 1Address Line 1ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr123Mailing Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr123Alt Payee Mailing Address All LinesAddress All LinesACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr1234Mailing Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr1234Alt Payee Mailing Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr2Mailing Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr2Alt Payee Mailing Address Line 2Address Line 2ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr3Mailing Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr3Alt Payee Mailing Address Line 3Address Line 3ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr4Mailing Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Addr4Alt Payee Mailing Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.AddrTypeMailing Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.AddrTypeAlt Payee Mailing Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.AddrUnitTypeMailing Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.AddrUnitTypeAlt Payee Mailing Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.AttnMailing Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.AttnAlt Payee Mailing Attention LineAttention address lineACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CityMailing Address CityAddress CityCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CityAlt Payee Mailing Address CityAddress CityACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CityStateMailing City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CityStateAlt Payee Mailing City StateCity State combined togetherACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CityStateZipMailing City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CityStateZipAlt Payee Mailing City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CountryMailing CountryCountryCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CountryAlt Payee Mailing CountryCountryACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CountyMailing CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.CountyAlt Payee Mailing CountyCounty or ProvinceACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.EmailMailing Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.EmailAlt Payee Mailing Email AddressEmail AddressACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.EndDateMailing End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.EndDateAlt Payee Mailing End DateDate ended residencyACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.FaxMailing FaxFaxCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.FaxAlt Payee Mailing FaxFaxACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.FaxCombMailing Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.FaxCombAlt Payee Mailing Fax CombFax Comb FieldACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.ForeignRouteMailing Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.ForeignRouteAlt Payee Mailing Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.FullAddrMailing Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.FullAddrAlt Payee Mailing Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.MobileMailing MobileMobileCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.MobileAlt Payee Mailing MobileMobileACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Mobile0Mailing Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Mobile0Alt Payee Mailing Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Mobile1Mailing Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Mobile1Alt Payee Mailing Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Mobile2Mailing Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Mobile2Alt Payee Mailing Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Mobile3Mailing Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Mobile3Alt Payee Mailing Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.MobileCombMailing Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.MobileCombAlt Payee Mailing Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.OtherMailing OtherOther phoneCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.OtherAlt Payee Mailing OtherOther phoneACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PagerMailing PagerPagerCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PagerAlt Payee Mailing PagerPagerACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PhoneMailing PhonePhoneCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PhoneAlt Payee Mailing PhonePhoneACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone0Mailing Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone0Alt Payee Mailing Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone0CombMailing Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone0CombAlt Payee Mailing Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone1Mailing Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone1Alt Payee Mailing Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone1CombMailing Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone1CombAlt Payee Mailing Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone2Mailing Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone2Alt Payee Mailing Phone PrefixPhone PrefixACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone2CombMailing Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone2CombAlt Payee Mailing Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone3Mailing Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone3Alt Payee Mailing Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone3CombMailing Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.Phone3CombAlt Payee Mailing Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PhoneCombMailing Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PhoneCombAlt Payee Mailing Phone CombPhone Comb FieldACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PhoneExtMailing Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PhoneExtAlt Payee Mailing Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PhoneNumFormatMailing Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PhoneNumFormatAlt Payee Mailing Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PrimaryAddressMailing Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PrimaryAddressAlt Payee Mailing Primary AddressPrimary AddressACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PrimaryEmailMailing Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PrimaryEmailAlt Payee Mailing Primary EmailPrimary EmailACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PrimaryPhoneMailing Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.PrimaryPhoneAlt Payee Mailing Primary PhonePrimary PhoneACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.StartDateMailing Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.StartDateAlt Payee Mailing Start DateDate started residencyACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.StateMailing Address StateAddress StateCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.StateAlt Payee Mailing Address StateAddress StateACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.SuiteMailing SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.SuiteAlt Payee Mailing SuiteAddress SuiteACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.URLMailing URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.URLAlt Payee Mailing URLWebsite address or URLACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.ZipMailing Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.ZipAlt Payee Mailing Address ZipAddress ZipACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.ZipCombMailing Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTHome6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
M.ZipCombAlt Payee Mailing Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MaidenNameMaiden NameMaiden NameCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman
MaintainSchwabAcctsNumMaintain Schwab Accounts NumberAmount of accounts Schwab One accounts that Schwab will open and maintainACCTAccount8/18/23 6:55 AMNULLNumeric30
MajorAgeMajority AgeIndicates if client is of majority age in resident stateCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
MajorInterestEntityClientMajor Interest Entity ClientCheckbox for whether any beneficial owner of an account owns 25% or more of the entity clientCLIENTClient Personal Info4/18/18 2:53 PMNULLStringYES
ManagedAcctBondStratManaged Account Bond StrategyManaged Account Bond StrategyACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ManagedAcctMunicpalBondTypeManaged Account Municpal Bond TypeManaged Account Municpal Bond TypeACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ManagedAcctTypeManaged Account TypeManaged Account TypeACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringSep Name
ManagedCorporateReorgCouponsManaged Corporate Reorganizations CouponsManaged Corporate Reorganizations CouponsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ManagedCorporateReorgInfoCopiesManaged Corporate Reorganizations Informational CopiesManaged Corporate Reorganizations Informational CopiesACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ManagedInterimMailingsManaged Interim MailingsManaged Interim MailingsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ManagedProxyVotingBallotsManaged Proxy Voting BallotsManaged Proxy Voting BallotsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ManagedProxyVotingInfoCopiesManaged Proxy Voting Informational CopiesManaged Proxy Voting Informational CopiesACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ManagerAuthManager AuthorizationI authorize Schwab on my Behalf to Add, Change, Terminate a Manager AuthorizationACCTAccount1/1/00 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ManagerAvoidIndustryManager Avoid IndustryI want the Manager for each of my Managed Accounts to avoid purchasing securities within the following industry categoryACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
ManagerAvoidIssuerManager Avoid IssuerI want the Manager for each of my Managed Accounts to avoid purchasing securities of the following issuer(s). List issuer name(s) and ticker symbol(s)ACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
ManagerFirmNameManager Firm NameManager Firm NameACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
ManagerInvestmentStrategyManager Investment StrategyManager Investment StrategyACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
ManagerMasterAcctNumManager Master Acctount NumberManager Master Acctount NumberACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
ManagerOptionsManager OptionsManager OptionsACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ManagerRestrictionsManager RestrictionsI want the Manager for each of my Managed Accounts to impose the additional following investment restrictions and/or customizationsACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
ManagerSecuritiesPreferenceStateManager Securities Preference StateManagerSecuritiesPreferenceStateACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringCA
ManagerSecuritiesSpecificStateManager Securities Specific StateManagerSecuritiesSpecificStateACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringCA
ManagerVersionNumDocsManager Version Number DocumentsVersion Number of Manager's Disclosure DocumentsACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringDocument 3
MarginAcctNumMargin Account NumberMargin Account NumberACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
MarketDiscountAccrualMarket Discount Accrual MethodMarket Discount Accrual Method - Ratable, Alternative, Constant Yield, IRS DefaultACCTInvestment Profile11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
MarketDiscountIncomeInclude Market Discount as IncomeInclude Market Discount as Income (Alternative, IRS Default)ACCTInvestment Profile11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
MarriedMarital StatusMarital StatusCLIENTClient Personal Info6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Single, 2 = Married, 3 = Divorced, 4 = Separated, 5 = Widowed, 6 = Domestic Partner, 7 = Married Tax Single, 0 = Other
MarriedOtherMarital Status OtherMarital Status Other (for text fields)CLIENTClient Personal Info9/29/13 2:30 PMNULLStringSingle
MaturityDateMaturity DateMaturity DatePRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLDate12/12/2004
MECModified Endowment ContractIndicates if policy is a MEC and MEC forms should be usedRULERule10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLBooleanTRUE'
MetClientAdvisor Met With ClientRep has personally met clientCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFriend
MFAcctNumMutual Fund Account NumberAccount Number of Mutual FundPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLString12345ABCDE
MFDVD.AcctNameMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Account NameName of account or fund to distribute funds toACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.AmtMutual Fund Dividends and Interest AmountPayment amountACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.DistTypeMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Distribution TypePeriodic Distribution TypeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.EndPmtDateMutual Fund Dividends and Interest End Payment DateDate of final payment or when periodic payments endACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.FirstPmtDateMutual Fund Dividends and Interest First Payment DateDate of first paymentACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.FreqMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Payment FrequencyFrequency to perform paymentsACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.InstrMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Payment InstructionsInstructions for paymentsACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.MethodMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Payment MethodMethod to distribute paymentACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.MethodAcctNumMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Account NumberAccount number to distribute payments to/fromACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.MethodAddrMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Name and AddressName and address to distribute paymentsACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Addr1Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address Line 1Address Line 1ACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Addr123Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Addr1234Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Addr2Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address Line 2Address Line 2ACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Addr3Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address Line 3Address Line 3ACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Addr4Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)ACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.AddrTypeMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.AddrUnitTypeMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.AttnMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Attention LineAttention address lineACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.CityMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address CityAddress CityACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.CityStateMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address City StateCity State combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.CityStateZipMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.CountryMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address CountryCountryACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.CountyMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address CountyCounty or ProvinceACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.EmailMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Email AddressEmail AddressACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.EndDateMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address End DateDate ended residencyACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.FaxMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address FaxFaxACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.FaxCombMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.ForeignRouteMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.FullAddrMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.MobileMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address MobileMobileACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Mobile0Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Mobile1Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Mobile2Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Mobile3Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.MobileCombMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.OtherMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address OtherOther phoneACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.PagerMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address PagerPagerACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.PhoneMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address PhonePhoneACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Phone0Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Phone0CombMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Phone1Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Phone1CombMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Phone2Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Phone2CombMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Phone3Mutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.Phone3CombMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.PhoneCombMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.PhoneExtMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.PhoneNumFormatMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.PrimaryAddressMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.PrimaryEmailMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.PrimaryPhoneMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.StartDateMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Start DateDate started residencyACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.StateMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address StateAddress StateACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.SuiteMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address SuiteAddress SuiteACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.URLMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address URLWebsite address or URLACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.ZipMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address ZipAddress ZipACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.O.ZipCombMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.PmtDestTypeMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Payment Destination TypeDestination type for the payment (e.g. address of record, alternate payee, alternate address)ACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFDVD.RequestTypeMutual Fund Dividends and Interest Request TypePeriodic Distributions Request TypeACCTInvestment Profile4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
MFNameMutual Fund NameName of Mutual FundPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLStringTest Fund
MFSharesNumMutual Fund Shares NumberNumber of Mutual Fund SharesPRODUCTITEMProduct5/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString12345ABCDE
MFTransferTypeMutual Fund Transfer TypeMutual Fund Transfer Type (In Kind or Liquidate)PRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
MinNonQualInvestmentMinimum Non-Qualified InvestmentMinimum investment amount into a non-qualified investmentPRODUCTITEMProduct9/3/15 11:00 AMNULLNumeric2500
MinQualInvestmentMinimum Qualified InvestmentMinimum investment amount into a qualified investmentPRODUCTITEMProduct9/3/15 11:00 AMNULLNumeric10000
MNameMiddle NameMiddle NameCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJames
MNameMiddle NameMiddle NameREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJ
MNameMiddle NameMiddle name on the fund sourceFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJames
MoneyManagerNameMoney Manager NameMoney Manager NameACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
MoreThanTwoAcctHoldersMore Than Two Account HoldersAre there more than two account holders?ACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
MothersMaidenNameMother's Maiden NameMother's Maiden NameCLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/14 4:02 PMNULLStringSmith
MuniBondOfficialStatementMunicipal Bond Offering Official StatementsAre you interested in hard copy delivery of Municipal Bond Official Statements for this account?ACCTInvestment Profile11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
NAICSNorth American Industry Classification SystemNorth American Industry Classification System CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLNumeric45
NameProduct NameName of productPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringGrowth Fund
NavBarMessageNav Menu MessageNav Menu MessageQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
NavDisclaimerTextQuik! Nav Form Disclaimer TextDisclaimer text on the Quik! Navigation FormQUIKFORMINFOQuik1/21/07 12:00 AMNULLStringThis page must accompany all forms
NetWorth.AmtHighNet Worth High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
NetWorth.AmtLowNet Worth Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
NetWorth.DescNet Worth DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
NetWorth.RangeNet Worth Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
NetWorth.RangeOtherNet Worth Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
NetWorth.TimeframeNet Worth TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
NetWorth.TypeNet Worth Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumericNULL
NewAcctNew Account FlagIdentifies whether application is for new or existing accountACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = NEW, 2 = EXISTING
NewAcctNameNew Account NameNew Account NameACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
NewClientNew or Existing ClientIndicates if the client is new or existingCLIENTClient Personal Info9/29/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = New, 2 = Existing
NewCustodianConfirmationNew Custodian ConfirmationNew Custodian ConfirmationACCTAccount5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
NewManagerAcctNumNew Manager Account NumberNew Manager Account NumberACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
NewPageEachAcctNew Page Each AccountNew Page Each AccountACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
NOEPrimaryPurposeNon Operating Entity Primary PurposeNon Operating Entity Primary PurposeCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
NonGOV.ArrivalCityNon-Government ID Arrival CityArrival CityCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.ArrivalDateNon-Government ID Arrival DateDate of ArrivalCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.ArrivalStateNon-Government ID Arrival StateArrival StateCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.DepartDateNon-Government ID Depart DateDate of DepartureCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.ExactFNameNon-Government ID Exact First NameExact First Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.ExactFullNameNon-Government ID Exact FullnameExact Fullname on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.ExactLNameNon-Government ID Exact Last NameExact Last Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.ExactMNameNon-Government ID Exact Middle NameExact Middle Name on ID DocumentCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDNon-Government ID Document NumberIdentification Document NumberCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDCopiedNon-Government ID Photocopy ObtainedFlag to indicate if a copy of the identification document was obtainedCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDCountryNon-Government ID Issuing CountryIdentification Document CountryCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDExpireNon-Government ID Expiration DateIdentification Document Expiration DateCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDIssueDateNon-Government ID Issuance DateIdentification Document Issuance DateCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDIssuerNon-Government ID ID IssuerEntity issuing the ID or document (Issuing Post Name)CLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDStateNon-Government ID Issuing StateIdentification Document StateCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDStatusNon-Government ID ID StatusID Status (including immigration or non-immigration status)CLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDTypeNon-Government ID TypeIdentification Document TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDTypeOtherNon-Government ID ID Type OtherUsed to identify the ID document type in a text boxCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDVerifiedNon-Government ID VerifiedIdentification Document VerifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDVerifiedNotesNon-Government ID Verification NotesIdentification Document VerifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDVerifyContactNon-Government ID ID Verification Contact NameName of contact who verified IDCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDVerifyDateNon-Government ID Verification DateDate ID was verifiedCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonGOV.IDVerifyMethodNon-Government ID ID Verification MethodID verification methodCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
NonLiquidatedHoldingsNon Liquidated HoldingsList current holdings that should not be liquidatedACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringHoldings
NoOrgRegNumNo Organization Registration NumberCheck if the jurisdiction does not have an Organization registration numberCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
NotesClient NotesNotes about clientCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFree flow text
NotesApplication RemarksFree-form text that allows further comments on a particular application.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNotes
NotifyTypeAccount Owner Notification TypesType of notifications an owner wishes to receive on accountCLIENTAccount10/13/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Statement
NotifyTypeType of notifications to receive on accountType of notifications to receive on accountACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Statement
NumTrusteesNumber of TrusteesNumber of Trustees on the AccountCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString3
O.Addr1Office Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr1Product Company Office Address Line 1Address Line 1COMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr1Financial Institution Company Office Address Line 1Address Line 1FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr123Office Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr123Product Company Office Address All LinesAddress All LinesCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr123Financial Institution Company Office Address All LinesAddress All LinesFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr1234Office Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr1234Product Company Office Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr1234Financial Institution Company Office Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr2Office Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr2Product Company Office Address Line 2Address Line 2COMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr2Financial Institution Company Office Address Line 2Address Line 2FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr3Office Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr3Product Company Office Address Line 3Address Line 3COMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr3Financial Institution Company Office Address Line 3Address Line 3FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr4Office Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr4Product Company Office Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)COMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Addr4Financial Institution Company Office Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.AddrTypeOffice Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.AddrTypeProduct Company Office Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.AddrTypeFinancial Institution Company Office Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.AddrUnitTypeOffice Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.AddrUnitTypeProduct Company Office Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.AddrUnitTypeFinancial Institution Company Office Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.AttnOffice Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.AttnProduct Company Office Attention LineAttention address lineCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.AttnFinancial Institution Company Office Attention LineAttention address lineFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CityOffice Address CityAddress CityCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CityProduct Company Office Address CityAddress CityCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CityFinancial Institution Company Office Address CityAddress CityFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CityStateOffice City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CityStateProduct Company Office City StateCity State combined togetherCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CityStateFinancial Institution Company Office City StateCity State combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CityStateZipOffice City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CityStateZipProduct Company Office City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CityStateZipFinancial Institution Company Office City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CountryOffice CountryCountryCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CountryProduct Company Office CountryCountryCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CountryFinancial Institution Company Office CountryCountryFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CountyOffice CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CountyProduct Company Office CountyCounty or ProvinceCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.CountyFinancial Institution Company Office CountyCounty or ProvinceFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.EmailOffice Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.EmailProduct Company Office Email AddressEmail AddressCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.EmailFinancial Institution Company Office Email AddressEmail AddressFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.EndDateOffice End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.EndDateProduct Company Office End DateDate ended residencyCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.EndDateFinancial Institution Company Office End DateDate ended residencyFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.FaxOffice FaxFaxCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.FaxProduct Company Office FaxFaxCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.FaxFinancial Institution Company Office FaxFaxFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.FaxCombOffice Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.FaxCombProduct Company Office Fax CombFax Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.FaxCombFinancial Institution Company Office Fax CombFax Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.ForeignRouteOffice Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.ForeignRouteProduct Company Office Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.ForeignRouteFinancial Institution Company Office Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.FullAddrOffice Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.FullAddrProduct Company Office Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.FullAddrFinancial Institution Company Office Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.MobileOffice MobileMobileCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.MobileProduct Company Office MobileMobileCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.MobileFinancial Institution Company Office MobileMobileFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile0Office Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile0Product Company Office Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile0Financial Institution Company Office Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile1Office Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile1Product Company Office Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile1Financial Institution Company Office Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile2Office Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile2Product Company Office Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile2Financial Institution Company Office Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile3Office Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile3Product Company Office Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Mobile3Financial Institution Company Office Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.MobileCombOffice Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.MobileCombProduct Company Office Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.MobileCombFinancial Institution Company Office Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.OtherOffice OtherOther phoneCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.OtherProduct Company Office OtherOther phoneCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.OtherFinancial Institution Company Office OtherOther phoneFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PagerOffice PagerPagerCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PagerProduct Company Office PagerPagerCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PagerFinancial Institution Company Office PagerPagerFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneOffice PhonePhoneCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneProduct Company Office PhonePhoneCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneFinancial Institution Company Office PhonePhoneFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone0Office Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone0Product Company Office Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone0Financial Institution Company Office Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone0CombOffice Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone0CombProduct Company Office Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone0CombFinancial Institution Company Office Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone1Office Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone1Product Company Office Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone1Financial Institution Company Office Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone1CombOffice Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone1CombProduct Company Office Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone1CombFinancial Institution Company Office Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone2Office Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone2Product Company Office Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone2Financial Institution Company Office Phone PrefixPhone PrefixFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone2CombOffice Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone2CombProduct Company Office Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone2CombFinancial Institution Company Office Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone3Office Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone3Product Company Office Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone3Financial Institution Company Office Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone3CombOffice Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone3CombProduct Company Office Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.Phone3CombFinancial Institution Company Office Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneCombOffice Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneCombProduct Company Office Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneCombFinancial Institution Company Office Phone CombPhone Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneExtOffice Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneExtProduct Company Office Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneExtFinancial Institution Company Office Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneNumFormatOffice Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneNumFormatProduct Company Office Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PhoneNumFormatFinancial Institution Company Office Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PrimaryAddressOffice Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PrimaryAddressProduct Company Office Primary AddressPrimary AddressCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PrimaryAddressFinancial Institution Company Office Primary AddressPrimary AddressFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PrimaryEmailOffice Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PrimaryEmailProduct Company Office Primary EmailPrimary EmailCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PrimaryEmailFinancial Institution Company Office Primary EmailPrimary EmailFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PrimaryPhoneOffice Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PrimaryPhoneProduct Company Office Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.PrimaryPhoneFinancial Institution Company Office Primary PhonePrimary PhoneFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.StartDateOffice Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.StartDateProduct Company Office Start DateDate started residencyCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.StartDateFinancial Institution Company Office Start DateDate started residencyFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.StateOffice Address StateAddress StateCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.StateProduct Company Office Address StateAddress StateCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.StateFinancial Institution Company Office Address StateAddress StateFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.SuiteOffice SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.SuiteProduct Company Office SuiteAddress SuiteCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.SuiteFinancial Institution Company Office SuiteAddress SuiteFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.URLOffice URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.URLProduct Company Office URLWebsite address or URLCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.URLFinancial Institution Company Office URLWebsite address or URLFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.ZipOffice Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.ZipProduct Company Office Address ZipAddress ZipCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.ZipFinancial Institution Company Office Address ZipAddress ZipFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.ZipCombOffice Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.ZipCombProduct Company Office Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
O.ZipCombFinancial Institution Company Office Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ObjectionReleaseObjection ReleaseObjection ReleaseACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
OccupationOccupationOccupation is the client's professionCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFinancial Advisor
OccupationTypeOccupation TypeOccupation TypeCLIENTEmployer/Education3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Business Owner/Self-Employed
OEServicesProvidedLine1Operating Entity Services Provided Line 1Operating Entity Services Provided Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
OEServicesProvidedLine2Operating Entity Services Provided Line 2Operating Entity Services Provided Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
OMonthsMonths EmployedMonths employed by employerCLIENTEmployer/Education10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric6
OptionalDescriptiveNameOptional Descriptive NameOptional Descriptive NameACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Name
OptOutMeetingProxyNotificationsOpt Out Meeting Proxy NotificationsCheck here to opt out from receiving general meeting and proxy notifications for non-US securities. We are required to deliver general meeting and proxy notifications for European Economic Area ("EEA") equity securities under the Shareholder Rights Directive II unless you opt out of this service. Certain EEA countries may not allow shareholders to opt-out of receiving general meeting and proxy notifications.  CLIENTClient Personal Info4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
OrgPrimaryBusOrganization Primary BusinessOrganization's Primary BusinessCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
OrgRegNumOrganization Registration NumberOrganization Registration NumberCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Description
OrgSharesTypeOrganization Shares TypeShares in the Organization AreACCTAccount8/18/23 6:55 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
OrgTypeOrganization TypeOrganization TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
OSJFNameOSJ First NameOSJ First NameREPOSJ6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTom
OSJFullNameOSJ Full NameOSJ Full NameREPOSJ6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTom J Trustman
OSJLNameOSJ Last NameOSJ Last NameREPOSJ6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman
OSJMNameOSJ Middle NameOSJ Middle NameREPOSJ6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJ
OSJNumOSJ Number or License NumberOSJ Number or License NumberREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
OSJPrefixOSJ Prefix NameOSJ Prefix NameREPOSJ6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringMr.
OSJSignOSJ Signature FieldOSJ signature field for the accountREPOSJ6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Addr1OSJ Signature Address Address Line 1Address Line 1REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Addr123OSJ Signature Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Addr1234OSJ Signature Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Addr2OSJ Signature Address Address Line 2Address Line 2REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Addr3OSJ Signature Address Address Line 3Address Line 3REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Addr4OSJ Signature Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.AddrTypeOSJ Signature Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.AddrUnitTypeOSJ Signature Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.AttnOSJ Signature Address Attention LineAttention address lineREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.CityOSJ Signature Address Address CityAddress CityREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.CityStateOSJ Signature Address City StateCity State combined togetherREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.CityStateZipOSJ Signature Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.CountryOSJ Signature Address CountryCountryREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.CountyOSJ Signature Address CountyCounty or ProvinceREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.EmailOSJ Signature Address Email AddressEmail AddressREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.EndDateOSJ Signature Address End DateDate ended residencyREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.FaxOSJ Signature Address FaxFaxREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.FaxCombOSJ Signature Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.ForeignRouteOSJ Signature Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.FullAddrOSJ Signature Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.MobileOSJ Signature Address MobileMobileREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Mobile0OSJ Signature Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Mobile1OSJ Signature Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Mobile2OSJ Signature Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Mobile3OSJ Signature Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.MobileCombOSJ Signature Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.OtherOSJ Signature Address OtherOther phoneREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.PagerOSJ Signature Address PagerPagerREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.PhoneOSJ Signature Address PhonePhoneREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Phone0OSJ Signature Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Phone0CombOSJ Signature Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Phone1OSJ Signature Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Phone1CombOSJ Signature Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Phone2OSJ Signature Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Phone2CombOSJ Signature Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Phone3OSJ Signature Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.Phone3CombOSJ Signature Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.PhoneCombOSJ Signature Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.PhoneExtOSJ Signature Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.PhoneNumFormatOSJ Signature Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.PrimaryAddressOSJ Signature Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.PrimaryEmailOSJ Signature Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.PrimaryPhoneOSJ Signature Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.StartDateOSJ Signature Address Start DateDate started residencyREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.StateOSJ Signature Address Address StateAddress StateREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.SuiteOSJ Signature Address SuiteAddress SuiteREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.URLOSJ Signature Address URLWebsite address or URLREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.ZipOSJ Signature Address Address ZipAddress ZipREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignAddr.ZipCombOSJ Signature Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
OSJSignDateOSJ Signature DateOSJ Signature DateREPPrincipal6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
OSJSuffixOSJ Suffix NameOSJ Suffix NameREPOSJ6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJr.
OtherBrokAcctsOther Brokerage Accounts MaintainedClient is maintaining other brokerage accountsCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
OtherBrokNameName of Firm Where Other Brokerage Accounts HeldName of firm where other brokerage accounts are heldCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNFS
OtherCitizenshipOther Citizenship CountryOther Citizenship CountryCLIENTClient Personal Info3/19/15 12:00 AMNULLStringFrance
OtherCitizenshipTypeOther Citizenship TypeOther Citizenship TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info3/19/15 12:00 AMNULLString1 = US Citizen, 2 = Resident Alien, 3 = Non-Resident Alien, 0 = Other
OwnerRelationshipOwner RelationshipRelationship of the account ownersACCTAccount10/13/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0=Other, 1=Independent, 2=Married
OYearsYears EmployedYears employed by employerCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric12
P.Addr1Personal Address Line 1Address Line 1REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Addr123Personal Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Addr1234Personal Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Addr2Personal Address Line 2Address Line 2REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Addr3Personal Address Line 3Address Line 3REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Addr4Personal Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.AddrTypePersonal Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.AddrUnitTypePersonal Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.AttnPersonal Attention LineAttention address lineREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.CityPersonal Address CityAddress CityREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.CityStatePersonal City StateCity State combined togetherREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.CityStateZipPersonal City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.CountryPersonal CountryCountryREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.CountyPersonal CountyCounty or ProvinceREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.EmailPersonal Email AddressEmail AddressREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.EndDatePersonal End DateDate ended residencyREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.FaxPersonal FaxFaxREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.FaxCombPersonal Fax CombFax Comb FieldREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.ForeignRoutePersonal Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.FullAddrPersonal Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.MobilePersonal MobileMobileREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Mobile0Personal Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Mobile1Personal Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Mobile2Personal Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Mobile3Personal Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.MobileCombPersonal Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.OtherPersonal OtherOther phoneREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.PagerPersonal PagerPagerREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.PhonePersonal PhonePhoneREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Phone0Personal Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Phone0CombPersonal Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Phone1Personal Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Phone1CombPersonal Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Phone2Personal Phone PrefixPhone PrefixREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Phone2CombPersonal Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Phone3Personal Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.Phone3CombPersonal Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.PhoneCombPersonal Phone CombPhone Comb FieldREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.PhoneExtPersonal Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.PhoneNumFormatPersonal Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.PrimaryAddressPersonal Primary AddressPrimary AddressREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.PrimaryEmailPersonal Primary EmailPrimary EmailREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.PrimaryPhonePersonal Primary PhonePrimary PhoneREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.StartDatePersonal Start DateDate started residencyREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.StatePersonal Address StateAddress StateREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.SuitePersonal SuiteAddress SuiteREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.URLPersonal URLWebsite address or URLREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.ZipPersonal Address ZipAddress ZipREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
P.ZipCombPersonal Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PaperlessPaperlessEnroll in paperless documentsACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
PartialIRADistCashPartial IRA Distribution CashPartial One Time IRA Distribution Cash PaymentACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString0=False; 1=True
PartialIRADistCashAmtPartial IRA Distribution Cash AmountPartial One Time IRA Distribution Cash Payment AmountACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString89000
PartialIRADistSecuritiesPartial IRA Distribution SecuritiesPartial One Time IRA Distribution Distribute SecuritiesACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString0=False; 1=True
PartialIRADistTypePartial IRA Distribution TypePartial IRA Distribution TypeACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Gross
PartialTransferTypePartial Transfer TypePartial Transfer TypeACCTAccount5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
PasswordQuik! Customer's PasswordQuik! Customer's PasswordQUIKFORMINFOQuik7/12/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA12345
PayAIRPercPayout Assumed Investment Return PercentSpecifies the AIR percentage/rate to use when calculating payouts (applicable for Variable Payout Type only).ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.05
PayAlternatePayout to Alternate PayeeSpecifies an alternate payeeACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJohn Smith
PayCertainPeriodPayout Certain Period(applicable for Certain Payout Options) specifies the number of Certain Payments (e.g. if Quarterly for 5 years, fill with 00020 to specify 5 years certain or 20 quarters).ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric100
PayFixedPercPayout Fixed Percent AmountSpecifies what portion of the payout amount is fixed.  If this field is 0% then it is assumed that all of the payout is variable.  If this field is 100%, it is assumed the whole payout is fixed.  ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.5
PayIncreasePercPayout Increase PercentSpecifies the increase in payout percentage each year (applicable for Fixed Payout Type only).ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.05
PayJointSurvivorPercPayout Joint Survivor Reduction PercentageSpecifies the percent applied to the payout if the Joint Annuitant survives / Primary Annuitant dies.  Effective when status of OD, the Date of Death is present, and any Certain Period has expired.  (applicable for Joint Lives Type only) ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.33
PayJointSurvivorTypePayout Joint Survivor Reduction TypeSpecifies the factor applied to the payout if the Joint Annuitant survives / Primary Annuitant dies.  Effective when status of OD, the Date of Death is present, and any Certain Period has expired.  (applicable for Joint Lives Type only) ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringH
PayLevelTypePayout Levelization IndicatorSpecifies whether the payouts are to be levelized (applicable for Variable Payout Type only).ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringY/N/U
PayLivesTypePayout Lives Type(applicable for Life contingent Payout Options) specifies whether the payout is based upon one(single) or two(joint) lives.ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PayOptionPayout OptionBasic Payout Calculation Option, further defined by the fields below.ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PayPrimarySurvivorPercPayout Primary Survivor Reduction PercentageSpecifies the percent applied to the payout if the Primary Annuitant survives / Joint Annuitant dies.  Effective when a contract status of OD, the Joint Death is present, and any Certain Period has expired.  (applicable for Joint Lives Type only) ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.33
PayPrimarySurvivorTypePayout Primary Survivor Reduction TypeSpecifies the factor applied to the payout if the Primary Annuitant survives / Joint Annuitant dies.  Effective when a contract status of OD, the Joint Death is present, and any Certain Period has expired.  (applicable for Joint Lives Type only) ACCTPayout6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringH
PayrollDeductionAmtPayroll Deduction AmountAmount of Payroll Deduction each pay periodACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
PBD.Addr1Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Address Line 1Address Line 1REPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Addr123Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Addr1234Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Addr2Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Address Line 2Address Line 2REPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Addr3Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Address Line 3Address Line 3REPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Addr4Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.AddrTypePrior, past or old Broker Dealer Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.AddrUnitTypePrior, past or old Broker Dealer Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.AttnPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Attention LineAttention address lineREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.CityPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Address CityAddress CityREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.CityStatePrior, past or old Broker Dealer City StateCity State combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.CityStateZipPrior, past or old Broker Dealer City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.CountryPrior, past or old Broker Dealer CountryCountryREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.CountyPrior, past or old Broker Dealer CountyCounty or ProvinceREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.EmailPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Email AddressEmail AddressREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.EndDatePrior, past or old Broker Dealer End DateDate ended residencyREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.FaxPrior, past or old Broker Dealer FaxFaxREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.FaxCombPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Fax CombFax Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.ForeignRoutePrior, past or old Broker Dealer Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.FullAddrPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.MobilePrior, past or old Broker Dealer MobileMobileREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Mobile0Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Mobile1Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Mobile2Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Mobile3Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.MobileCombPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.OtherPrior, past or old Broker Dealer OtherOther phoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.PagerPrior, past or old Broker Dealer PagerPagerREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.PhonePrior, past or old Broker Dealer PhonePhoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Phone0Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Phone0CombPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Phone1Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Phone1CombPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Phone2Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone PrefixPhone PrefixREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Phone2CombPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Phone3Prior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.Phone3CombPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.PhoneCombPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone CombPhone Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.PhoneExtPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.PhoneNumFormatPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.PrimaryAddressPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Primary AddressPrimary AddressREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.PrimaryEmailPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Primary EmailPrimary EmailREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.PrimaryPhonePrior, past or old Broker Dealer Primary PhonePrimary PhoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.StartDatePrior, past or old Broker Dealer Start DateDate started residencyREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.StatePrior, past or old Broker Dealer Address StateAddress StateREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.SuitePrior, past or old Broker Dealer SuiteAddress SuiteREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.URLPrior, past or old Broker Dealer URLWebsite address or URLREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.ZipPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Address ZipAddress ZipREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBD.ZipCombPrior, past or old Broker Dealer Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PBDCompanyPrior Broker Dealer Company NamePrior Broker Dealer Company NameREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman Financial Services
PBDNumPrior Broker Dealer NumberPrior Broker Dealer NumberREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/7/06 12:00 AMNULLString12345
PCompanyPersonal Company NamePersonal Company NameREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman Financial Services
PCompanyNumPersonal Company NumberPersonal Company NumberREPRep Profile3/8/07 12:00 AMNULLStringABC123
PER.AcctNamePeriodic Payments Account NameName of account or fund to distribute funds toACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.AmtPeriodic Payments AmountPayment amountACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.DistTypePeriodic Payments Distribution TypePeriodic Distribution TypeACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.EndPmtDatePeriodic Payments End Payment DateDate of final payment or when periodic payments endACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.FirstPmtDatePeriodic Payments First Payment DateDate of first paymentACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.FreqPeriodic Payments Payment FrequencyFrequency to perform paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.InstrPeriodic Payments Payment InstructionsInstructions for paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.MethodPeriodic Payments Payment MethodMethod to distribute paymentACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.MethodAcctNumPeriodic Payments Account NumberAccount number to distribute payments to/fromACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.MethodAddrPeriodic Payments Name and AddressName and address to distribute paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Addr1Periodic Payments Address Address Line 1Address Line 1ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Addr123Periodic Payments Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Addr1234Periodic Payments Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Addr2Periodic Payments Address Address Line 2Address Line 2ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Addr3Periodic Payments Address Address Line 3Address Line 3ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Addr4Periodic Payments Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.AddrTypePeriodic Payments Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.AddrUnitTypePeriodic Payments Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.AttnPeriodic Payments Address Attention LineAttention address lineACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.CityPeriodic Payments Address Address CityAddress CityACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.CityStatePeriodic Payments Address City StateCity State combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.CityStateZipPeriodic Payments Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.CountryPeriodic Payments Address CountryCountryACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.CountyPeriodic Payments Address CountyCounty or ProvinceACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.EmailPeriodic Payments Address Email AddressEmail AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.EndDatePeriodic Payments Address End DateDate ended residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.FaxPeriodic Payments Address FaxFaxACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.FaxCombPeriodic Payments Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.ForeignRoutePeriodic Payments Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.FullAddrPeriodic Payments Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.MobilePeriodic Payments Address MobileMobileACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Mobile0Periodic Payments Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Mobile1Periodic Payments Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Mobile2Periodic Payments Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Mobile3Periodic Payments Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.MobileCombPeriodic Payments Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.OtherPeriodic Payments Address OtherOther phoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.PagerPeriodic Payments Address PagerPagerACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.PhonePeriodic Payments Address PhonePhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Phone0Periodic Payments Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Phone0CombPeriodic Payments Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Phone1Periodic Payments Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Phone1CombPeriodic Payments Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Phone2Periodic Payments Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Phone2CombPeriodic Payments Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Phone3Periodic Payments Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.Phone3CombPeriodic Payments Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.PhoneCombPeriodic Payments Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.PhoneExtPeriodic Payments Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.PhoneNumFormatPeriodic Payments Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.PrimaryAddressPeriodic Payments Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.PrimaryEmailPeriodic Payments Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.PrimaryPhonePeriodic Payments Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.StartDatePeriodic Payments Address Start DateDate started residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.StatePeriodic Payments Address Address StateAddress StateACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.SuitePeriodic Payments Address SuiteAddress SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.URLPeriodic Payments Address URLWebsite address or URLACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.ZipPeriodic Payments Address Address ZipAddress ZipACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.O.ZipCombPeriodic Payments Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.PmtDestTypePeriodic Payments Payment Destination TypeDestination type for the payment (e.g. address of record, alternate payee, alternate address)ACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PER.RequestTypePeriodic Payments Request TypePeriodic Distributions Request TypeACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PercentOwnerPercent OwnershipPercent equity ownership in the businessCLIENTClient Personal Info5/8/15 3:12 PMNULLNumeric50
PH.Addr1Prior Home or Legal Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Addr123Prior Home or Legal Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Addr1234Prior Home or Legal Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Addr2Prior Home or Legal Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Addr3Prior Home or Legal Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Addr4Prior Home or Legal Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.AddrTypePrior Home or Legal Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.AddrUnitTypePrior Home or Legal Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.AttnPrior Home or Legal Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.CityPrior Home or Legal Address CityAddress CityCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.CityStatePrior Home or Legal City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.CityStateZipPrior Home or Legal City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.CountryPrior Home or Legal CountryCountryCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.CountyPrior Home or Legal CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.EmailPrior Home or Legal Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.EndDatePrior Home or Legal End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.FaxPrior Home or Legal FaxFaxCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.FaxCombPrior Home or Legal Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.ForeignRoutePrior Home or Legal Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.FullAddrPrior Home or Legal Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.MobilePrior Home or Legal MobileMobileCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Mobile0Prior Home or Legal Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Mobile1Prior Home or Legal Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Mobile2Prior Home or Legal Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Mobile3Prior Home or Legal Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.MobileCombPrior Home or Legal Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.OtherPrior Home or Legal OtherOther phoneCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.PagerPrior Home or Legal PagerPagerCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.PhonePrior Home or Legal PhonePhoneCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Phone0Prior Home or Legal Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Phone0CombPrior Home or Legal Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Phone1Prior Home or Legal Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Phone1CombPrior Home or Legal Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Phone2Prior Home or Legal Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Phone2CombPrior Home or Legal Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Phone3Prior Home or Legal Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.Phone3CombPrior Home or Legal Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.PhoneCombPrior Home or Legal Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.PhoneExtPrior Home or Legal Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.PhoneNumFormatPrior Home or Legal Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.PrimaryAddressPrior Home or Legal Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.PrimaryEmailPrior Home or Legal Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.PrimaryPhonePrior Home or Legal Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.StartDatePrior Home or Legal Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.StatePrior Home or Legal Address StateAddress StateCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.SuitePrior Home or Legal SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.URLPrior Home or Legal URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.ZipPrior Home or Legal Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PH.ZipCombPrior Home or Legal Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PhilanthropyFundPercPhilanthropy Fund PercentagePhilanthropy Fund PercentageACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
PictureIDClient Identity PictureClient has provided proof of identity with a photo IDCLIENTAdvisor Suitability4/28/16 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
PINPersonal Identifier NumberThe identification number of this entity. SSN, TIN, SIN, PINACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringABC123
PlanBenePlan BeneficiariesPlan BeneficiariesACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLStringTimothy Trustman
PlanDatePlan DateDate plan was startedACCTAccount4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLDate4/3/2008
PlanDateTypePlan Date TypePlan Date TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
PlanDocIRAPlanDocumentIRAIndicates the type of plan document for an IRA.ACCTAccount7/22/07 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
PlanEligTypePlan Eligibility TypeEligibility type for plans including retirement, benefits, or employer plans. (Full vs Limited vs Vesting)ACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Full Eligibility
PlanIdentificationNumberPlan Identification NumberPlan Identification NumberACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
PlanNamePlan name (profit sharing, pensions, etc)Plan name (profit sharing, pensions, etc)ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringProfit Sharing
PlanNumPlan NumberNumber assigned to the plan by plan providerACCTAccount4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLBoolean123412312
PlanSequenceNumPlan Sequence NumberPlan Sequence NumberACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
PlanTaxIDPlan TaxIDTaxID for plansCLIENTAccount5/23/16 10:06 AM##-#######String12-3232323
PlanTaxIDPlan TaxIDTaxID for plansACCTAccount5/19/20 9:31 AM##-#######String12-3232323
PlanToWDMajorNeedsPlan To Withdraw Major NeedsIndicate when you plan to start withdrawing money from your investments for major needs:CLIENTInvestment Profile9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
PlanTrusteePlan TrusteesPlan TrusteesACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLStringSarah Trustman
PM.Addr1Prior Mailing Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Addr123Prior Mailing Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Addr1234Prior Mailing Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Addr2Prior Mailing Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Addr3Prior Mailing Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Addr4Prior Mailing Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.AddrTypePrior Mailing Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.AddrUnitTypePrior Mailing Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.AttnPrior Mailing Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.CityPrior Mailing Address CityAddress CityCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.CityStatePrior Mailing City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.CityStateZipPrior Mailing City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.CountryPrior Mailing CountryCountryCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.CountyPrior Mailing CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.EmailPrior Mailing Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.EndDatePrior Mailing End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.FaxPrior Mailing FaxFaxCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.FaxCombPrior Mailing Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.ForeignRoutePrior Mailing Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.FullAddrPrior Mailing Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.MobilePrior Mailing MobileMobileCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Mobile0Prior Mailing Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Mobile1Prior Mailing Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Mobile2Prior Mailing Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Mobile3Prior Mailing Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.MobileCombPrior Mailing Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.OtherPrior Mailing OtherOther phoneCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.PagerPrior Mailing PagerPagerCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.PhonePrior Mailing PhonePhoneCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Phone0Prior Mailing Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Phone0CombPrior Mailing Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Phone1Prior Mailing Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Phone1CombPrior Mailing Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Phone2Prior Mailing Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Phone2CombPrior Mailing Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Phone3Prior Mailing Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.Phone3CombPrior Mailing Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.PhoneCombPrior Mailing Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.PhoneExtPrior Mailing Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.PhoneNumFormatPrior Mailing Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.PrimaryAddressPrior Mailing Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.PrimaryEmailPrior Mailing Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.PrimaryPhonePrior Mailing Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.StartDatePrior Mailing Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.StatePrior Mailing Address StateAddress StateCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.SuitePrior Mailing SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.URLPrior Mailing URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.ZipPrior Mailing Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PM.ZipCombPrior Mailing Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTHome9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringNULL
PmtMethodAccount Payment/Premium MethodThe method of payment from the firm to the Insurance Company.i.e., Clearinghouse, Check, EFT, wire, credit card.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringCHK
PmtNotesPayment NotesFree-form text.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFree flow text
PmtTypePayment TypeThe type of payment being sent.i.e., rollover, contribution, initial, 1035 exchange, renewal.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringrollover
PmtTypeAmtPremium Type AmountThe gross amount associated with this payment.i.e., rollover amount, contribution amount.  Approximate premium for 1035 goes here.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric100000
PO.Addr1PO Box Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr1Product Company PO Box Address Line 1Address Line 1COMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr123PO Box Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr123Product Company PO Box Address All LinesAddress All LinesCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr1234PO Box Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr1234Product Company PO Box Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr2PO Box Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr2Product Company PO Box Address Line 2Address Line 2COMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr3PO Box Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr3Product Company PO Box Address Line 3Address Line 3COMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr4PO Box Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Addr4Product Company PO Box Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)COMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.AddrTypePO Box Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.AddrTypeProduct Company PO Box Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.AddrUnitTypePO Box Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.AddrUnitTypeProduct Company PO Box Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.AttnPO Box Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.AttnProduct Company PO Box Attention LineAttention address lineCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.CityPO Box Address CityAddress CityCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.CityProduct Company PO Box Address CityAddress CityCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.CityStatePO Box City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.CityStateProduct Company PO Box City StateCity State combined togetherCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.CityStateZipPO Box City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.CityStateZipProduct Company PO Box City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.CountryPO Box CountryCountryCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.CountryProduct Company PO Box CountryCountryCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.CountyPO Box CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.CountyProduct Company PO Box CountyCounty or ProvinceCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.EmailPO Box Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.EmailProduct Company PO Box Email AddressEmail AddressCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.EndDatePO Box End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.EndDateProduct Company PO Box End DateDate ended residencyCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.FaxPO Box FaxFaxCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.FaxProduct Company PO Box FaxFaxCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.FaxCombPO Box Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.FaxCombProduct Company PO Box Fax CombFax Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.ForeignRoutePO Box Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.ForeignRouteProduct Company PO Box Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.FullAddrPO Box Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.FullAddrProduct Company PO Box Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.MobilePO Box MobileMobileCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.MobileProduct Company PO Box MobileMobileCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Mobile0PO Box Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Mobile0Product Company PO Box Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Mobile1PO Box Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Mobile1Product Company PO Box Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Mobile2PO Box Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Mobile2Product Company PO Box Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Mobile3PO Box Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Mobile3Product Company PO Box Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.MobileCombPO Box Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.MobileCombProduct Company PO Box Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.OtherPO Box OtherOther phoneCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.OtherProduct Company PO Box OtherOther phoneCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.PagerPO Box PagerPagerCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.PagerProduct Company PO Box PagerPagerCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.PhonePO Box PhonePhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.PhoneProduct Company PO Box PhonePhoneCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone0PO Box Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone0Product Company PO Box Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone0CombPO Box Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone0CombProduct Company PO Box Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone1PO Box Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone1Product Company PO Box Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone1CombPO Box Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone1CombProduct Company PO Box Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone2PO Box Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone2Product Company PO Box Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone2CombPO Box Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone2CombProduct Company PO Box Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone3PO Box Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone3Product Company PO Box Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone3CombPO Box Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.Phone3CombProduct Company PO Box Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.PhoneCombPO Box Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.PhoneCombProduct Company PO Box Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.PhoneExtPO Box Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.PhoneExtProduct Company PO Box Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.PhoneNumFormatPO Box Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.PhoneNumFormatProduct Company PO Box Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.PrimaryAddressPO Box Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.PrimaryAddressProduct Company PO Box Primary AddressPrimary AddressCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.PrimaryEmailPO Box Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.PrimaryEmailProduct Company PO Box Primary EmailPrimary EmailCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.PrimaryPhonePO Box Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.PrimaryPhoneProduct Company PO Box Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.StartDatePO Box Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.StartDateProduct Company PO Box Start DateDate started residencyCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.StatePO Box Address StateAddress StateCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.StateProduct Company PO Box Address StateAddress StateCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.SuitePO Box SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.SuiteProduct Company PO Box SuiteAddress SuiteCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.URLPO Box URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.URLProduct Company PO Box URLWebsite address or URLCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.ZipPO Box Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.ZipProduct Company PO Box Address ZipAddress ZipCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PO.ZipCombPO Box Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info5/21/16 8:01 PMNULLStringNULL
PO.ZipCombProduct Company PO Box Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCOMPANYProdCo10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
POAOptionPower Of Attorney OptionPower Of Attorney OptionACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringLimited
POATypePower Of Attorney FlagPower Of Attorney FlagACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
POccupationPrior OccupationClient's prior occupationCLIENTEmployer/Education10/13/16 10:29 AMNULLStringSoftware Engineerg
PoliticalOfficialPolitical Official AffiliationClient is or is associated with political officialCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
PoliticalOfficialInfoPolitical Official InformationName, title and country of political official client is affiliated toCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringPresident
PortAllAssetsPortfolio Includes All AssetsPortfolio Includes All AssetsACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
PortLoanPortfolio Loan BalancePortfolio Loan BalanceACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
PortObjPortfolio ObjectivePorftolio or Investment ObjectiveCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringGrowth
PortObjAggressiveGrowthPortfolio Objective - Aggressive GrowthPortfolio or Investment Objective for aggressive growthCLIENTSuitability8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
PortObjCapitalApprecPortfolio Objective - Capital AppreciationPortfolio or Investment Objective for capital appreciationCLIENTSuitability8/2/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
PortObjCapitalPreservPortfolio Objective - Capital PreservationPortfolio or Investment Objective for capital preservationCLIENTSuitability8/2/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
PortObjGrowthPortfolio Objective - GrowthPortfolio or Investment Objective for growthCLIENTSuitability11/12/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
PortObjGrowthAndIncomePortfolio Objective - Growth and IncomePortfolio or Investment Objective for growth and incomeCLIENTSuitability8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLString1
PortObjIncomePortfolio Objective - IncomePortfolio or Investment Objective for incomeCLIENTSuitability8/2/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
PortObjOtherPortfolio Objective - OtherPortfolio or Investment Objective for otherCLIENTSuitability8/2/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
PortObjOtherDescPortfolio Objective - Other DescriptionPortfolio or Investment Objective for other (description)CLIENTSuitability8/2/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
PortObjRankPorftolio Objective RankPorftolio or Investment Objective RankCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString1
PortObjSpeculationPortfolio Objective - SpeculationPortfolio or Investment Objective for speculationCLIENTSuitability8/2/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
PortObjTradingProfitsPortfolio Objective - Trading ProfitsPortfolio or Investment Objective for trading profitsCLIENTSuitability8/2/06 12:00 AMNULLString1
PortSurrenderChargePortfolio Surrender ChargePortfolio Surrender ChargeACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
PortTimeHorizPortfolio Time HorizonPortfolio or Investment Time HorizonCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringLong Term
PortTimeHorizOtherPortfolio Time Horizon OtherPortfolio or Investment Time Horizon PercentCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLString20 years
PortTimeHorizPercPortfolio Time Horizon PercentPortfolio or Investment Time Horizon PercentCLIENTSuitability10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLString0.2
PortValuePortfolio ValuePortfolio ValueACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
PositionPosition or TitleClient's position or title in their professionCLIENTEmployer/Education6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFinancial Advisor
PPositionPrior Position or TitleClient's position or title in their last professionCLIENTEmployer/Education10/13/16 10:29 AMNULLStringSoftware Engineerg
PrefixName PrefixName Prefix (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Miss)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Mr.
PrefixName PrefixName Prefix (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Miss)REPRep Profile6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Mr.
PrefixName PrefixName Prefix (Mr., Mrs., etc)FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Mr.
PrefixOtherName Prefix Othername prefix when entered manuallyCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringMr.
PriceProduct PricePrice of product unitPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric10000
PrimaryEmailTypePrimary Email FlagIndicates if Email is the primary oneCLIENTClient Personal Info4/26/16 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Home, 2 = Office, etc.
PrimaryPhoneTypePrimary Phone FlagIndicates if phone is the primary oneCLIENTClient Personal Info4/26/16 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Home, 2 = Office, etc.
PrimaryTypePrimary Rep FlagIndicates if rep is the primary representative on the accountREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
PrincFNamePrincipal First NamePrincipal First NameREPPrincipal6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTom
PrincFullNamePrincipal NamePrincipal NameREPPrincipal6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTom J Trustman
PrincLNamePrincipal Last NamePrincipal Last NameREPPrincipal6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman
PrincMNamePrincipal Middle NamePrincipal Middle NameREPPrincipal6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJ
PrincPrefixPrincipal Prefix NamePrincipal Prefix NameREPPrincipal6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringMr.
PrincSignPrincipal Signature FieldPrincipal signature field for the accountREPPrincipal6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Addr1Principal Signature Address Address Line 1Address Line 1REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Addr123Principal Signature Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Addr1234Principal Signature Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Addr2Principal Signature Address Address Line 2Address Line 2REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Addr3Principal Signature Address Address Line 3Address Line 3REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Addr4Principal Signature Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.AddrTypePrincipal Signature Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.AddrUnitTypePrincipal Signature Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.AttnPrincipal Signature Address Attention LineAttention address lineREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.CityPrincipal Signature Address Address CityAddress CityREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.CityStatePrincipal Signature Address City StateCity State combined togetherREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.CityStateZipPrincipal Signature Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.CountryPrincipal Signature Address CountryCountryREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.CountyPrincipal Signature Address CountyCounty or ProvinceREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.EmailPrincipal Signature Address Email AddressEmail AddressREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.EndDatePrincipal Signature Address End DateDate ended residencyREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.FaxPrincipal Signature Address FaxFaxREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.FaxCombPrincipal Signature Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.ForeignRoutePrincipal Signature Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.FullAddrPrincipal Signature Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.MobilePrincipal Signature Address MobileMobileREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Mobile0Principal Signature Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Mobile1Principal Signature Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Mobile2Principal Signature Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Mobile3Principal Signature Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.MobileCombPrincipal Signature Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.OtherPrincipal Signature Address OtherOther phoneREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.PagerPrincipal Signature Address PagerPagerREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.PhonePrincipal Signature Address PhonePhoneREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Phone0Principal Signature Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Phone0CombPrincipal Signature Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Phone1Principal Signature Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Phone1CombPrincipal Signature Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Phone2Principal Signature Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Phone2CombPrincipal Signature Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Phone3Principal Signature Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.Phone3CombPrincipal Signature Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.PhoneCombPrincipal Signature Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.PhoneExtPrincipal Signature Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.PhoneNumFormatPrincipal Signature Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.PrimaryAddressPrincipal Signature Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.PrimaryEmailPrincipal Signature Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.PrimaryPhonePrincipal Signature Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.StartDatePrincipal Signature Address Start DateDate started residencyREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.StatePrincipal Signature Address Address StateAddress StateREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.SuitePrincipal Signature Address SuiteAddress SuiteREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.URLPrincipal Signature Address URLWebsite address or URLREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.ZipPrincipal Signature Address Address ZipAddress ZipREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignAddr.ZipCombPrincipal Signature Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
PrincSignDatePrincipal Signature DatePrincipal Signature DateREPPrincipal6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
PrincSuffixPrincipal Suffix NamePrincipal Suffix NameREPPrincipal6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJr.
PrintButtonTextNav Print Button TextNav Print Button TextQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PrintLanguageCorrespondence LanguageThe foreign language in which the documents should be printed.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringEnglish
PrivateAcctPrivate AccountPrivate banking account as defined under the USA PATRIOT ActACCTAccount6/16/13 5:00 PMNULLBooleanYES
PrivateAcctIndicates if account is private per Patriot ActIndicates if account is private per Patriot ActFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
PrivateBankPrivate BankClient represents a private bankACCTAccount4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
PROCEED.AcctNameProceeds Account NameName of account or fund to distribute funds toACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.AmtProceeds AmountPayment amountACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.DistTypeProceeds Distribution TypePeriodic Distribution TypeACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.EndPmtDateProceeds End Payment DateDate of final payment or when periodic payments endACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.FirstPmtDateProceeds First Payment DateDate of first paymentACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.FreqProceeds Payment FrequencyFrequency to perform paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.InstrProceeds Payment InstructionsInstructions for paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.MethodProceeds Payment MethodMethod to distribute paymentACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.MethodAcctNumProceeds Account NumberAccount number to distribute payments to/fromACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.MethodAddrProceeds Name and AddressName and address to distribute paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Addr1Proceeds Address Address Line 1Address Line 1ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Addr123Proceeds Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Addr1234Proceeds Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Addr2Proceeds Address Address Line 2Address Line 2ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Addr3Proceeds Address Address Line 3Address Line 3ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Addr4Proceeds Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.AddrTypeProceeds Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.AddrUnitTypeProceeds Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.AttnProceeds Address Attention LineAttention address lineACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.CityProceeds Address Address CityAddress CityACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.CityStateProceeds Address City StateCity State combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.CityStateZipProceeds Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.CountryProceeds Address CountryCountryACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.CountyProceeds Address CountyCounty or ProvinceACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.EmailProceeds Address Email AddressEmail AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.EndDateProceeds Address End DateDate ended residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.FaxProceeds Address FaxFaxACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.FaxCombProceeds Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.ForeignRouteProceeds Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.FullAddrProceeds Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.MobileProceeds Address MobileMobileACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Mobile0Proceeds Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Mobile1Proceeds Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Mobile2Proceeds Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Mobile3Proceeds Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.MobileCombProceeds Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.OtherProceeds Address OtherOther phoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.PagerProceeds Address PagerPagerACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.PhoneProceeds Address PhonePhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Phone0Proceeds Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Phone0CombProceeds Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Phone1Proceeds Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Phone1CombProceeds Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Phone2Proceeds Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Phone2CombProceeds Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Phone3Proceeds Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.Phone3CombProceeds Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.PhoneCombProceeds Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.PhoneExtProceeds Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.PhoneNumFormatProceeds Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.PrimaryAddressProceeds Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.PrimaryEmailProceeds Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.PrimaryPhoneProceeds Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.StartDateProceeds Address Start DateDate started residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.StateProceeds Address Address StateAddress StateACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.SuiteProceeds Address SuiteAddress SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.URLProceeds Address URLWebsite address or URLACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.ZipProceeds Address Address ZipAddress ZipACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.O.ZipCombProceeds Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.PmtDestTypeProceeds Payment Destination TypeDestination type for the payment (e.g. address of record, alternate payee, alternate address)ACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PROCEED.RequestTypeProceeds Request TypePeriodic Distributions Request TypeACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
ProductTypeProduct or Plan TypeProduct or plan typePRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString401k
ProfitsFormulaExcessProfits Formula ExcessPercentage of the employer's profits in excess ofACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringHoldings
ProfitsFormulaPercProfits Formula PercentageFixed Percent of Profits FormulaACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric30
ProgramNameProgram NameName of program, sub-account or investment policy within an accountACCTAccount9/29/13 1:45 PMNULLStringCapital Growth Program
ProgramTypeProgram TypeProgram selection for wrap accounts or managed accountsACCTAccount5/21/20 9:31 AMNULLBoolean1 = Advisor-directed
ProspectusDeliveredProspectusDeliveredIndicates if a prospectus was delivered to the client.ACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
ProspectusMailedFinOrgProspectus Mailed Financial OrganizationProspectus documents should be mailed to my Financial Organization.CLIENTClient Personal Info4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
ProspectusReceiptProspectus ReceiptIndicates if a prospectus was received for a given productPRODUCTITEMProduct9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
ProtectedBenefitsProtected BenefitsProtected Benefits and Prior Plan Document Provisions AttachmentACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
ProtectedBenefitsProvision1Line1Protected Benefits Provision 1 Line 1Protected Benefits Provision 1 Line 1ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProtectedBenefitsProvision1Line2Protected Benefits Provision 1 Line 2Protected Benefits Provision 1 Line 2ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProtectedBenefitsProvision1Line3Protected Benefits Provision 1 Line 3Protected Benefits Provision 1 Line 3ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProtectedBenefitsProvision2Line1Protected Benefits Provision 2 Line 1Protected Benefits Provision 2 Line 1ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProtectedBenefitsProvision2Line2Protected Benefits Provision 2 Line 2Protected Benefits Provision 2 Line 2ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProtectedBenefitsProvision2Line3Protected Benefits Provision 2 Line 3Protected Benefits Provision 2 Line 3ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProtectedBenefitsProvision3Line1Protected Benefits Provision 3 Line 1Protected Benefits Provision 3 Line 1ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProtectedBenefitsProvision3Line2Protected Benefits Provision 3 Line 2Protected Benefits Provision 3 Line 2ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProtectedBenefitsProvision3Line3Protected Benefits Provision 3 Line 3Protected Benefits Provision 3 Line 3ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProviderGroupNameProvider Group NameThe Provider's Group assigned name.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringCharity
ProviderGroupNumProvider Group NumberThe Provider's Group Number assigned to a specified group.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString12345
ProvisionSource1Provision Source 1Provision Source 1ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProvisionSource2Provision Source 2Provision Source 2ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProvisionSource3Provision Source 3Provision Source 3ACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ProxyVotingBallotsProxy Voting BallotsProxy Voting BallotsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ProxyVotingInfoCopiesProxy Voting Informational CopiesProxy Voting Informational CopiesACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
PublicCoPublic Company InterestClient has an interest in a public company (client is officer, major shareholder, etc) and may be subjec to Rule 144CLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
PublicCoMemberPublic Company MemberYou are a member of the board of directors, a 10% shareholder, a policy-making officer, or someone who can direct the management policies of a publicly traded company.CLIENTSuitability12/20/23 1:17 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
PublicCoNamePublic Company NameName of public company where client holds an interestCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringIBM
PublicCoName2Public Company Name 2Additional name of public company where client holds an interestCLIENTSuitability10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLStringIBM
PublicCoName3Public Company Name 3Additional name of public company where client holds an interestCLIENTSuitability8/27/20 9:52 AMNULLStringChevron
PublicCoTickerPublic Company Ticker SymbolTicker symbol of public company where client holds an interestCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringIBM
PublicCoTicker2Public Company Ticker Symbol 2Ticker symbol of public company where client holds an interestCLIENTSuitability8/27/20 9:52 AMNULLStringIBM
PublicCoTicker3Public Company Ticker Symbol 3Ticker symbol of public company where client holds an interestCLIENTSuitability8/27/20 9:52 AMNULLStringCHV
PURCH.AcctNamePurchases Account NameName of account or fund to distribute funds toACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.AmtPurchases AmountPayment amountACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.DistTypePurchases Distribution TypePeriodic Distribution TypeACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.EndPmtDatePurchases End Payment DateDate of final payment or when periodic payments endACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.FirstPmtDatePurchases First Payment DateDate of first paymentACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.FreqPurchases Payment FrequencyFrequency to perform paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.InstrPurchases Payment InstructionsInstructions for paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.MethodPurchases Payment MethodMethod to distribute paymentACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.MethodAcctNumPurchases Account NumberAccount number to distribute payments to/fromACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.MethodAddrPurchases Name and AddressName and address to distribute paymentsACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Addr1Purchases Address Address Line 1Address Line 1ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Addr123Purchases Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Addr1234Purchases Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Addr2Purchases Address Address Line 2Address Line 2ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Addr3Purchases Address Address Line 3Address Line 3ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Addr4Purchases Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.AddrTypePurchases Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.AddrUnitTypePurchases Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.AttnPurchases Address Attention LineAttention address lineACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.CityPurchases Address Address CityAddress CityACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.CityStatePurchases Address City StateCity State combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.CityStateZipPurchases Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.CountryPurchases Address CountryCountryACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.CountyPurchases Address CountyCounty or ProvinceACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.EmailPurchases Address Email AddressEmail AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.EndDatePurchases Address End DateDate ended residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.FaxPurchases Address FaxFaxACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.FaxCombPurchases Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.ForeignRoutePurchases Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.FullAddrPurchases Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.MobilePurchases Address MobileMobileACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Mobile0Purchases Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Mobile1Purchases Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Mobile2Purchases Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Mobile3Purchases Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.MobileCombPurchases Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.OtherPurchases Address OtherOther phoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.PagerPurchases Address PagerPagerACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.PhonePurchases Address PhonePhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Phone0Purchases Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Phone0CombPurchases Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Phone1Purchases Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Phone1CombPurchases Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Phone2Purchases Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Phone2CombPurchases Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Phone3Purchases Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.Phone3CombPurchases Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.PhoneCombPurchases Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.PhoneExtPurchases Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.PhoneNumFormatPurchases Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.PrimaryAddressPurchases Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.PrimaryEmailPurchases Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.PrimaryPhonePurchases Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.StartDatePurchases Address Start DateDate started residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.StatePurchases Address Address StateAddress StateACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.SuitePurchases Address SuiteAddress SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.URLPurchases Address URLWebsite address or URLACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.ZipPurchases Address Address ZipAddress ZipACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.O.ZipCombPurchases Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.PmtDestTypePurchases Payment Destination TypeDestination type for the payment (e.g. address of record, alternate payee, alternate address)ACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
PURCH.RequestTypePurchases Request TypePeriodic Distributions Request TypeACCTInvestment Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
QEFormViewRequestUNIDQuik! FormViewRequestUNIDQuik! FormViewRequestUNIDQUIKFORMINFOQuik7/22/09 12:00 AMNULLString1164328983
QETransIDQuik! New Account Process Transaction IDQuik! Enterprise New Account Process transaction ID for the form that was just startedQUIKFORMINFOQuik3/26/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric123
QEWorkflowIDQuik! WorkflowIDQuik! Enterprise WorkflowID to start when the form is submittedQUIKFORMINFOQuik3/26/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric123
QFDENoSubmitQFDE No Submit FlagQFDE No Submit FlagQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTRUE'
QFDESubmitButtonTextQFDE Submit Button TextQFDE Submit Button TextQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
QFDESubmitURLQFDE Submit URLQFDE Submit URLQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringhttp://www.yourdomain.com/qfde_submit.aspx
QFRNoSaveQFR No Save FlagQFR No Save FlagQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTRUE'
QFRReadOnlyQFR Read Only FlagQFR Read Only FlagQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTRUE'
QFRSaveAsButtonTextQFR Save As Button TextQFR Save As Button TextQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
QFRSaveButtonTextQFR Save Button TextQFR Save Button TextQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
QFRSavedFormDescriptionQFR Saved Form DescriptionQFR Saved Form DescriptionQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringIRA forms for client ABC
QFRSavedFormIDQFR Saved Form IDQFR Saved Form IDQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString12345
QFRURLQFR Save URLQFR Save URLQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringhttp://www.yourdomain.com/qfr_save.aspx
QtyProduct QuantityQuantity of product unitsPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric10000
QualAcctCodeQualified Accounts IRS CodeA code indicating the type of tax-qualified accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString1030
R.Addr1Resident Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Addr123Resident Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Addr1234Resident Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Addr2Resident Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Addr3Resident Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Addr4Resident Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.AddrTypeResident Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.AddrUnitTypeResident Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.AttnResident Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.CityResident Address CityAddress CityCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.CityStateResident City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.CityStateZipResident City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.CountryResident CountryCountryCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.CountyResident CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.EmailResident Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.EndDateResident End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.FaxResident FaxFaxCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.FaxCombResident Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.ForeignRouteResident Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.FullAddrResident Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.MobileResident MobileMobileCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Mobile0Resident Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Mobile1Resident Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Mobile2Resident Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Mobile3Resident Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.MobileCombResident Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.OtherResident OtherOther phoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.PagerResident PagerPagerCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.PhoneResident PhonePhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Phone0Resident Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Phone0CombResident Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Phone1Resident Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Phone1CombResident Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Phone2Resident Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Phone2CombResident Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Phone3Resident Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.Phone3CombResident Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.PhoneCombResident Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.PhoneExtResident Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.PhoneNumFormatResident Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.PrimaryAddressResident Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.PrimaryEmailResident Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.PrimaryPhoneResident Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.StartDateResident Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.StateResident Address StateAddress StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.SuiteResident SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.URLResident URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.ZipResident Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
R.ZipCombResident Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
RateLockDateRate Lock DateThe date associated with the rate.  This is used for a rate lock situation for either a fixed fund within a variable product or a fixed productACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
RateLockPercRate Lock PercentThe actual rate that will be applied to the fund or productACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.0359
RateLockTypeRate Lock IndicatorThis is used for rate locks to lock in an interest rate for a fixed productACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringPA
RealEstateAssets.AmtHighReal Estate Assets High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
RealEstateAssets.AmtLowReal Estate Assets Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
RealEstateAssets.DescReal Estate Assets DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
RealEstateAssets.RangeReal Estate Assets Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
RealEstateAssets.RangeOtherReal Estate Assets Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
RealEstateAssets.TimeframeReal Estate Assets TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
RealEstateAssets.TypeReal Estate Assets Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
RecipientIDRecipientIDThe ID of the recipient who received the form package (RecipientIDType is stored in FormPackage table)QUIKFORMINFOQuik4/20/12 12:00 AMNULLString24502
RecommendDateRecommend DateDate of RecommendationACCTAccount7/22/20 10:53 AMNULLString11/2/2015
RecordIDRecord IDUnique record identifier in the data sourceQDBCSOURCEQDBCDataSource8/7/11 4:00 PMNULLString123abc
RedemptionDateRedemption DateThe date of the redemption of ownership in a productPRODUCTITEMProduct9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLDate9/23/2006
ReferredByClient ReferrerClient ReferrerCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJohn Smith
RegAccount Registration or TitleAccount Registration or TitleACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringAccount FBO Tom Trustman
RegAccount Registration or TitleTitle or account name associated to the Account NumberFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTom Trustman Checking
RegisteredInClientStateRegistered In Client StateInvestment Professional is registered in the same state as client's residenceREPRep Profile11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
RegLineAccount Registration or Title Line 3Account Registration or Title Line 3ACCTAccount5/19/20 9:31 AMNULLStringAccount FBO Tom Trustman
RegLine2Account Registration or Title Line 2Account Registration or Title Line 2ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringAccount FBO Tom Trustman
RegTypeAccount Registration Type Account Registration TypeACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1=Individual, 2=JTWROS, etc.
RegTypeCodeRegistration Type CodeRegistration Type CodeACCTAccount5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLStringJT
RegTypeEntityRegistration Type EntityEntity that applies to a registration type (sub category under RegType)ACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Individual, 2 = Entity, 3 = Trust, 4 = Other
RegTypeEntityOtherRegistration Type Entity OtherEntity that applies to a registration typeACCTAccount10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLString1 = Individual, 2 = Entity, 3 = Trust, 4 = Other
RegTypeOtherAccount Registration Type OtherAccount Registration Type Other (when entered manually)ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString01=Individual, 02=JTWROS, etc.
RelToClientClient Relationship To Another Party On AccountClient Relationship To Another Party On AccountCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringSpouse
RelToClientClient Relationship To Another Party On AccountClient Relationship To Another Party On AccountFUNDSOURCEClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PMNULLStringSpouse
RelToClientTypeClient Relationship To Another Party On AccountClient Relationship To Another Party On AccountCLIENTClient Personal Info8/8/14 4:03 PMNULLBoolean1 = Owner
RelToRepClient Relationship To AdvisorClient Relationship To AdvisorCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFriend
RelToRepTypeClient Relationship To Advisor TypeClient Relationship To Advisor TypeCLIENTAdvisor Suitability8/3/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFriend
RelTypeRelationship TypeRelationship TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
ReplaceAcctCustomer Replacement AnswerYes/No indicating whether the policy resulting from this application will replace another policy. This question is answered by the customer.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringY/N/U
ReplaceInvestTypeReplace Investment TypeIndicates whether the investment type should be replacedRULERule10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLBooleanTRUE'
ReplaceManagerAcctNumReplace Manager Account NumberReplace Manager Account NumberACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
ReplaceManagerNameReplace Manager NameReplace Manager NameACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringJohn Smith
ReplaceTypeReplacement / Exchange Reason CodeA code indicating why the existing contract is being exchanged.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFEE
RepLicNumRepresentative License NumberRepresentative License NumberREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum1Representative License Number 1Representative License Number 1REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum10Representative License Number 10Representative License Number 10REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum11Representative License Number 11Representative License Number 11REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum12Representative License Number 12Representative License Number 12REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum13Representative License Number 13Representative License Number 13REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum14Representative License Number 14Representative License Number 14REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum2Representative License Number 2Representative License Number 2REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum3Representative License Number 3Representative License Number 3REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum4Representative License Number 4Representative License Number 4REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum5Representative License Number 5Representative License Number 5REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum6Representative License Number 6Representative License Number 6REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum7Representative License Number 7Representative License Number 7REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum8Representative License Number 8Representative License Number 8REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepLicNum9Representative License Number 9Representative License Number 9REPRep Profile5/14/08 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNumRepresentative Number or License NumberRepresentative Number or License NumberREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum1Account Representative Number or License NumberRepresentative number or License number assigned to the account (RR1).ACCTAccount12/2/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum10Representative Number or License Number 10Representative Number or License Number 10REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum11Representative Number or License Number 11Representative Number or License Number 11REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum12Representative Number or License Number 12Representative Number or License Number 12REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum13Representative Number or License Number 13Representative Number or License Number 13REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum14Representative Number or License Number 14Representative Number or License Number 14REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum15Representative Number or License Number 15Representative Number or License Number 15REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum2Account Representative Number or License Number 2Representative number or License number assigned to the account (RR2).ACCTAccount12/2/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum2Representative Number or License Number 2Representative Number or License Number 2REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum3Representative Number or License Number 3Representative Number or License Number 3REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum4Representative Number or License Number 4Representative Number or License Number 4REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum5Representative Number or License Number 5Representative Number or License Number 5REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum6Representative Number or License Number 6Representative Number or License Number 6REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum7Representative Number or License Number 7Representative Number or License Number 7REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum8Representative Number or License Number 8Representative Number or License Number 8REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNum9Representative Number or License Number 9Representative Number or License Number 9REPRep Profile7/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA022
RepNumTypeType of Rep NumberIdentifies if RepNum is a rep number, SSN, TaxID or other type of numberREPRep Profile6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Rep Number
RepTypeRepTypeDefines whether the representative is a person or non-person entity.REPRep Profile6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Individual
ResetButtonTextNav Reset Button TextNav Reset Button TextQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
RetExcContYearReturn of Excess Contribution Tax YearReturn of Excess Contribution Tax YearACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
RetPlanAdministratorRetirement Plan AdministratorAdministrator for the retirement planACCTAccount4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLStringTPA Corp
RetPlanERISARetirement Plan ERISA FlagIndicates if retirement plan is ERISA qualifiedACCTAccount4/8/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1=ERISA, 2=Non-ERISA
RetPlanPrototypeRetirement Plan Prototype TypeType of prototype used for the retirement planACCTAccount4/8/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Clearing firm prototype, 2 = non-prototype
RevokeNameRevoke NameName of the person who can revoke the trustCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringJohn Smith
RevokeTypeClient Revocability FlagIndicates if beneficiary is revocable or irrevocableCLIENTBeneficiary Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringR
RIANumRIA NumberRIA or Custodian Number used with a custodian to identify the advisor (similar to RepNum, but for a custodian relationship)REPRep Profile3/8/07 12:00 AMNULLStringABC321
RiskToleranceRisk ToleranceRisk ToleranceCLIENTSuitability6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean3 = Aggressive
RiskToleranceOtherRisk Tolerance OtherRisk Tolerance OtherCLIENTSuitability8/6/14 4:03 PMNULLStringHigh
RiskTolerancePercRisk Tolerance PercentageRisk Tolerance PercentageCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric100
RMDBeneTypeRequired Minimum Distribution TypeRequired Minimum Distribution TypeACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Beneficiary Inheriting Assets
ROAAmtROAAmtThe amount of a rights of accumulation entitling a client to a breakpoint on sales chargesACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric10000
ROADateROADateThe date of a rights of accumulation agreementACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLDate9/23/2006
ROAPercChargeROAPercChargeThe percent amount charged on the rights of accumulation agreementACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.05
RoleTypeRole TypeDefines the role this agent plays on the contract (i.e, rep, split agent, team)REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringH1
RoleTypeAuthAgentRole Type Authorized AgentAccount Stakeholder Role Authorized AgentCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:04 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RoleTypeAuthAgentBenOwnRole Type Authorized Agent Beneficial OwnerAccount Stakeholder Role Authorized Agent/Beneficial OwnerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:04 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RoleTypeAuthIndRole Type Authorized IndividualAccount Stakeholder Role Authorized IndividualCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RoleTypeBenOwnRole Type Beneficial OwnerAccount Stakeholder Role Beneficial OwnerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:04 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RoleTypeCtrlPersonRole Type Control PersonAccount Stakeholder Role Control PersonCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:04 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RoleTypeDecGrantRole Type Deceased GrantorAccount Stakeholder Role Deceased GrantorCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:04 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RoleTypeEntOwnRole Type Entity OwnerAccount Stakeholder Role Entity OwnerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:04 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RoleTypeGrantRole Type GrantorAccount Stakeholder Role GrantorCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:04 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RoleTypeIndAppointRole Type Individual AppointAccount Stakeholder Role Individual with Appoint/Remove AuthorityCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:04 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RoleTypeIndRevokeRole Type Individual RevokeAccount Stakeholder Role Individual with Revoke/Amend AuthorityCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:04 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
RolloverAmtRollover AmountApproximate Total Value of DistributionACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric55000
RolloverDistributionDateRollover Distribution DateExpected Distribution DateACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLDate2/12/2019
RothConversionAmtRoth Conversion AmountCash amount to be convertedACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric55000
RothConversionTypeRoth Conversion TypeAmount to convert to Roth IRAACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
S.Addr1Seasonal Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Addr123Seasonal Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Addr1234Seasonal Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Addr2Seasonal Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Addr3Seasonal Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Addr4Seasonal Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.AddrTypeSeasonal Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.AddrUnitTypeSeasonal Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.AttnSeasonal Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.CitySeasonal Address CityAddress CityCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.CityStateSeasonal City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.CityStateZipSeasonal City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.CountrySeasonal CountryCountryCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.CountySeasonal CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.EmailSeasonal Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.EndDateSeasonal End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.FaxSeasonal FaxFaxCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.FaxCombSeasonal Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.ForeignRouteSeasonal Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.FullAddrSeasonal Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.MobileSeasonal MobileMobileCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Mobile0Seasonal Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Mobile1Seasonal Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Mobile2Seasonal Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Mobile3Seasonal Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.MobileCombSeasonal Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.OtherSeasonal OtherOther phoneCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.PagerSeasonal PagerPagerCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.PhoneSeasonal PhonePhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Phone0Seasonal Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Phone0CombSeasonal Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Phone1Seasonal Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Phone1CombSeasonal Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Phone2Seasonal Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Phone2CombSeasonal Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Phone3Seasonal Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.Phone3CombSeasonal Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.PhoneCombSeasonal Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.PhoneExtSeasonal Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.PhoneNumFormatSeasonal Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.PrimaryAddressSeasonal Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.PrimaryEmailSeasonal Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.PrimaryPhoneSeasonal Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.StartDateSeasonal Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.StateSeasonal Address StateAddress StateCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.SuiteSeasonal SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.URLSeasonal URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.ZipSeasonal Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
S.ZipCombSeasonal Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
SalarySalary From EmployerClient's salaryCLIENTEmployer/Education10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLString55000
SameAddrSame Address FlagIndicates if mailing and home address are the sameCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
SameAddrEmpSame Address Flag for EmployerIndicates if your employ address and your employer's main address are the sameCLIENTClient Personal Info9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLBoolean1
Schwab529AcctNumSchwab 529 Account NumberSchwab 529 Account NumberACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
SchwabAcctContributionAmtSchwab Account Contribution AmountSchwab Account Contribution AmountACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
SchwabAcctNumSchwab Account NumberSchwab Account NumberACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
SchwabAcctTypeSchwab Account TypeSchwab Account TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SchwabAwarenessSchwab AwarenessHow did you hear about Schwab?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SchwabDiscDateSchwab Disclosure DateDate that appears at the top of the first page of the Schwab Managed Account Services Disclosure PackageACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLDate12/12/2004
SchwabIRAAcctNumSchwab IRA Account NumberSchwab IRA Account NumberACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SchwabLinkMasterSchwabLink MasterSchwabLink Investor Checking MasterACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringTest Description
SchwabOneTrustAcctAmtSchwab One Trust Account AmountOne-time transfer amount from your linked Schwab One Trust brokerage accountACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric55000
SchwabPlanTypeSchwab Plan TypeSchwab Plan TypeACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SchwabQPConvertSchwab Qualified Plan CovertCurrent Schwab Qualified Plan to convertACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringQP Plan
SchwabRollverAmtSchwab Rollver AmountSchwab Rollver AmountACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
SchwabTIRAConvertSchwab Traditional IRA ConvertCurrent Schwab Traditional IRA to convertACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringTraditional Plan
SecondaryPhoneTypeSecondary Phone FlagIndicates if phone is the secondary oneCLIENTClient Personal Info4/26/16 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Home, 2 = Office, etc.
SecurityNameSecurity NameSecurity Name or SymbolPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLStringJohnson Corporation
SecuritySharesNumSecurity Shares NumberNumber of Security SharesPRODUCTITEMProduct5/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString12345ABCDE
SendConfirmSend confirmations to client or partyIndicates if the party should receive confirmation noticesCLIENTClient Personal Info11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SendIAInfoCopiesSend IA Informational CopiesSend IA Informational CopiesACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SendProxySend proxies to client or partyIndicates if the party should receive proxy noticesCLIENTClient Personal Info11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SendStatementSend statements to client or partyIndicates if the party should receive account statementsCLIENTClient Personal Info11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SeniorForeignOfficialSenior Foreign Official AffiliationClient is a senior foreign officialCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SEPBusNameSEP Business NameName of Business for SEP and SARSEP IRAACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringSep Name
SEPIRAAcctNumSEP IRA Acctount NumberSEP IRA Acctount NumberACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
ServiceTeamService TeamThe service team at a firm that works on a particular accountREPRep Profile3/7/18 12:58 PMNULLStringOther disability
SharePercShare PercentThis agent's percentage expressed as a decimal portion of the number 1.REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.5
ShareTypeProduct Share TypeType or class of shares purchased (A class, B class, C class, F class, T class)PRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringA
ShortNameShort NameShort NameACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLString1234ABC
SignSignature FieldClient signature field for the account (Field name format is DataSet.Sign.FormID.Instance - e.g. 1own.Sign.12345.1)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignSignature FieldRep signature field for the account (Field name format is DataSet.Sign.FormID.Instance - e.g. 1rep.Sign.12345.1)REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignSignature FieldSignature field for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/29/12 9:42 AMNULLSignatureNULL
Sign1Signature Field 1Signature field for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
Sign2Signature Field 2Signature field for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
Sign3Signature Field 3Signature field for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
Sign4Signature Field 4Signature field for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr1Client Signature Address Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr1Signature Address Address Line 1Address Line 1REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr123Client Signature Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr123Signature Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr1234Client Signature Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr1234Signature Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr2Client Signature Address Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr2Signature Address Address Line 2Address Line 2REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr3Client Signature Address Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr3Signature Address Address Line 3Address Line 3REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr4Client Signature Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Addr4Signature Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.AddrTypeClient Signature Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.AddrTypeSignature Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.AddrUnitTypeClient Signature Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.AddrUnitTypeSignature Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.AttnClient Signature Address Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.AttnSignature Address Attention LineAttention address lineREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CityClient Signature Address Address CityAddress CityCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CitySignature Address Address CityAddress CityREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CityStateClient Signature Address City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CityStateSignature Address City StateCity State combined togetherREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CityStateZipClient Signature Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CityStateZipSignature Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CountryClient Signature Address CountryCountryCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CountrySignature Address CountryCountryREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CountyClient Signature Address CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.CountySignature Address CountyCounty or ProvinceREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.EmailClient Signature Address Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.EmailSignature Address Email AddressEmail AddressREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.EndDateClient Signature Address End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.EndDateSignature Address End DateDate ended residencyREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.FaxClient Signature Address FaxFaxCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.FaxSignature Address FaxFaxREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.FaxCombClient Signature Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.FaxCombSignature Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.ForeignRouteClient Signature Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.ForeignRouteSignature Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.FullAddrClient Signature Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.FullAddrSignature Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.MobileClient Signature Address MobileMobileCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.MobileSignature Address MobileMobileREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Mobile0Client Signature Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Mobile0Signature Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Mobile1Client Signature Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Mobile1Signature Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Mobile2Client Signature Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Mobile2Signature Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Mobile3Client Signature Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Mobile3Signature Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.MobileCombClient Signature Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.MobileCombSignature Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.OtherClient Signature Address OtherOther phoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.OtherSignature Address OtherOther phoneREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PagerClient Signature Address PagerPagerCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PagerSignature Address PagerPagerREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PhoneClient Signature Address PhonePhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PhoneSignature Address PhonePhoneREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone0Client Signature Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone0Signature Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone0CombClient Signature Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone0CombSignature Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone1Client Signature Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone1Signature Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone1CombClient Signature Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone1CombSignature Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone2Client Signature Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone2Signature Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone2CombClient Signature Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone2CombSignature Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone3Client Signature Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone3Signature Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone3CombClient Signature Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.Phone3CombSignature Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PhoneCombClient Signature Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PhoneCombSignature Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PhoneExtClient Signature Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PhoneExtSignature Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PhoneNumFormatClient Signature Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PhoneNumFormatSignature Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PrimaryAddressClient Signature Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PrimaryAddressSignature Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PrimaryEmailClient Signature Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PrimaryEmailSignature Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PrimaryPhoneClient Signature Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.PrimaryPhoneSignature Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.StartDateClient Signature Address Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.StartDateSignature Address Start DateDate started residencyREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.StateClient Signature Address Address StateAddress StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.StateSignature Address Address StateAddress StateREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.SuiteClient Signature Address SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.SuiteSignature Address SuiteAddress SuiteREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.URLClient Signature Address URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.URLSignature Address URLWebsite address or URLREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.ZipClient Signature Address Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.ZipSignature Address Address ZipAddress ZipREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.ZipCombClient Signature Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignAddr.ZipCombSignature Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldREPRep Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignButtonTextSign Button TextSign Button TextQUIKFORMINFOQuik1/13/11 1:00 PMNULLStringNULL
SignDateClient Signature DateClient Signature DateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
SignDateSignature DateSignature DateREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
SignDateSign DateSignature date for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/29/12 9:42 AMNULLSignatureNULL
SignDateDDClient Signature Date DayClient Signature Date DayCLIENTClient Personal Info9/20/16 12:00 AMNULLString31
SignDateMMClient Signature Date MonthClient Signature Date MonthCLIENTClient Personal Info9/20/16 12:00 AMNULLString8
SignDateYYClient Signature Date YearClient Signature Date YearCLIENTClient Personal Info9/20/16 12:00 AMNULLString1984
SignInitialsSign InitialsSigning initials to acknowledge contract termsCLIENTClient Personal Info1/15/11 1:00 PMNULLSignatureJD
SignInitialsSign InitialsSigning initials to acknowledge contract termsREPClient Personal Info1/15/11 1:00 PMNULLSignatureJD
SignInitialsDateSign Initials DateDate signature initials were signedFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/5/18 9:22 PMNULLSignatureNULL
SignInitialsDateDDClient Signature Initials Date DayClient Signature Initials Date DayCLIENTClient Personal Info3/5/18 9:22 PMNULLString31
SignInitialsDateMMClient Signature Initials Date MonthClient Signature Initials Date MonthCLIENTClient Personal Info3/5/18 9:22 PMNULLString8
SignInitialsDateYYClient Signature Initials Date YearClient Signature Initials Date YearCLIENTClient Personal Info3/5/18 9:22 PMNULLString1984
SignNowIf TRUE displays the SignButton field on top of the Submit button.If TRUE displays the SignButton field on top of the Submit button.QUIKFORMINFOQuik1/13/11 1:00 PMNULLEmptyFALSE'
SignOptOptional Signature FieldOptional signature field (Field name format is DataSet.SignOpt.FormID.Instance - e.g. 1own.SignOpt.12345.1)CLIENTClient Personal Info5/8/15 3:12 PMNULLSignatureNULL
SignSubmitURLSign Submit URLSign Submit URLQUIKFORMINFOQuik1/13/11 1:00 PMNULLStringhttp://websvcs.quikforms.com/esign/docusign/sign.asmx
SignTitleSignatory TitleTitle, position or role of the person signing to indicate their authority to signCLIENTEmployer/Education9/29/13 2:00 PMNULLStringCEO
SignTitleSignatory TitleTitle, position or role of the person signing to indicate their authority to signREPEmployer/Education1/16/14 3:00 PMNULLStringCEO
SignTitleSignatory TitleTitle, position or role of the person signing to indicate their authority to signFUNDSOURCEEmployer/Education8/6/14 4:02 PMNULLStringCEO
SignTitleTypeSigner Title TypeType of title for signerCLIENTEmployer/Education4/8/18 8:50 AMNULLBoolean1 = Owner
SIMPLEAdoptionTypeSIMPLE Adoption TypeSIMPLE Adoption TypeACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SIMPLEAmendmentDateSIMPLE Amendment DateSIMPLE Amendment DateACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString1234
SIMPLEBusNameSIMPLE Business NameName of business for SIMPLE IRAACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringQuik
SIMPLEGroupPlanNumberSIMPLE Group Plan NumberEmployer's Group Plan Number for SIMPLE IRAACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
SIMPLENewPlanDateSIMPLE New Plan DateSIMPLE New Plan DateACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLDate2/12/2019
SIMPLEPriorPlanDateSIMPLE Prior Plan DateSIMPLE Prior Plan DateACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLDate2/12/2019
SmokerSmokerSmokerCLIENTClient Personal Info6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Non-Smoker, 2 = Smoker
SolicitedSolicitedIndicates if the account transaction was solicited or unsolicited by the advisor.ACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
SourceAcctAccount Acquisition SourceAccount Acquisition SourceCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringReferral
SourceAcctOtherAccount Acquisition Source OtherAccount Acquisition Source OtherCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringReferral
SourceClientClient Acquisition SourceClient acquisition sourceCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringReferral
SourceClientOtherClient Acquisition Source OtherClient acquisition source otherCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringReferral
SourceIncomeSource of IncomeSource of income if retired or unemployedCLIENTSuitability7/28/06 12:00 AMNULLStringReferral
SourceOfFundsSource of funds for the accountSource of funds for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringBank Account
SpecialPurposeLine1Special Purpose Line 1Special Purpose Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
SpecialPurposeLine2Special Purpose Line 2Special Purpose Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
SpecifiedAdultSpecified AdultDefined by FINRA as (A) a person age 18 or above that is unable to protect his/her own interestsCLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString0=False; 1=True
SponsoringEmployerSponsoring EmployerName of Employer Sponsoring the PlanACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringQuik!
SpouseConsentTypeSpousal Consent FlagIndicates if the proposed applicant/insured/annuitant has given consent for ERISA rights waiver.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringY/N/U
SrcOfFunds401kDistrib401k distribution source of funds401k distribution is the source of funds for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
SrcOfFundsForcedDistribForced distribution source of fundsForced distribution due to retirement, divorce or death is the source of funds for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
SrcOfFundsMoneyMarketMoney market fund source of fundsMoney market fund is the source of funds for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
SrcOfFundsNAVNAV transfer source of fundsNAV transfer is the source of funds for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
SrcOfFundsOtherOther source of fundsOther fund source is the source of funds for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
SrcOfFundsSavingsSavings account source of fundsBank savings or CD is the source of funds for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
SrcOfFundsSecuritiesSale of securities source of fundsSale of securities is the source of funds for the accountFUNDSOURCEFundSource9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1
SSNSocial Security NumberSoc Sec NumberCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AM###-##-####String123-23-2323
SSNSocial Security NumberSocial Security NumberREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AM###-##-####Numeric123456789
SSNSocial Security NumberSoc Sec NumberFUNDSOURCEClient Personal Info8/6/15 5:30 PM###-##-####String123-23-2323
SSN4SSN Last 4 DigitsSocial Security Number Last Four DigitsCLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/14 4:03 PM####String1234
SSN4SSN Last 4 DigitsSocial Security Number Last Four DigitsREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:03 PM####String1234
SSN5SSN Last 5 DigitsSocial Security Number Last Five DigitsCLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/14 4:03 PM####String12345
SSN5SSN Last 5 DigitsSocial Security Number Last Five DigitsREPRep Profile8/6/14 4:03 PM####String12345
SSNTypeSSN TypeIndiciates if SSN contains a Tax IDCLIENTClient Personal Info6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = SSN  2 = TaxID, 3 = Unavailable, 0 = Other
StateFedRegulatorState Federal RegulatorState or Federal RegulatorCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringCalifornia
StateTaxState Tax BracketState Tax BracketCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric18
StateTaxRangeState Tax Bracket RangeState Tax Bracket Range of valuesCLIENTSuitability11/22/07 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1
StateWithholdAmtWithholding AmountThe amount to be withheld if withholding is selectedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000
StateWithholdPercWithholding PercentThe percent to be withheld if withholding is selectedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.25
StateWithholdTypeTax Withholding IndicatorYes or No for withholdingACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = YES, 2 = NO
StaticPortAMAggPercStatic Port Actively Managed Aggressive PercentageStatic Port Actively Managed Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortAMConPercStatic Port Actively Managed Conservative PercentageStatic Port Actively Managed Conservative PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortAMModAggPercStatic Port Actively Managed Moderate Aggressive PercentageStatic Port Actively Managed Moderate Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortAMModConPercStatic Port Actively Managed Moderate Conservative PercentageStatic Port Actively Managed Moderate Conservative PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortAMModPercStatic Port Actively Managed Moderate  PercentageStatic Port Actively Managed Moderate  PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortAMSTPercStatic Port Actively Managed ST PercentageStatic Port Actively Managed ST PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortIndexAggPercStatic Port Index Aggressive PercentageStatic Port Index Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortIndexConPercStatic Port Index Conservative PercentageStatic Port Index Conservative PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortIndexModAggPercStatic Port Index Moderate Aggressive PercentageStatic Port Index Moderate Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortIndexModConPercStatic Port Index Moderate Conservative PercentageStatic Port Index Moderate Conservative PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortIndexModPercStatic Port Index Moderate  PercentageStatic Port Index Moderate  PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortIndexSTPercStatic Port Index ST PercentageStatic Port Index ST PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
StaticPortMMPercStatic Port MM PercentageStatic Port MM PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
SubAcctSub Account NameSub account namePRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringGrowth Fund
SubReportTypeNew Subscription ReportNew Subscription ReportACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SuccessorsPercSuccessors PercentageTotal percentage of Account Designated for SuccessorsACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
SuffixSuffixSuffixCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringSr.
SuffixSuffixSuffixREPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJr.
SuffixSuffixSuffixFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringSr.
SuffixSuffixSuffixLEGALREPClient Personal Info7/22/20 10:53 AMNULLStringSr.
SuitabilityReviewSuitability ReviewedIndicates if agent has performed suitability analysisACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
SweepAcctSweep AccountSweep account for holding balances awaiting investmentACCTAccount9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLStringCore Account
SweepAcctTypeSweep Account TypeType of sweep account used for holding balances awaiting investmentACCTAccount9/20/18 1:56 PMNULLBoolean1 = FCASH
SwitchLetterReqdFASwitchLetterReqdFACheckbox to indicate if a switch letter is required for fixed annuityACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
SwitchLetterReqdMFSwitchLetterReqdMFCheckbox to indicate if a switch letter is required for mutual fundsACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
SwitchLetterReqdULSwitchLetterReqdULCheckbox to indicate if a switch letter is required for universal lifeACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
SwitchLetterReqdVASwitchLetterReqdVACheckbox to indicate if a switch letter is required for variable annuityACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
TaxIDTax IDTax ID if owner is a corporation, trust or other non-person entityCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AM##-#######String12-3232323
TaxStateTax StateTax State is the state the client is taxed in for this accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringCA
TaxStatusTax Filing StatusSingle, MarriedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringS
TaxYearTax YearThe tax year to which the payment is being applied.Relates to Premium Type.ACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric2004
ThirdPartyAcctNumThird Party Account NumberThird-Party Master Account NumberACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
TickerProduct Ticker SymbolProduct Ticker SymbolPRODUCTITEMProduct10/8/05 12:00 AMNULLStringIBM
TitleTypeAssistantSecretaryTitle Type Assistant SecretaryTitle or Capacity of Individual Assistant SecretaryCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeAssistantTreasurerTitle Type Assistant TreasurerTitle or Capacity of Individual Assistant TreasurerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeCEOTitle Type CEOTitle or Capacity of Individual CEOCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeCFOTitle Type CFOTitle or Capacity of Individual CFOCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeChairmanTitle Type ChairmanTitle or Capacity of Individual ChairmanCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeCOOTitle Type COOTitle or Capacity of Individual COOCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeManagerTitle Type ManagerTitle or Capacity of Individual ManagerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeMemberTitle Type MemberTitle or Capacity of Individual MemberCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeOtherTitle Type OtherTitle or Capacity of Individual OtherCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeOtherDescTitle Type Other DescriptionTitle or Capacity of Individual Other DescriptionCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Description
TitleTypeOwnerTitle Type OwnerTitle or Capacity of Individual OwnerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypePartnerTitle Type PartnerTitle or Capacity of Individual PartnerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypePresidentTitle Type PresidentTitle or Capacity of Individual PresidentCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeRepManagerTitle Type Representative ManagerTitle or Capacity of Individual Representative ManagerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeRepMemberTitle Type Representative MemberTitle or Capacity of Individual Representative MemberCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeRepPartnerTitle Type Representative PartnerTitle or Capacity of Individual Representative PartnerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeSecretaryTitle Type SecretaryTitle or Capacity of Individual SecretaryCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeTreasurerTitle Type TreasurerTitle or Capacity of Individual TreasurerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TitleTypeVicePresidentTitle Type Vice PresidentTitle or Capacity of Individual Vice PresidentCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TODAcctStateAccount State for TOD AccountsThe state of tenancy in a transfer on death accountACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLStringCalifornia
TODIndividualExecutionDateTOD Individual Agreement Execution DateTransfer On Death Individual Agreement Execution DateACCTAccount10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLDate1/1/2006
TODJointExecutionDateTOD Joint Agreement Execution DateTransfer On Death Joint Agreement Execution DateACCTAccount10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLDate1/1/2006
TODNumOwnersNumber of Owners TOD AccountNumber of account owners in a transfer on death accountACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLString1
TODOwnerRelationshipOwner Relationship for TOD AccountsRelationship of the owners in a transfer on death accountACCTAccount6/14/13 5:00 PMNULLStringSon
TotalAmtTotal AmountTotal Amount for accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric1000000
TotalAmtTypeTotal Policy Amount Qualifier (for 1035 vs Issue Amount)Total Policy Amount Qualifier (for 1035 vs Issue Amount)ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringERISA
TotalAnnualDistPercTotal Annual Distribution PercentageTotal Annual Distribution PercentageACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
TotalContributionTotal ContributionTotal ContributionACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
TotalIRADistTypeTotal IRA Distribution TypeTotal IRA Distribution TypeACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Cash and Securities
TradeConfirmsTrade ConfirmationsIndicates how trade confirmations are sentACCTAccount6/15/16 1:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TradingAuthTrading AuthorizationTrading AuthorizationACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TradingDisbursementAuthTrading Disbursement AuthorizationTrading and Disbursement Authorization for Checks and JournalsACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TradingObjTrading ObjectiveA trading strategy signifies your approval for that strategy and all the strategies listed above it.ACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Covered Writing
TransactionIDTransaction IDTransaction IDACCTAccount5/12/23 3:05 PMNULLString12345ABCDE
TransferAltInvTransfer Alternative InvestmentsAll or some of the assets are Alternative Investments and a completed Alternative Investment Addendum and Custody Agreement is on file.PRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TransferBrokerageAssetsInKindTypeTransfer Brokerage Assets In Kind TypeTransfer Brokerage Assets In Kind (Full or Partial)PRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TransferOnDeathTransfer on Death FlagIndicates if account shoud transfer on deathACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TransferPurchDateTransferPurchDateOriginal purchase date for the transferred assetsACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLDate9/23/2006
TransferSoldByTransferSoldByCheckbox to indicate who sold the transferred assetsACCTAccount9/27/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Myself
TransferTypeType of TransferTransfer Type (in kind, liquidate)ACCTAccount10/12/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TransferTypeType of TransferTransfer Type (in kind, liquidate)PRODUCTITEMProduct10/12/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TransferType1035TransferType1035Checkbox to indicate the type of asset transfer for 1035 exchangesACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
TransferTypeIRARolloverTransferTypeIRARolloverCheckbox to indicate the type of asset transfer for IRA rollover accountsACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
TransferTypeNonQualTransferTypeNonQualCheckbox to indicate the type of asset transfer for non-qualified accountsACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
TransferTypeQualTransferTypeQualCheckbox to indicate the type of asset transfer for qualified accountsACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
TransferTypeRothTransferTypeRothCheckbox to indicate the type of asset transfer for Roth IRA accountsACCTAccount9/25/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
TransTypeQuik! Transaction TypeQuik! Transaction TypeQUIKFORMINFOQuik6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNew Account
TribeGovernedTrustTribe Governed TrustThis is a tribe-governed trust that is created by the tribe or tribal members on reservation land and under tribal lawsCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TrustAmendDateTrust Amendment DateLatest Amendment DateCLIENTClient Personal Info3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLDate2/12/2019
TrustAmendedTrust AmendedHas the original Trust Agreement been amended?CLIENTClient Personal Info9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TrustAmendRestatedTrust Amend RestatedHas the original Trust Agreement been amended or restated?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TrustCheckingActivityTrust Checking Account ActivityAnticipated activity on Trust checking account (writing checks, ATM withdrawals)ACCTAccount1/8/24 12:28 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TrusteeAppointmentTypeTrustee Appointment TypeTrustee Appointment TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
TrusteeGrantorTrustTrustee Grantor TrustIs this Trustee also a Granter of the Trust?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TrusteeNameTrustee NameName of the person or entity who acts as the beneficiary for the person or entity the role represents (e.g. beneficiary trustee)CLIENTClient Personal Info2/25/22 1:45 PMNULLStringThomas
TrusteeRightsTrustee RightsIndicates if trustees for an account can act independently or must work together to perform account actionsACCTAccount10/13/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0=Other, 1=Independent, 2=Joint
TrusteeTypeTrustee TypeType of TrusteeCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TrustGovernedStateTrust Governed StateState in which the trust is governed byCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringCalifornia
TrustJurisdictionTrust JurisdictionThis Trust is governed by the laws of which jurisdiction?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringCalifornia
TrustOutsideUSTrust Outside USWas this trust organized outside of the Unites States or is this a Statutory Trust?CLIENTClient Personal Info3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString0=False; 1=True
TrustRestatedTrust RestatedHas the original Trust Agreement been restated?CLIENTClient Personal Info9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TrustRestatementDateTrust Restatement DateLatest Restatement DateCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLDate2/12/2019
TrustTypeTrust TypeTrust TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
TWBPercTaxable Wage Base PercentagePercent of the Taxable Wage Base (TWB)ACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric30
UndefinedUndefinedThis field stores all fields that do not have a QFD definitionUSERDEFINEDUserDefined1/20/11 1:00 PMNULLStringtxt1.01
Under10PercOrgOwnershipUnder 10 Percentage Organization OwnershipCheck here if no single individual or Legal Entity/Trust owns >10% of this Organization. You agree to notify Schwab if or when someone owns >10% of the Organization in the future. If checked, complete the following for Authorized Individuals and at least one Control Person (e.g., principals, directors, officers, and managing members). CLIENTClient Personal Info9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
UnearnedIncome.AmtHighUnearned Income High Amount ValueActual or top-end amount in rangeCLIENTSuitability11/1/15 5:58 PMNULLNumericNULL
UnearnedIncome.AmtLowUnearned Income Low Amount ValueLow-end amountCLIENTSuitability11/1/15 5:58 PMNULLNumericNULL
UnearnedIncome.DescUnearned Income DescDescription of the asset or expenseCLIENTSuitability11/1/15 5:58 PMNULLNumericNULL
UnearnedIncome.RangeUnearned Income Range of ValuesRange of valuesCLIENTSuitability11/1/15 5:58 PMNULLNumericNULL
UnearnedIncome.RangeOtherUnearned Income Range of Values OtherRange of values other than indicatedCLIENTSuitability11/1/15 5:58 PMNULLNumericNULL
UnearnedIncome.TimeframeUnearned Income TimeframeTimeframe for when the asset or expense is used or incurredCLIENTSuitability11/1/15 5:58 PMNULLNumericNULL
UnearnedIncome.TypeUnearned Income Type of ValueType of valueCLIENTSuitability11/1/15 5:58 PMNULLNumericNULL
USCentralBankUS Central BankClient represents a US Central BankACCTAccount4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
UseFUWFormsUse Fully Underwritten FormsFlag to indicate if fully underwritten forms should be used regardless of the caseRULERule10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLBooleanTRUE'
UseNewFormsUse New FormsIndicates if new forms should be used because the forms the client has are already outdatedRULERule10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLBooleanTRUE'
User01User Defined Field 01Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User02User Defined Field 02Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User03User Defined Field 03Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User04User Defined Field 04Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User05User Defined Field 05Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User06User Defined Field 06Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User07User Defined Field 07Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User08User Defined Field 08Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User09User Defined Field 09Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User10User Defined Field 10Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User11User Defined Field 11Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User12User Defined Field 12Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User13User Defined Field 13Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User14User Defined Field 14Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User15User Defined Field 15Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User16User Defined Field 16Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User17User Defined Field 17Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User18User Defined Field 18Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User19User Defined Field 19Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User20User Defined Field 20Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User21User Defined Field 21Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User22User Defined Field 22Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User23User Defined Field 23Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User24User Defined Field 24Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User25User Defined Field 25Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User26User Defined Field 26Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User27User Defined Field 27Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User28User Defined Field 28Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User29User Defined Field 29Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User30User Defined Field 30Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User31User Defined Field 31Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User32User Defined Field 32Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User33User Defined Field 33Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User34User Defined Field 34Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User35User Defined Field 35Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User36User Defined Field 36Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User37User Defined Field 37Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User38User Defined Field 38Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User39User Defined Field 39Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User40User Defined Field 40Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User41User Defined Field 41Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User42User Defined Field 42Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User43User Defined Field 43Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User44User Defined Field 44Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User45User Defined Field 45Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User46User Defined Field 46Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User47User Defined Field 47Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User48User Defined Field 48Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User49User Defined Field 49Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
User50User Defined Field 50Hidden user-defined field that users of Quik! Enterprise Software can define and use to pass values with form dataUSERDEFINEDUserDefined6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringUser defined
UserIDQuik! User IDQuik! User ID (assigned by Quik! Enterprise database)QUIKFORMINFOQuik3/15/08 12:00 AMNULLNumeric12346091
UsernameQuik! Customer's UsernameQuik! Customer's UsernameQUIKFORMINFOQuik7/12/06 12:00 AMNULLStringA12345
USRegBDU.S. Registered Broker DealerYou are associated with a U.S. registered Broker-Dealer that is different than the Broker-Dealer that will hold this account.CLIENTSuitability12/20/23 1:17 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
USRegIAU.S. Registered Investment AdvisorYou are associated with a U.S. Registered Investment Advisor.CLIENTSuitability12/20/23 1:17 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
USRegICU.S. Registered Investment CompanyYou are associated with a U.S. Registered Investment Company.CLIENTSuitability12/20/23 1:17 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
USRegisteredBDUS Registered Broker DealerUS Registered Broker DealerCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
VM.Addr1Voicemail Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Addr123Voicemail Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Addr1234Voicemail Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Addr2Voicemail Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Addr3Voicemail Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Addr4Voicemail Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.AddrTypeVoicemail Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.AddrUnitTypeVoicemail Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.AttnVoicemail Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.CityVoicemail Address CityAddress CityCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.CityStateVoicemail City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.CityStateZipVoicemail City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.CountryVoicemail CountryCountryCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.CountyVoicemail CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.EmailVoicemail Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.EndDateVoicemail End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.FaxVoicemail FaxFaxCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.FaxCombVoicemail Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.ForeignRouteVoicemail Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.FullAddrVoicemail Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.MobileVoicemail MobileMobileCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Mobile0Voicemail Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Mobile1Voicemail Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Mobile2Voicemail Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Mobile3Voicemail Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.MobileCombVoicemail Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.OtherVoicemail OtherOther phoneCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.PagerVoicemail PagerPagerCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.PhoneVoicemail PhonePhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Phone0Voicemail Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Phone0CombVoicemail Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Phone1Voicemail Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Phone1CombVoicemail Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Phone2Voicemail Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Phone2CombVoicemail Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Phone3Voicemail Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.Phone3CombVoicemail Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.PhoneCombVoicemail Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.PhoneExtVoicemail Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.PhoneNumFormatVoicemail Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.PrimaryAddressVoicemail Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.PrimaryEmailVoicemail Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.PrimaryPhoneVoicemail Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.StartDateVoicemail Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.StateVoicemail Address StateAddress StateCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.SuiteVoicemail SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.URLVoicemail URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.ZipVoicemail Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VM.ZipCombVoicemail Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringNULL
VolatilityToleranceVolatility ToleranceD. The degree to which the value of an investment rises and falls is referred to as its "volatility." With respect to your investments, how much volatility are you willing to accept?CLIENTInvestment Profile9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WalkInClientWalk In ClientClient met after walking in off streetCLIENTAdvisor Suitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLStringYes
WD.AcctNameSystematic Withdrawals Account NameName of account or fund to distribute funds toACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.AmtSystematic Withdrawals AmountPayment amountACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.DistTypeSystematic Withdrawals Distribution TypePeriodic Distribution TypeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.EndPmtDateSystematic Withdrawals End Payment DateDate of final payment or when periodic payments endACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.FirstPmtDateSystematic Withdrawals First Payment DateDate of first paymentACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.FreqSystematic Withdrawals Payment FrequencyFrequency to perform paymentsACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.InstrSystematic Withdrawals Payment InstructionsInstructions for paymentsACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.MethodSystematic Withdrawals Payment MethodMethod to distribute paymentACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.MethodAcctNumSystematic Withdrawals Account NumberAccount number to distribute payments to/fromACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.MethodAddrSystematic Withdrawals Name and AddressName and address to distribute paymentsACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Addr1Systematic Withdrawals Address Address Line 1Address Line 1ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Addr123Systematic Withdrawals Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Addr1234Systematic Withdrawals Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Addr2Systematic Withdrawals Address Address Line 2Address Line 2ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Addr3Systematic Withdrawals Address Address Line 3Address Line 3ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Addr4Systematic Withdrawals Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.AddrTypeSystematic Withdrawals Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.AddrUnitTypeSystematic Withdrawals Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.AttnSystematic Withdrawals Address Attention LineAttention address lineACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.CitySystematic Withdrawals Address Address CityAddress CityACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.CityStateSystematic Withdrawals Address City StateCity State combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.CityStateZipSystematic Withdrawals Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.CountrySystematic Withdrawals Address CountryCountryACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.CountySystematic Withdrawals Address CountyCounty or ProvinceACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.EmailSystematic Withdrawals Address Email AddressEmail AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.EndDateSystematic Withdrawals Address End DateDate ended residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.FaxSystematic Withdrawals Address FaxFaxACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.FaxCombSystematic Withdrawals Address Fax CombFax Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.ForeignRouteSystematic Withdrawals Address Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.FullAddrSystematic Withdrawals Address Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.MobileSystematic Withdrawals Address MobileMobileACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Mobile0Systematic Withdrawals Address Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Mobile1Systematic Withdrawals Address Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Mobile2Systematic Withdrawals Address Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Mobile3Systematic Withdrawals Address Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.MobileCombSystematic Withdrawals Address Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.OtherSystematic Withdrawals Address OtherOther phoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.PagerSystematic Withdrawals Address PagerPagerACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.PhoneSystematic Withdrawals Address PhonePhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Phone0Systematic Withdrawals Address Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Phone0CombSystematic Withdrawals Address Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Phone1Systematic Withdrawals Address Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Phone1CombSystematic Withdrawals Address Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Phone2Systematic Withdrawals Address Phone PrefixPhone PrefixACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Phone2CombSystematic Withdrawals Address Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Phone3Systematic Withdrawals Address Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.Phone3CombSystematic Withdrawals Address Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.PhoneCombSystematic Withdrawals Address Phone CombPhone Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.PhoneExtSystematic Withdrawals Address Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.PhoneNumFormatSystematic Withdrawals Address Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.PrimaryAddressSystematic Withdrawals Address Primary AddressPrimary AddressACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.PrimaryEmailSystematic Withdrawals Address Primary EmailPrimary EmailACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.PrimaryPhoneSystematic Withdrawals Address Primary PhonePrimary PhoneACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.StartDateSystematic Withdrawals Address Start DateDate started residencyACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.StateSystematic Withdrawals Address Address StateAddress StateACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.SuiteSystematic Withdrawals Address SuiteAddress SuiteACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.URLSystematic Withdrawals Address URLWebsite address or URLACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.ZipSystematic Withdrawals Address Address ZipAddress ZipACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.O.ZipCombSystematic Withdrawals Address Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.PmtDestTypeSystematic Withdrawals Payment Destination TypeDestination type for the payment (e.g. address of record, alternate payee, alternate address)ACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WD.RequestTypeSystematic Withdrawals Request TypePeriodic Distributions Request TypeACCTInvestment Profile10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
WealthSourceCapitalGainsWealth Source Capital GainsWealth Source Capital GainsCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceDispositionAssetsWealth Source Disposition AssetsWealth Source Disposition of AssetsCLIENTSuitability8/16/23 6:55 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceFamilyInheritanceWealth Source Family InheritanceWealth Source Family, Relatives, InheritanceCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceGamblingWealth Source GamblingWealth Source GamblingCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceGiftsWealth Source GiftsWealth Source GiftsCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceInventionWealth Source InventionWealth Source Invention, PatentCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceInvestorAssetsContributionWealth Source Investor Assets ContributionWealth Source Investor Assets ContributionCLIENTSuitability8/16/23 6:55 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceLitigationAwardWealth Source Litigation AwardWealth Source Litigation AwardCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceLotteryWealth Source LotteryWealth Source LotteryCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceOrgIncomeWealth Source Organization IncomeWealth Source Organization IncomeCLIENTSuitability8/16/23 6:55 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceOrgOfferingWealth Source Organization OfferingWealth Source Organization OfferingCLIENTSuitability8/16/23 6:55 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourcePrivatePlacementWealth Source Private PlacementWealth Source Private PlacementCLIENTSuitability8/16/23 6:55 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceSalaryWealth Source SalaryWealth Source Salary, Wages, SavingsCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceSaleWealth Source SaleWealth Source Sale of Property or BusinessCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceSalePropertyWealth Source Sale PropertyWealth Source Sale of PropertyCLIENTSuitability8/16/23 6:55 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WealthSourceSSBenefitsWealth Source Social Security BenefitsWealth Source Social Security BenefitsCLIENTSuitability8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
WeightClient WeightClient WeightCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFree flow text
Wire2ndBankInfoWire 2nd Bank InfoWire Second Bank InformationFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
WireABANumWire ABA Routing NumberABA routing number for wire recipient bankFUNDSOURCEFundSource4/7/22 12:58 PMNULLString1234-52343
WireAcctNumWire Account NumberAccount number at wire recipient bankFUNDSOURCEFundSource4/7/22 12:58 PMNULLStringABC12300
WireAmtWire AmountWire AmountFUNDSOURCEFundSource4/26/22 12:36 PMNULLString100000
WireBRWire Branch Address and PhoneWire recipient bank branch addressFUNDSOURCEFundSource4/7/22 12:58 PMNULLStringBranch Address Fields
WireCompanyWire CompanyWire recipient bank nameFUNDSOURCEFundSource4/7/22 12:58 PMNULLStringBank of Someplace
WireDateProjected Wire DateProjected date when wire transfer will take place.PRODUCTITEMProduct10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLDate12/22/2010
WireFirstPartyWire FirstPartyWire First PartyFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
WireFurtherCredNameWire Further Credit NameWire Further Credit NameFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
WireFurtherCredNumWire Further Credit NumberWire Further Credit NumberFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
WirePurposeWire PurposeWire PurposeFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLStringFunding an account
WirePurpose2Wire Purpose Line 2Wire Purpose Line 2FUNDSOURCEFundSource3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLStringFunding an account
WireRegWire RegistrationWire RegistrationFUNDSOURCEFundSource4/26/22 12:36 PMNULLStringChecking for ABC Corp
WireStandingInstrWire StandingInstrStanding Instructions For Wire RequestFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringUse these wire instructions for future wires
WireThirdPartyWire ThirdPartyWire Third PartyFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
WireUltBeneNameWire Ultimate Beneficiary NameWire Ultimate Beneficiary NameFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
WithholdAmtTypeWithholding Amount TypeDefines whether the withholding is for State or Federal taxesACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNone
WithholdCompanyStockInfoWithhold Company Stock InformationWithhold this information from the companies in which you own stock where permitted by law.CLIENTClient Personal Info4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
YearMetClientYear Client Was MetYear the client was met by the repCLIENTAdvisor Suitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLString1998
YearsKnownYears Client Has Been KnownYears Client Has Been KnownCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric10
WirePurposeWire PurposeWire PurposeFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLStringFunding an account
WirePurpose2Wire Purpose Line 2Wire Purpose Line 2FUNDSOURCEFundSource3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLStringFunding an account
WireRegWire RegistrationWire RegistrationFUNDSOURCEFundSource4/26/22 12:36 PMNULLStringChecking for ABC Corp
WireStandingInstrWire StandingInstrStanding Instructions For Wire RequestFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLStringUse these wire instructions for future wires
WireThirdPartyWire ThirdPartyWire Third PartyFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
WireUltBeneNameWire Ultimate Beneficiary NameWire Ultimate Beneficiary NameFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString1
WithholdAmtTypeWithholding Amount TypeDefines whether the withholding is for State or Federal taxesACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNone
YearMetClientYear Client Was MetYear the client was met by the repCLIENTAdvisor Suitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLString1998
YearsKnownYears Client Has Been KnownYears Client Has Been KnownCLIENTAdvisor Suitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric10

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