Select Advisor To Fill On Forms
When it comes time to generate your forms, you will need to choose which advisor information to display on the forms. From the Advisor drop-down list, choose the advisor you want to display on the forms. In the Advisor Number drop-down list, choose the advisor number you want to use
NOTE: If the form includes a place for an insurance license number, it will automatically fill in.
If you have multiple advisors on your account and you need more than one advisor to appear on the form, then choose the additional advisor (up to 6) from the second drop-down that dynamically appears after you select the primary advisor.
Individual Advisor
By default Quik! Transaction Manager is set up to generate forms for an individual advisor. With the Individual Advisor radio button selected, each advisor you choose will be displayed as a unique advisor on the form when required. If the form that is being filled out only asks for the primary advisor, then the advisor number 1 (the first drop-down list) will be displayed. Advisor 2 (through 6) will only appear on the form when the form specifically contains fields for advisor 2 (through 6).
Split Business
In the cases where you are filling out a form under a split business code and you want multiple advisor names to appear on forms, select the Split Business radio button. This will cause the advisor names to appear together in the primary advisor field as "Advisor 1 Full Name, Advisor 2 Full Name" (e.g. "Tom Trustman, John Trustman"). The advisor number that will display on the form will be the one selected for Advisor 1.
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