Step 2: Choose Clients

Step 2: Choose Clients

The second step in the process of generating forms is to select clients. If you want to generate blank forms with just your advisor information, skip this step. Otherwise use this step to prefill client data on the forms.
When you click on the Clients icon, the screen below appears. On the left, is your client list. You will be prompted to select a form (unless you're continuing from step 1 and have already done so).

Match Clients To Client Roles

Once you've selected a form, you can add clients to roles on the form. To assign a client to a role, highlight his/her name on the list of clients and then click "Add" next to the desired role. Only the roles relevant to the particular form will be listed so assign as many as you can during this pre-fill step. If there is a scroll bar on the right side of the Role Selection box, scroll down to see additional roles.

Alternate Clients

When filling out a form sometimes you need alternate client records and/or their data (e.g. address). To make alternate data available to your form without putting a client into a role on the form, add the client to the Alternate Clients role and the data for that client will be sent to the form and available in the "+" (plus) sign next to a client data block on the form.
In the example below, the + sign next to the Name ("Tim Duncan") was clicked and it shows all the data sent to the form, including Jane Smith who was added as Alternate Client 1.

For more information, see the section titled, "Choose Clients to Fill On Forms".
When you are finished assigning roles, click "Next" or the Generate icon.

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