Manage Users

Manage Users

Although Quik! Transaction Manager is licensed by advisor, you can create as many different user accounts as necessary to use the software. If you only have one person in your office then there won't be any need to add additional users. But if you have an assistant or team of people who may need to be able to generate forms on behalf of one or more advisors, then you might want to consider adding more users to your account (for free).


The benefit of adding users to your system is security and user control. If you have an assistant who quits and that person was using your primary username and password, then for security reasons you would have to change your password (which you should do regularly anyway). However, if that assistant had their own account all you would need to do is terminate their user account in Quik!. Additionally you can control their access to parts of the overall system.

User Types

When you set up a user, you will assign them one role in each Quik! application but you will also define the user according to a User Type. The user type is merely a categorization of who that user is for you. The choices are:

  • Assistant – a staff person who is in a support role to an advisor
  • Compliance – a compliance officer
  • Corporate – an internal corporate user (home office, back-office, etc)
  • End User – anyone who is just an end-user of the system
  • Executive – an executive in your company who is overseeing the product
  • None – you can choose to not classify someone by using "None"
  • SysAdmin – A system administrator for you and/or your account

Add New User

To add a new user to Quik! you need to visit the Manage Users page on the Quik! website (starting either at the Quik! Customer Central website or from within the Quik! Transaction Manager desktop version). From within the desktop version, click the Manage Users icon in the Configure Quik! section of the Home page or the "Manage Users" link on the Collapsible menu .

The Manage Users web page will appear in a new window.
To start at the website, go to the Quik! website (quikforms.com) and log in. In Customer Central, click on the Account Management drop-down menu. Select " Setup and Manage Users".
The Manage Users web page gives you control over your users for Quik! Transaction Manager. You can add new users, change/assign user roles, expire users and perform many other functions. To add a user click the "Add A User" link and follow the prompts.

NOTE: If a user already exists but does not have a role for Quik! Transaction Manager you do NOT need to add the user again – click the Quik! Customer Central menu bar link instead and then click on the Manage Users menu to see the user. Then select the desired user(s) and click the Assign User Role to assign the user(s) rights to use Quik! Transaction Manager (see image below).

The "Add User" workflow will first prompt you to choose the application to associate a user to. Choose Quik! Transaction Manager from the drop-down list.
NOTE: If you choose Quik! Customer Central, the user will not be able to use Quik! Transaction Manager until you assign that role to them.

The next screen will prompt you to enter the user's information starting with their base user role. The Base User Role is the role you want the new user to have in Quik! Transaction Manager. The roles are:

  • Reporter – a user who can only run reports
  • User – a standard user of the software
  • User Admin – a standard user who has rights to add more users
  • Customer Admin – the administrative user for your customer account (e.g. your IT person, your office manager, etc).

You are not required to make someone a Customer Admin or User Admin for them to use the software to it's fullest, you only need to use these higher-level roles if you want the user to manage your customer account.

Enter all the information on this web page and then click the CONTINUE button to add the user.

Edit User

User records in Quik! can be edited from the Manage Users screen by clicking the Edit button next to the user you wish to edit.

The edit web page will appear where you can make changes and then click Continue.
The Manage Users web page also allows you to affect other changes to user accounts such as changing their role, status, type, reset failed login attempts, etc. (depending on your user rights).
NOTE: The original user who signed up for the account is considered the Master User and their role in Quik! Customer Central cannot be changed – the original user will always have a role of Administrator.

Remove/Terminate User

If you wish to remove a user from your account you can choose to either Expire the user (does not delete the user, only terminates their account) or to Delete the user. To expire a user choose the user(s) and click the Expire Users link and follow the instructions.

To delete a user choose the user(s) and click the Delete button.

NOTE: You must have at least one user on your account!

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